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Found 4 results

  1. Hi All, Just got a quick question, my company is looking at introducing one of those staff boards that publicly shows your photo and your name. Im not very keen on this as i do not like my picture taken, but also i dont want my details shown on multiple sites i cover. Obviously I had had my picture taken previously for staff ID etc, but that was for internal things only and not fully public facing. Can they try to force me into this?
  2. A friend of mine took some digital photo images whilst in Greece recently; of some strange phenomena in the sky. Before seeking opinions from the media on what they are, can anyone tell me how to protect ownership of the images please ? thank you
  3. Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can offer a little help and advice. I wish to serve a SAR on the bank that previously held my mortgages (I had two linked to the same property, due to undergoing a - relatively amicable - divorce and being obliged to buy my spouse's interest in the house - who had no desire for the property...just the cash). I've lost all of the documentation, pertaining to said mortgages. I would like copies of the original offer and subsequent agreement along with all terms and conditions (including those if/as and when they may have been amended). Additionally, I want the bank to provide a full list of mortgage repayments made by me and received by them along with details/notes of any and all communications between our parties, howsoever conducted (written, telephone, carrier-pigeon etc.,) as well as any manual notes and/or interventions which may have occurred with regard to my account, throughout the term of the mortgage. Does such a SAR template already exist or is there any member of the forum who may help me to properly draft a suitable Subject Access Request? I'd be extremely grateful for any help/advice/referrals. Many thanks. Jib T
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