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Everything posted by Allyxia

  1. Oh grazel please dont upset him!!!! Dellar tell you what you can have my cheque then!
  2. My wooly got settled about 20 days before the hearing -maybe they are just feeling festive!!! Again with dry humour!
  3. ha ha hey what can I say you guys you keep me coming back for more!!!!! Must be your aftershave!!!! See dellars not around here then?
  4. yeh they were going all the way withme as well - even told me on the phone see you in court!!! Im gutted as my sexy specs were all ready for another showdown!!! Anyway nice fat cheque cashing as Itype!! Defend all the way - yeh right!!
  5. At last Dellar and westy on the same thread and they not sobbing into their pints - must be a christmas mirical!!!
  6. Its a thought - I still dontundersatdn why private companies arent covered by the HRA? Then again Im not a lawyer.
  7. Oh goodness mr melancholy is in here as well. Dellar what am i going to do with you hon!!! Eh Im sure you doing this so I wont leave!!!
  8. Yes I had to sign for mine as well hon!!! Registered post!!! calm down I beleive you will have your cash by xmas!!
  9. I agree they will wont their money back however as I have learned my account which is £280 over drawn they wrote that account number on my cheque but HSBC still accepted the cheque as it also had my name on. So what Im going to do when it clears is send natwest a cheque to clear and close the account!
  10. Coemnon you guys I leave you for a day or two and its liek sucide corner in here if nothing else I shown that you willget your dosh back and you can go to court to win!! Is this your pair sad attempt to keep me online just so i can cheevy you along? Its working!
  11. Bet they will cough up before then hon!
  12. Just to let you all know _ and spread the word when your cheque comes - even if they put your account number on it - you can still bank it in another account!!!! They did this to me despite having no Natwest account for 4 year and I paid it into HSBC today!!!
  13. No muggins they wont dont panic hon! We all felt this way whilst our claim was going through - just check the early posts in my thread. I did get the court date and they settled as you know 2 days ago. But dont worry about it too much as Ive already been to court and WON so if you get stuck I dont mind giving you some moral support!!! It wont get to that though not with Natwest - look on the bright side you ar a step closer to getting your cash back!!
  14. Hi tony fox (bev) BY Pm your link I meant that if you send the link to your thread to me everytime you post a question on your thread I will automatically have a link to it (it saves time searching through all the threads in the natwest forum) and then I can answer your question ON YOUR THREAD as I have always done for people - quicker. People used post their links up on thread such as this but they were getting told off for hijacking. But as this is my thread feel free to post your link up here - that is if you still want me to help you!
  15. I dint mean you dellar!!! Or all the other people who have said congrats!!!!!
  16. hiya sadie just ot let you know ive had settlement from natwest so keep your chin up hun!
  17. Dda Bor Chi - Goodbye to you Hoil yng frind - ta ta my friend Remember it doesnt always make sence when translated word by word!
  18. yeh thanks for congrats all!!! Its no wonder I not hanging around this site isnt it really!!!
  19. tellyou tom well you already know remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gota go now Dda bor chi!! Hoil yng frynd!
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