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Everything posted by Trojan1401

  1. I'm afraid the above2 posts are 100% correct. I would discuss however with someone sensible at NU i.e. in the UK, the situation and it may be that the claims are near conclusion. If that is the case, they may defer payment of the AP for a reasonable time. Have you recovered your excess ? If so that is an indication that there will be 100% recovery.
  2. jjandbump Have a look at this thred giving details etc in declining a partial offer http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/25716-rejecting-offers.html
  3. CE2, You state that you parked the car in a shared courtyard, what are the rights of parking there. As a resident, do you not have a right to park ? If not, what are the parking rules ? Are there signs etc displayed ?
  4. m.j. Keep cool, for such a relative amount secured against your home, I doubt they would obtain judgement in their favour...unless you do nothing. When you took out the loan, how long was it for and how much do you have left to pay ? Is it possible to arrange a non-secured loan to pay this bank ? Do you still have a mortgage & if so, after 20 years paying I would suspect there is ample equity to perhaps remortgage or add secured loan to it. Obviously I am unaware of your personal circs but hope the above starts you off in the right direction. No doubt other ideas & advice re creditor will follow.
  5. Good news. Unfortunately DCAs will try this on time & time again as some people will just pay up. I suppose their view being they may as well try. I bet a lot are now getting a bit P'd off now that more and more people are prepared to challenge especially with the help and support of sites such as this. Good luck with Barclays...hope their profits can take it
  6. ICY, They are talking rubbish !!! How can they close the system a couple of months after renewal date ? They should still hve on record inception data showing 2 years NCD. On lapsing, it does not take a rocket scientist to calculate that adding 1 claim free year equals 3 years NCD. I've just checked their website & are open today 10 to 4pm. Give them a quick call & tell them that. Alternatively, ask for NIGs number & call them in the morning if these guys are too inept to do a simple job. Only e-mail adress I could find is as per below. admin@directchoice.co.uk I would ring them first though
  7. ICY, Quick question, did NIG issue the PoB or TP. This appears to me just to be an error by the clerk. i.e when policy lapsed, your records on the computer would show Nil with claim outstanding. Someone may have just looked & saw claim settled, NCD was at nil so issued 1 year NCD. If this is the xase, a quick phone call should rectify. Tell them at inception/renewal of the policy you had 2 years NCD, now the claim is settled the should read 3 years. Hopefully it will be as simple as that. Any probs just shout.
  8. Hi, Just thought I'd add my own views on this and to clear a point. I know it sounds trivial however, was the photo which was put on MySpace one taken at the official summer ball mentioned above ? Not clear from your post. If it was, then there may be some recourse by the company but certainly not as severe as this. If not then it has absolutely nothing to do with the employer - especially where there is no mention of them at all. I'm afraid that they do appear to be hiding behing the "Harrasment" act and are IMO definately wrong. I suggest he writes / e-mails to Head office HR providing full details inc. names of the management etc who have dismissed him insisting on reinstatement and the opportunity to provide full version of events etc. He should also state that you aree seeking professional advice with regard to starting an appeal through an Industrial tribunal. Having just read the link to the Daily Mail,doubt that the retailer would want any further adverse publicity. Might also be worth pinging an e-mail to the author of the report. The above is my personal view only so I do strongly recommend you seek profesional advice. Good luck on this though.
  9. Hi Icy, just read through the thread and appreciate the problems you have encountered & hopefully may be able to assist in some way. Direct Choice ( Actually Taylor Price & Co ) are a broker and would have would have placed your insurance with one of their nominated providers. The issue with the deferred NCD is simply down to the fact that your insurer has yet to recover their outlay from the Third Party Insurers. This is normal and accepted practice as you have made a claim under your insurance policy and until such a time as they recover costs in full, your NCD will be deferred i.e demmed an "at fault" claim. However, as the Tesco Ins have admitted full liability then recovery should be straight forward. Who was the insurance actually placed with. It may be worth contacting the Insurer to see if all costs incurred have actually been recovered. There may be an issue between the insurers that TP are unaware of ( even though they should as that's what they are paid for !!) - Did you have an excess (and any other uninsured loss & have you recovered this ? Has the hire company recovered their outlay ? If these have not yet been recovered both insurers may still deem claim to be still outstanding & continue to defer your NCD until claim closed in full. You did state that you did not purchase ULR so as you know the details of the insurer/policy number etc of the Third Party then simply write to them with a copy of the invioce requesting your excess back. Hope this helps
  10. Hi Keith, Hopefully I can shed some light on this. Firstly, Homeserve are correct in what they say, Section B, part 9 of the wording excludes repair/replacement etc to fixtures & fittings. Any such repair would fall within the Buildings Policy and not the Contents policy. However, you will need to check the wording of your Buildings policy carefully and any extensions you opted for. Whether you are covered will depend upon if "tracing / repair" of leaks/bursts etc form part of the standard policy wording or must be included as an add on such as Accidental Dameage etc. Swinton is a broker, can you therefore confirm who the actual insurer is & I'll look at the policy. Also confirm if you have standard cover only or enhanced covers and to what level. The event you state is insurable but as is dependent upon the level of cover you bought when taking out the policy if it is not within the standard wording.
  11. Corazon, Can you confirm whether the letter that came with the cheque stated "full & final settlement." If it did, do not cash the cheque but write back stating that you do not accept this however will be prepared to accept as partial settlement. Re work done on car prior to MoT, copy receipts & also forward a recent photo if possible to prove pre acc condition. Unfortunately, I do not have access to Glasses Guide however if you provide make, model, year & mileage, I'm sure someone will be able to provide a guide price. Also check some websites for similar models. Hope this helps.
  12. Hi Special Kay, Certainly CCA them and also start a new thread providing some detail which can be followed.
  13. Good result so far....start counting the days
  14. Hi Anywhere. You've come to the right place for advice & I'm sure someone "more qualified" will be along soon. However, to get the ball rolling ;- 1. Have you statements relating to these debts & does the debt(s) include penalty charges etc. If you don't have statements, send a DPA request to each lender/cc company - see template library. 2. CCA each one to obtain copies of agreements & see if enforceable. 3. Finally, have a good read around the forum where there is an abundance of good advice. Personally, I would not borrow from family but agree a payment strategy with each creditor after you've DPA &CCA'd them. Hope this helps a bit.
  15. Cunard, Firstly, could you repost your thread in the Debt Collectors Forum where there are some good guys who will offer comprehensive advice when dealing with DCAs. However, reading through this thread, I would suspect that the "debt" is not enforceable & simply trying it on. CCA them for £1 & see what response you get. At the moment though, do not pay up. Hold fire & I'm sure a fuller reply will be forthcoming from one of our more learned friends on this subject.
  16. IRegarding the charges, my impression is that these have not yet been applied to the "debt" so I would hope that if an agreement can be made with the council then the costs associated with the summons would not be applied. Perhaps Alphageek could clarify this in due course.
  17. Have you rang Cabot ? Suggest a quick call to them asking them if cheque issued & when can it be expected ? Refer to the letter you received sating that they have agreed in full to the claim. Don't refer to the online statement yet, speak to them as if you haven't checked.
  18. Call me cynical but why does this not suprise me !! For motor insurance, the PO use Budget Insurance (BISL Ltd) to place policies on their behalf. Budget inturn are a broker in their own right who on behalf of the PO will have placed your policy with an Insurer in their own right. Check your certificate and the actual insurer will be stated probably at the bottom. The problem hear appears to be one of a line of communication. The PO is responsible to pay your £50 as it is their promotion and paid out of the commission they receive from Budget. How they get their comm paid may be monthly or quarterly, I don't know. Did you pay in full or via an instalment plan. If instalments then I suspect there will be a 4th party involved in the process. Have you received the full policy ? i.e certificate, policy schedule & motor policy full T&Cs ? If the latter then all parties have agreed to contract therefore there is no reason why you should not have your £50. The initial contract is with the PO & if they state that your £50 would arrive within 28 days then it is actually down to them. However, check the small print...is it 28 days from the policy issue date or 28 days from the attachment date i.e. when you agreed to incept policy via PO & initial payment made to bind cover ? Even so, IMO, they are simply stalling. Fire off a complaint stating policy number etc to consultation@royalmail.com This is the main contact for complaints involving PO products & services. I hope this has helped in some way. If so, please give my scales a quick click.
  19. Yes, there is no reason why you cannot do this. If you do not have statements, request copies of your statements using the template letter in the Library. If you know the amount, send the LBA letter immediately. Any problems just ask...lots of help here.
  20. Hi, I agree with Cazz on this. Generally PNCD will allow up to 2 claims to be made within a 2 or 3 year period without loss of NCD. However, some insurers may reduce to nil if 3 claims in one policy period. Depending upon the NU policy, they may have different variations. A call to NU should clarify ( UK not Mumbai !!!! ). One thought though, if the 3rd accident was minor, do you know the costs. It may be worthwhile repaying them the outlay to preserve your max NCD. I would only do this though providing no Third Party involved.
  21. I suspect here that no-one noted the reason for cancellation on your records. It would appear that they have cancelled on a Short Period rate which is a percentage of the annual premium. Where cancelletion was enforced i.e. as policy terms would not allow a person under 21 to drive, they should cancel pro-rata hence why it was originally said that as DDs were up to date, no additional amount would be required if cancelled. I think a letter outlining the situation should suffice. Any problems, let us know & may be able to help further.
  22. Repro, Yes, it would be easier but why give someone 25% of your money stolen from you by the greedy banks ? Keep at 'em
  23. Repro, It does seem daunting but above advice is good. Set aside an hour or two a week and start off 2 or 3 at a time. All the template letters are here and plenty free help. Start a thread in each of the financial institutions and if in doubt about anything, someone will help. Go for it yourself & think how good you will feel when you get your money back -- Yourself !!! Good Luck & Happy Hunting.
  24. Councils make my blood boil but I won't go into that yet !! From your post above, the court has advised that the council will apply for the additional costs therefore court has not yet actually ruled. I would do 2 things. 1. Ring court & advise that you are in discussion with council 2. Go to the council offices & make a payment direct to them and get a receipt. Make an offer to pay the arrears if possible spread over the remaining 7 months ( 3rd payment would've been due 1/6 if paying by instalments ) I can't see any reason why they will not accept this. It is in their interest to agree but hey, since when has a Local Authority done the sensible thing !!
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