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Everything posted by Maggie_moo

  1. There's a few more weeks yet, we might get some more caggers coming, do we know where we're meeting up yet? I think Hils mentioned the train station?
  2. If you can get someone to help you write a letter to TC's that would be good. Send them a list of your incoming's and outgoing's and make an offer of payment you can reasonably stick to. Send this by recorded delivery so you can track your letter and keep a copy yourself.
  3. Hi sar2004, welcome to Cag My goodness you have been through a bad time You are in the right place to start sorting through your troubles, you will have lots of support and there are many caggers with plenty of experience to help you, not to mention getting some new friends Firstly could you make a list of your debts and how much, starting with the working tax as this appears to be the most important. Each debt can be looked at and dealt with seperately. I know it seems impossible at the moment but you will be able to deal with this, trust me with the guidance of, frankly, the wonderfully caring people on here soon things will not feel as dark as they do now. Do you get any support with your son? Have you seen your doctor recently with your depression?
  4. Could be the start of a beautiful friendship........ I'm definately going, I'm just a few miles down the road.
  5. Jan4a, I would gladly help, however what I know about PPI could be written on the back of a postage stamp And MTM - stop showing off
  6. Well I want another green blob My single one is very lonely
  7. The naughty step is quite the best place to sit, the quietest place in the house Btw Lastie Postie
  8. As my social calendar is not exactly bursting at the seams, any suits me so I'll wait for a decision and just show up
  9. Having had letters from them myself I would be inclined to send them this: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/resources/templates-library/86-debt-collectors/573-general-debt-letter-if-you-know-nothing-of-the-debt I was pretty close to being Statute Barred, once I sent this I never heard from them again. They buy up old debts for a pittance. As Slick132 says if they still continue to send you letters CCA them.
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