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Everything posted by Maggie_moo

  1. I was speaking generally rather than being specific to Kirby, but yes, firms should absolutely be responsible for the conduct of their employees and commission-driven salesmen can pressurise into an unwanted sale. Some salesmen are very good at targeting the vulnerable, and would not treat an 18 stone on-the-ball bloke the same as an elderly lady for example. I did once have my carpets cleaned years ago by Kirby as a demonstration but I wasn't that impressed. The only thing that sticks in my memory was that the salesman was rather attractive and I spent a lovely afternoon having a good old flirt!
  2. I watched this first time, missed it on the telly though but watched it on the lappy! Very moving, and also fascinating personally for me as it was about older boys, my son is a lot younger. Seeing them struggle, particularly Thomas, was heart-rending, I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. The teenage years are difficult enough without having Autism thrown in for good measure . I dearly wish there were more documentaries like this.
  3. I beg to differ Buzby, there are vulnerable people who actually do not know how to say 'no' or really know what they are getting in to. I've seen elderly folk conned and what really makes me mad is they feel stupid or foolish! Not everyone had the mental capacity to understand what they are really signing for.
  4. Yep once again the last post appears to be mine.....
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