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Everything posted by Maggie_moo

  1. Could Tilly be trying to tell us something? Spammie, lmao, where do you find them all?
  2. Ditto from me as from everyone else, As one (I hope) of your many 'virtual' friends, sending my best wishes and hoping your your daughter recovers quickly so she can get home to her mum Here's a little something that may cheer you up a little But I am still snatching the last post (evil chuckle )
  3. And none of you lot will win cos, guess what, I have (again) :D
  4. Spam, I am so sorry for your loss. I can't say anything that will make you feel better, but she will have had a good life with you, and I'm sure she loved you as much as you you loved her. Best wishes and hugs, love Maggie x
  5. Oh dear, you're all out of time, and look, I'm the winner ;)
  6. Orange one, you will be nice and warm when I pop you in a pan of hot water, be warned Now I have won again
  7. My dear son getting up as I was going to bed, having one of his funny turns. He's still going strong and bouncing around like Zebedee on acid, while I look like something that just crawled out of a crypt. My OH helpfully suggesting a 'Red Bull' will magically cure my tiredness. He can make his own flippin tea for that
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