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Everything posted by Maggie_moo

  1. Also the local anaesthetic when removing the tooth will not over-ride the pain too. Hope you feel better soon Mungy x
  2. You would be able to sue in the County Court, the amount is too large for small claims. Keep your E-mails. You don't give a lot of info, might be best to consult a solicitor with what information you have.
  3. Where is Beachy with his 'christmas sleeps' countdown
  4. Have you tried ringing NHS Direct? This happened to me a few years ago and I wouldn't wish an abcess on anybody. They got me an appointment with a different dentist the next day who perscribed antibiotics and had the tooth pulled later at my own dentists. Abcess pain is worse than blummin' childbirth . I didn't half startle the poor nurse on the phone though with my bellows of 'help me! help me!' at 4 o'clock in the morning. At one point she said she was concerned about my 'breathing difficulties', this was because I was crying so much I was hiccuping, you know like kids do when they're upset Horrible at the time but quite funny when I think back Anyway if it gets worse or if it's pretty bad give NHS Direct a ring.
  5. Mungypup, have you got an abcess? Lexi, how big is your mouth woman!
  6. Oops Lexi :eek: Ah the council.... the last bastion of consideration, 'customer care' and workmanship - not My sympathies Spammie.
  7. I never get anything remotely interesting like that, not even stangers wanting to give me their millions
  8. Well.... I was actually looking for a picture of cartoon carrot with tinsel on as I was going to start irritating everybody by wishing caggers merry xmas early Changed my mind though Stumbled on that picture instead and thought aha!, I think the cat is called christmas, funny what you find on the net Postie Lastie
  9. There's a few weeks yet for people to say what time they'll be arriving etc, that's what was worrying me a little walking in a pub on my own....
  10. Jan4a, that's great, I will meet you at Jury's then and toddle over to Wether's if that's ok? What about you Spam, do you want to meet up then or is that too late for you?
  11. Not interested in boxes of crunchies, I'm a very advanced cat that likes curries so I'm staying here, Last Post
  12. Being serious for a moment, I won't be able to get there until around 8pm as I can't leave OH to put my son to bed on his own as it's a bit of a struggle. Is that a bit late for you?
  13. There you are my orange friend, I have something for you a virtual hug for your kind PM the other day BUT I'm still nicking the Lastie Postie missus
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