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Everything posted by tobyjugg2

  1. Oh and another over streached bubble going pop Property market rocked as giant Evergrande struggles to repay $300bn debts | China | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Shares in Hong Kong-listed firm slump 10% and bond trade suspended amid fears for shaky Chinese real estate market With more properly regulated businesses moving to the EU, whats left with in the incompetent poopulist run UK may well make the UK and its taxpayers IMMENSELY vulnerable to this sort of thing ... Yes, Brexiters like Redwood, Smugg and dyson have moved a lot of their business to the EU, but its what movers (rats/sinking ships?) leave in the UK we should worry about: are they liferafts .. or lead weights?
  2. Boris 'Inveterate and unapologetic LIAR' Johnson lies: “We should never forget, after all we’ve been through, that we are the party of free enterprise, the private sector and low taxation.” While the so called party of low taxes is implementing the highest tax load on the nation since world war 2 (IFS) - despite running away from a quite small war in Afghanistan as they just can't cope on their own - and nobody trusts them enough to work with them - mostly because of monstrous waste and mismanagement in the COVID crisis, and monstrous incompetent and neglectful mismanagement of Brexit The so called party of business and the private sector is putting UK businesses out of business through populist policies and failures, NOT business capability and competitiveness and failure to manage the Brexit issues the populists themselves generated The so called Party of 'free enterprise' implements a preference for crony pals (no matter how lacking in requirements) fast lane - hardly free enterprise, just preference for pals - massively at the cost of the NHS - to pay which (their pals) the tax increases are undoubtedly aimed The so called Party of sovereignty runs whinging to the US and Australia 'please please give us a deal, anything, we wont cheat you like we do the others just give us a deal headline' and to France to help police sovereign UK waters ... in a way that breaches international law)... .. and to the USA or France to host the UK 'sovereign' nuclear deterrent
  3. Oh and the star appears for me when a new post appears in the list HB and it takes me to the post, but that seems different to the uh oh issue despite the uh oh occurring sometimes from emails, despite me being still logged in on arrival, and it happening on the page list constantly on some threads It seems the sites 'only display limited posts if its not a registered user logged in' script as a likely source
  4. Not if one side (the USA) gets everything it wants straight away HB If Australia can get a deal thats 6x better for Australia than the UK .... - seemingly without even trying very hard - I doubt the UK could afford a US deal - even before Johnson bankrupted us .. let alone just England and wales
  5. Thats actually a superb response in so many ways Can the UK hire him?
  6. and the (literally now - see wild weather) poopulists think US trade is going to be 'better' LOL - they should ask the US's more important partners mexico and Canada how that works Mind you. Johnson will get a taste of his own medicine in that the US will happily 'renegotiate' (renege?) any deal as soon as it suits - although unlike Johnson, they tend to get a better deal at the other parties expense.
  7. yep, thousands and thousands of illegal dumps of sewage into British water last year while the water companies increase prices and increase directors and shareholders 'rewards' - and what do the poopulists (even more valid name now) do? - Give them a legal pass to do it more.
  8. Undoubtedly to do with site code changes - as without changing anything at all sometimes I can log in with my old firefox, sometimes I cant Script tunning is actioned differently on a number of browser - but that it changes without me changing anything points at the coding 'methods' here The uh ohs are consistent across a number of browesrs, but if i remember rightly, didnt occur with a latest firefox browser i tried - but the latest firefox doesn't do what I want it to, and the old version does despite not being 'liked' by some sites. The new install also affected the old one and wouldn't play nicely with it so was removed Trustpilot bans you even reading the site unless you use one of their approved latest browsers - so I dont go there anymore = mind you when companies with 50%+ highly negative feedback can get high positive 'trustpilot ratings' there ... its no loss I mean npower had over 4* trustpilot rating despite almost solid red bad reviews didnt it?
  9. I use an older firefox set up how I want it and a proxy as I sometimes connect through the BT or VM shared connection facilities I have access to when I'm out and about and dont want my actions viewed by (or blamed on) unknown others if i can avoid it. Currently using a portableapps version of latest palemoon to access - which has the same uh oh issues I use one of the adblock 'strains on each to block all the unwanted stuff, but turning them (adblockers) off makes no difference to the Uh Oh's
  10. Martin Rowson on the easing of effluent discharge rules – cartoon | Opinion | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Wastewater plants can apply to skip the third stage of sewage treatment because of a shortage of drivers to deliver the necessary chemicals Polluters told to dump risky sewage into rivers as Brexit disrupts water treatment WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK Polluters told they can dump risky sewage into rivers due to Brexit
  11. The star is not clickable on mine but I marked site read a while ago. If you scroll down to the ARTICLE 50 discussion mine says 199 (last page WHEN HOVERED) with a whinge from Conniff listed as the last post but I get uh oh when i click on it
  12. I click on bear garden: If I click on unread content I see some posts I haven't read throughout the site HB ?? If I click on new posts tab - I see posts from all over the site Not sure what you mean by red star or circle Am I missing something in your question?
  13. Now its interesting that when I click on 'last' page of the above exampled thread I get uh oh but if I embed that very same link from the uh oh as above - I get the above not uh oh
  14. I'm not searching for anything - the uh uhs are simply from clicking on 'last page; from the page list at the bottom of forum threads or even a few pages before the alleged last page on some of the very limited threads I look at ... or even from a link in emails received from here. I laegely gave up on the rest long ago. Although should you bother to look back, I did help a few times when I could be bothered to circumvent the issues, but the 'hostile environment disincentivised that - and not just conniff despite him doing a populist and pointing at others - as previously stated and commonly de-listed. - although your critique is generally accepted as valid and I'll act on it as per your example I didnt want to be associated with threads where forum representatives told clearly forum inexperienced people to read through the threads on the subject as that had been answered before somewhere or other, or a long period where people were told to 'take them to small claims court 'you'll likely win if you do it right .. probably putting them off here forever -yes it probably would work, and yes that would shake up the repeat offense businesses, but people are afraid of that and the fallout and costs should they simply get something they know nothing about wrong. Mind you, this is also a critique, albeit intended as informative if unlikely to end up being constructive.
  15. Whats newsbot? Is it all that unrelenting drivel that used to be at the top every page using twice as much bandwidth as the forum pages you are trying to see, or the unrelenting blurb about other threads and god knows what that I used to see taking up the whole l/h side of the pages that used to soak up my sometimes limited bandwidth and even more limited screen space? They make my browser work quite hard shutting the scripts down, but i get almost full pages of what I come for now, although my main browser cant even log on here again. God knows how many people try a few times, and those that eventually connect and see reams and reams of telly tubby colouring book in their face or OH OH page you've just clicked on doesnt exist .... and leave. I still get that uhh oh page LOTS
  16. UK now has DOUBLE the amount of confirmed COVID cases per capita than the worst EU nation WWW.THELONDONECONOMIC.COM UK now has DOUBLE the amount of confirmed COVID cases per capita than the worst EU nation - new figures reveal "This government is a deadly, unrelenting disgrace"
  17. LOL taxing working pensioners more to pay for those not working and in care homes aren't they - bet that doesn't include 'pensioners like Prince Charles and Lord hahhaw of France .. (who, last I heard, was leaving France because they wanted details on his earnings) or the many over 65-67's in the lords and parliament let alone MD's .. in addition to Johnsons 2.5% increase in NI .. yep 2.5% NOT the 1.25% Johnson lies about 1.25% from employees and 1.25% from employers - many of whom will undoubtedly consider it a raise for the workers .. So thats around 12 billion in extra NI charges plus the 25 billion in other taxes - they'll be able to cover their mates bills in just a few years at that rate - no way the NHS and care system will get more than a tiny bit of it.
  18. Millions of vegetables thrown away as labour shortages hit farmers WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK 3.5m heads of broccoli and 1.9m heads of cauliflower have been thrown away by just one producer Farmers Weekly Podcast Episode 72: Red Tractor funding and labour shortage - Farmers Weekly WWW.FWI.CO.UK In this episode, cereal growers have voted to withhold funding from the Red Tractor farm assurance scheme. We examine why. A shortage of UK farm...
  19. I'll just reiterate my perspective and understanding: Vaccination reduces the risk of severe illness and death by about 90%+ against the early strains, and 70-80% against the newer strains - probably less but still above 50% even against the worst of the latest ones - LESS relevant to kids, but there is still some benefit, especially in priming their immune systems against coronavirus, and still FAR outweighs any identified risks. Just on that basis - 6-10x higher risk minimum with all issues from covid compared to same issues with vaccine Vaccination reduces spread by 50%+ with early strains, and about 30-35% with newer strains ANY reduction in spread with children grouped together who return home to siblings and family has got to be beneficial far beyond any pure figures and consider that just an average 50% reduction in spread halves the R number. Masks and proper ventilation and space would at least half that again or better. Consider the R0 for newer variants has been estimated around 7. Those who are 3 months on from an O/AZ jab almost certainly need a booster, less so for those who have had the pfiser, but high anti-body levels seems to be a MUST to carry us through peak season (even though covid seems somewhat less seasonal than flu) and I'll end with Where TF are the newer variant vaccines for booster shots (half dose if needed) - and I dont mean new vaccines against old strains (by the time the advertised ones will be ready, delta could be history)
  20. Seems odd to let scientists/politicians promoting damaging policies/narratives; let alone in a pandemic; off the hook because they CLAIM they were only doing what they believed in. When what they believed was not evidenced & what they said did untold harm. - slightly paraphrasing Deepti Gurdasani
  21. Maybe HB - were they really that incompetent? - they will no doubt claim 'how could anyone know' despite many others who clearly did know and say, but were they really that incompetent? - and there is no excuse for claims of 'no one could have expected it' now They managed to set up a fast track lane for approving £millions for pubs landlords, pet and cake shop populist pals to get money for PPE they didn't have pretty damn quick - and they've apparently paid them in advance
  22. So lets take the 'easier documentation route What have the Brexit government, who shouted about all the benefits with no risks, actually done to manage rather than munge the brexit they sold? (apart from 'hostile environment' shipping people who have lived and worked here all their life off to Jamaica) * Border/customs? - as they shouted so loudly about protecting them * Standards ec/kite mark ? - as they claimed standards would increase * trade deals bigger than the EU across the world? - or even English produce able to be picked and shipped across England let alone anywhere else Even that claimed 'billions spent on training' unclebulgaria regurgitates from some populist ministers dishonest and deceiving soundbite: - where's that then other than on some populist spreadsheet claiming some actually reduced existing/prior 'possible' (as in not against the laws of physics despite nothing real being in place) expenditure, as new ... let alone actually implemented/spent on training
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