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Everything posted by F_DCAs

  1. That thread title. Take out the question mark, and if that was a headline in the national press - oh, the absolute pleasure...
  2. Miahelen - Do nothing. You've got proof of delivery, but should have done postal order rather than cheque. Until they comply, they can do nothing - doesn't matter which DCA it's with. And AIC should be reported to the OFT, for passing on a disputed debt.
  3. Quite true, Kraken. Sort of a 'sleeper' agent network. Why not? No more wild than pretending we have any legal authority, and the cause would be infinitely better than their pure greed.
  4. I don't actually know what it's for - it doesn't seem to live up to the title in any way. If someone is able to answer the OP's question, please let me know.
  5. You can wipe your own bottom, Fred? That shows intelligence and self-control - no wonder you didn't get the job.
  6. MacKenzie Hall never have proof of debt available - nor does it seem they even bother to ask for it. Their usual tactic is to frighten people into paying with all manner of groundless threats and imposing 'legal deadlines' totally off the top of their heads. Do not under any circumstances entertain them by telephone.
  7. According to the same site, Buchanan Clark and Wells are also taking on in Glasgow. I'm genuinely surprised there are as many DCA jobs on the go as there seem to be off that one site alone. The turnover in the collection sector must be astronomically high - I wonder why? Too many people realising they actually have a heart, maybe?
  8. Until that letter you sent previously is fulfilled, pay them nothing. If it keeps bouncing between companies, that's their problem.
  9. AIC are liars. Trust nothing they say or claim. From what's been said so far about APR and credit limit, I'd be inclined to think it's unenforceable. The agreement doesn't state an amount for credit limit, and it doesn't say that there is no credit limit?
  10. Yep, 1st Credit revisionist law at work again. 'We never get copies of agreements' - yes, I know...
  11. Put it on hold, and cancel that direct debit. Make it clear to your bank and the DCA (recorded delivery letter at the least!) not to attempt to get this Direct Debit through under any circumstances. The CCA letter sent recorded delivery for track-and-trace purposes should be the first port of call, and once Capquest default on that (which they will) after the 12 + 2 (28 days is absolute rot!), you're not obliged to pay them or any other company in regards to this 'debt' - which Capquest haven't bothered to substantiate yet.
  12. Thnkk tats t' rite waay 2 spel sidr.
  13. Yeomans 4 mee, angykat. 1.8%. Byy th cratte...
  14. Tat mite b gud idear ther, angykat. Whers mi pils?
  15. I've been inside two DCAs already, but I can't say which two. But yes, CAG's perception of them and the people who work for them is uncannily accurate. That's why I'm here instead of MSE, which I find to be uninformed and filled with bad advice. I have an independent mind and some morals, and therefore, that ruled me out of working for a DCA.
  16. Nice one, angrycat. Mine and yours are just what they're looking for. The jobs are as good as ours!
  17. DW2009 - Might as well have a laugh at their expense. And AIC provide plenty of material for that. Bankfodder - I'm looking for work as it happens. I was going to email that CV/covering letter through and see what kind of response I got. If AIC offer me a job out of it though, I'm not taking theirs - it'd be like working for the SS!
  18. Jobs at Allied International Credit - Totaljobs.com Go on - you know you want to. Got my CV and covering letter drafted already, but without spelling or grammatical errors. I'll have to put plenty in before I send. "Dear Sir/Madam, Having read your advert on the Totaljobs website, I have enclosed my CV. My key points are that I am quarrelsome, argumentative, am totally unable to accept any opposing point of view, can't answer questions, have complete ignorance in legal matters, and do not listen. I am, in every sense, a drone. I think you'll agree that this makes me ideal for the post you have advertised. Especially so, in light of the fact that I am equally as unentitled to exist in society, as AIC is unentitled to trade as a legitimate company within it. I like money, lard, sugar, alcopops, baked beans, uppers, battleship grey, my glass smoking pipe, and I work consistently to keep my spherical, repulsive shape and pronounced bodily stench. So much so, that others cannot endure to get within 50 yards of me, and I am hoping to increase this to 60. I also canvas for the BNP in my spare time, keep my literary tastes high with a complete collection of 'Juggs-Tastic', and have a passion for interior design, with a finely-tuned increased emphasis on dehumanisation and strange wallpaper stains. My organisational skills in this respect will help me keep my immediate working area in cluttered and bilious condition entirely befitting AIC's company image. AIC need not take the trouble to strip away any soul through thankless and unproductive toil, as I am presently fully demotivated and deadened to any human sensory aspects. I have, by and large, been held in absolute contempt by society overall and I have since learned to live with this soul-destroying fact. Within a very short space of time, I am sure I can prove myself a worthy asset and appropriate image to AIC. Also, I do plan to forge a very long career with AIC, being that your company's massively high turnover is a constant prolem for you. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to hearing from you. Please do not send written notification - like your staff, I do not read letters. However, my application remains valid even if not read by you. Yours truly A. Bundy" "My CV Name : Mine or yours? Address : In a house somewhere Tel Number : I can never remember DOB : Unsure. Don't know who my parents are either, though I was told they swapped me for a bottle of meths Health : Good, if you don't count chronic acne, sexual dysfunction, snowstorm dandruff, early middle-age spread, and the fact that my head begins to hurt if I have to think. Qualifications : Qualifi-what? Previous Jobs : Car thief, protection racketeer, nightclub bouncer, traffic warden, Rossendales bailiff. All fired due to incompetence. References : Available on request. May need hammer blows to the temple, or shocks from a car battery to remember full contact details."
  19. £2100 interest????? :eek::eek: They shouldn't be charging you ANY interest AT ALL!
  20. Just a few words of what to expect going down the Trading Standards route - 1) Glasgow Trading Standards WILL try to fob you off and not take your complaint on board if you're not a Glasgow resident. 2) They'll give you some guff about it being a council decision not to take complaints on board from non-city residents. 3) They also won't account for Freedom of Information requests either, saying that Scottish law prohibits it (strange - Kilmarnock TS had no problem when asked the same questions!). I've said this at least a couple of times before on other boards, but I still can't understand exactly what the point of Glasgow TS is.
  21. Proceed with your action - and instigate complains to all available recipients forthwith. AIC will then be inclined to drop it like a hot potato. Why is AIC still in business - oh yes, I forgot. Glasgow TS refuse to do anything about them!
  22. Considering the Daily Mail's propaganda-riddled '75% on Incapacity Benefit are faking' front page headline yesterday, I think that tells anyone with half a brain where the Mail are coming from. Rupert Murdoch rightly gets hammered in the States, and it's about time the same thing happened here too. I'm surprised Brown hasn't tried to smear him, what with the 'liars truth' bible The Sun announcing they were going in with the Tories come election time.
  23. Great exception, eh? Well, that's a shame - you should feel thoroughly unclean with yourself for upsetting them in this rude and unseemly manner.
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