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Everything posted by F_DCAs

  1. Cornell? He's the fat pock-marked guy who looks like Levi Bellfield, doesn't he?
  2. You forgot to mention sacrifice of her first born there as well, dcakiller.
  3. Really Mr T? I thought they were full of toxic bacilli (so do they!). Ah well - I learn something every day.
  4. Oops! There I go mentioning sugar again - sorry if there are any Mackenzie Hall **** looking in!
  5. I can't see the woman concerned taking it very lightly if MBNA makes ANY contact with her - even if they say 'Pretty please with sugar on top, may we have that £8000'.
  6. So, in other words, it's unenforceable and irrecoverable, then? Unless the woman pays it back out of charity, but I somehow can't see that happening when it's been dragged through court, can you? I would also think that MBNA would want to keep all this as quiet as possible. What's to stop her from heaping more misery and embarrassment on them by running to the press if they so much as send her one letter or make one phone call to her? And you're quite right - I don't believe you.
  7. Oh boy - just glanced the whocallsme thread again (it's a boring Sunday). Check out 'Fiona'. They're really getting desperate now.
  8. So, if you're a trainee solicitor who ISN'T specialising in Consumer Credit, what are you doing looking here, Sandcat?
  9. Two questions to ask Blackadder and ODC, as they made a couple of very interesting points : 1. Where's this depression thread? 2. Which DCA/young businessman was this?
  10. You're quoting that tripe old Rankine case, Sandcat? That was picked apart almost as soon as it happened, and it means nothing - obviously it wasn't taken into account in the case under discussion. Definitely a troll, here. What do you take us for, Sandcat?
  11. Don't know why Rogue Traders haven't done DCAs yet. It'd keep the programme running for years!
  12. Absolutely right, Mr T. I've been victim to that kind of harassment myself (thanks, LTSB!), and I've been inside a couple of companies where I've witnessed first-hand the sickening way these companies treat people. It left a strong enough impression on me to want to see the whole financial system self-implode.
  13. I don't blame you for feeling that way ODC. How can that guy even live with himself after an unfeeling, deeply insensitive statement like that? It never ceases to amaze me how low these people will sink for pennies. And the credit industry (a contradictory turn-of-phrase if ever there was one!) wonders why it's regarded with such contempt?
  14. You might want to read my thread about internet trolls, Sandcat. Valid even if not read by you.
  15. Welcome, eh? I would have thought all their time would be dedicated to trying to keep their company afloat. Oh no, they've failed to do that. Ah well, they won't be long in vanishing from the face of the Earth.
  16. No problem. Whocallsme took down most of the offensive ones (some of which were mine), but so were virtually all of Lowells. I think that the companies themselves are looking for an outlet to spew their bile and pent-up anger that things aren't going so well for them now as they were in the past. They're first off the mark to judge others, but are obsessively over-sensitive when such criticism gets levelled back at them. I don't think they even have the right to have such an outlet, and am going to try and deny them even that voice. Then, sit back, enjoy myself, and watch them work themselves up to an imminent closure.
  17. Much as it must irritate you Sandcat, she's off the hook and MBNA loses. I'm not in the least bit sorry for MBNA - if they did their job properly and not try to rip people off, they wouldn't be in this mess now.
  18. There's only the one bully on there. Due to the same lack of education and same flaws in basic English, it's the same person. Unless they're cloning themselves through inbreeding, which is entirely possible as well.
  19. You've actually got it in writing that they're claiming to be solicitors? Clear misrepresentation! I'd suggest the Scottish Law Society.
  20. A lot of mine did as well, but it had the desired effect of wiping most of her's out as well. I remember the Ron Today trolling - they didn't put up with that for long! No, they don't like comments that tread the party line. Pity - I enjoyed it while it lasted. Not sure if they'll be taking on my ideas for next years awards on board, like 'Most belligerent, ignorant staff', 'DCA who just won't go away', or 'Most likely not to have their Consumer Credit Licence renewed'. Troll baiting is cool, and it can sometimes offer a nice diversion from normal threads. But the main reason is that it just makes us even more determined, and that winds them up even more still.
  21. Here you go. Most of the offending cut-and-pasted claptrap from that person has since been taken down though 01133086000 - who calls me?
  22. It seems we have a troll in the vicinity. Funnily enough, I've just posted a long thread about that very subject.
  23. This thread's more for discussion and debate than anything else. Over the last couple of days, regular posters will have noticed there's been some furore over at whocallsme.com, and specifically the Lowell page. I use the name 'A None E Mouse' - I've never felt the need to use another name, much less pretend to be someone else. It's obvious that the positive voices for Lowell on all 14 pages - 'Kacey', or 'Andy', or 'Simon', or whoever it is today - are all one person. The same mistakes in spelling, grammar and articulation give the game away. I do believe that the person concerned IS affiliated with the DCA Industry. After all, we get trolls here from time to time, and the pattern is always the same - 1) Pretend to be reasonable and empathetic 2) Try to put a positive spin on the company they represent 3) Try to cajole the customer into a payment plan 4) Fail at the first three points when other readers notice what is being said and provide contrary advice or a different opinion 5) The site regulars call the troll out at his/her own game, offering correct interpretations of legislation/rights of the debtor 6) Petty, vitrolic, slanderous assumptions about the dissenters' personal lives and heard-it-all-before rants about 'defaulting ****' It's truly amazing how quickly this pattern can occur - I remember one guy from AIC a few months back who went right through the first five stages in the space of 15 minutes! Most likely the guilty party is a contemptuous, bitter call-jockey who takes too much abuse and too little commission from whoever he/she speaks to on a daily basis. Consequently, this person spends his/her spare time taking out that pent-up frustration on those (namely CAG) who he/she sees as responsible for his/her decline. That said, it's also entirely possible that the DCA Industry is actively encouraging (possibly even bankrolling) disruption among consumer sites. It may even be that management themselves are the ones doing it. And it's possible because CAG IS hurting their industry and they're left reeling. Many of them are suffering drastically reduced profits, some are just about breaking even, and some (AK) are operating at a loss. So, they're getting nervous, desperate and are trying to find any little way to claw those few more pennies back - even if it means going to websites and deliberately misleading people in the hope that those pennies will come in their direction. Whocallsme has a lot of that. But, here at CAG, we can play them at their own game, and moreover, we can do it better than them. Not just because of combined increased awareness of what our legal right actually are (not what the DCAs would have us believe!), but because we can argue a point better than them. They want to troll public sites? Not only can we put a stop to that, but we can put the boot on the other foot as well. We can all see what they are, the turmoil they cause, and how shallow they and their whole rotten industry is as a whole. Strip away that 'official, professional, legal, fair and balanced' facade and what are they left with? An impotent, powerless empty shell - a big nothing! And they don't like to be faced with the reality of the situation. So, when angered, they slip up, they lose grip, they lose money. It's been a long time coming, too long. I for one, don't have a shred of sympathy for the problems they're facing, and if a DCA - or more than one - shuts up shop completely, then good! And long may their decline continue. I hope their industry NEVER picks up, and the same goes for the clients who employ them. Message ends.
  24. Nope, she's back - now as 'Simon'. At least she's not cut-and-pasting each comment 50 times over this time.
  25. If I'm not mistaken, we're seeing the rapid deletion of Lowells' insane repeated rants on the whocallsme page as I type. Last comment there at the time of writing is yours, Mr T.
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