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Everything posted by renegotiation

  1. Maybe he has more than 2 brain cells and realises Lowell won't know which employee he is? I did think it odd though that he resurrected a thread from 4 months ago and, as you mention, made a lot of factual errors.
  2. I thought CCA requests were fully covered by the old legislation in regards to the 14 working day rule. Surely East Ayrshire TS should have acted on all the said complaints made since 2004? Councils are such sticklers they really hack me off. They should be stickling it up Muck Hall. Who the hell do you report TS to???
  3. It was a start at least! Let's take some heart from that. The more DCA's and their true colours appear on national TV the less of a stigma it will become for people facing them. That can only be a good thing. We need to push for more TV coverage.
  4. That'll be like the bloke in Wales then lol? :lol: You crack me up.
  5. Why don't you just train your staff more adequately? Please point me in the direction of where this 'rgiht' is located so I may scrutinise it. Thanks. There are obviously no muppets working for Lowell who make things up on the spot I am sure! Just like the bloke in Wales did who appeared on 'The One Show'. Yes, good work Lowell! Why don't they just listen to what they are being told?! You seem to be openly admitting that it's ok for them to request payment when someone has told them the debt is not theirs!!! That's simply disgusting! 'Oh, just calmly tell them otherwise.' WTF. Some people are easily intimidated you ******* jerk and it is actions like that which probably caused the suicide of Beryl Brazier. LMAO. I don't think so. Sure, all the people losing their homes just took the time wasting too far. It's got absolutely nothing to do with them not having any money! You're a real self-deluded dullard. The only reason you are on here is for the benefit of your 'personal' financial situation. GREED. Is it going downhill fast mate? You try to self-justify and probably half-believe your own garbage. Get real! Cheers for that. Great. No, I guessed pretty quick. My big question is do you realise you talk out of your backside or are you just blissfully unaware of it? Ignorance is bliss as they say.
  6. I suppose you're correct. Thinking about it further i'm sure some of those complaints must relate to CCA request non-compliance. That's law and should come under the remit of TS right? Also, i'm sure there must be some telephone harassment complaints in there, which again is based on law right? There's no way they should have dismissed them all as being breaches of OFT 'guidelines'. Should we be taking this further?
  7. I don't see either of the opposition parties using scrapping bank charges as a vote winner. Something isn't right here. It's disgusting.
  8. Does this mean that it is a complete waste of time complaining to TS about DCA's on anything other than strictly legal issues?
  9. A few months ago I began to wonder why I had never heard top government officials say anything critical on bank charges in the media, let alone do anything about it. I recently formed the view that it could be because of the revenue it generated. I'm not sure exactly how much revenue bank charges generate for the banks and what cut the governemt gets of bank profits, but i'm sure it must be a substantial sum. A nice little tax on the poorer people in society. I know the banks reckon they will just claw back the profits elsewhere, but I don't thnk it will be that easy for them. They wouldn't be putting such a fight up otherwise would they? Also, the government wouldn't find it easy to replace the revenue lost from an indirect tax would they? Admittedly, I am using the term indirect tax loosely. Now I know there's no great conspiracy going on here, but does anyone think there is any substance in what I am saying? Does anyone know how much the government rakes in on bank charges in a year out of bank profits? Let's not forget there could be the double whammy of paying back all the old charges, as well as losing a future regular income. It could be a couple of lean years for the government coffers if the banks lose the test case.
  10. Ditto, I nearly choked. It's high time we got something on prime time TV about DCA's. I liked the bit at the end about their bark being worse than their bite. I doubt they liked that. We just need some insider filming to be shown to the nation now. That would really make my day. How about seeing some nice DCA trainee being brought up to speed on company ethics? :-0
  11. I'll take the archiving angle and refer to Mr. Vaz's comments. Looking at the link I don't think it's the right place to be asking questions on archiving. I doubt the guy will even know they do it. I'm sure your angle will be good though Allwood.
  12. Yes, I quite agree. I know full well the CRA's haven't benefited people prior to now. I know the tactics of creditors to get people into a neverending debt. That was the past. It could still be the future. I was just suggesting one well regulated or govt. CRA could play a more helpful role in the future. Again, I agree. The future could be different though. We need more regulation. Yes, I agree. I don't think you quite got the gist of my post. Maybe I didn't express myself well enough. I think it has gone too far, yes, but many consumers might prefer to make applications for credit by phone, post or online. There needs to be some limited database for creditors to refer to.
  13. And we both forgot one thing. :) NEVER SPEAK TO THEM ON THE TELEPHONE! It's a complete waste of time. Keep everything in writing and keep copies of everything you send and receive.
  14. POET hasn't been around lately, but i'm sure he would slap you on the wrist Sosumi. ;) Apologies if my humour is misplaced.
  15. You are right about DLC. They are renowned for this sort of behaviour. If you fill out an up to date I and E form and send it off to DLC with a reasonable offer of payment you'll be fine. One can't conclusively say they wouldn't take you to court, but if you defended the case and told the judge the facts you probably wouldn't even get a CCJ. It is 'highly' likely the case would be thrown out of court. Again, as you speculated, even 'if' they were awarded a CCJ the judge would just order you to pay what you were paying anyway. You probably wouldn't get a CO if you attended court and kept up with payments made under a CCJ. Your best bet would be to send off a letter with your I and E forms telling DLC that you can only afford £x per month. Clearly stipulate that you know a judge would look grimly on any litigation they initiated, as long as you kept up with your repayments. That should set them straight. There is no way you should be paying them £104 a month if you can't afford it. Offer them £10 or whatever you feel comfortable with. If they don't like it, then tough. Do you know if any charges have been added to these accounts? It might be worth sending off S.A.R - (Subject Access Request)'s to the original creditors Also, you could send off CCA requests to the DCA's to see if they have a legal right to collect on the debts. Finally, don't let the others up your repayments if you're not completely comfortable with what they are asking. Give them the same treatment as DLC.
  16. Yes, you make some good points. I would have to disagree with the above quote though. A lot of people have made terrible financial decisions, especially the young, which the lenders must bear some responsibility for too. 'Some' people are losing their homes simply because they rashly overextended their borrowing. It's not just rising interest rates, cost of living, redundancy etc., though that is of course the case in many situations. I sympathise tremendously with these people and don't think anyone deserves to lose their home. I think some sort of C.R.A. holding limted data could actually help protect people, 'if' the lenders make sensible decisions based on that data. Because of the kicking they have had a shift has already begun in that direction. If I hadn't found this site my foolish youthful decisions could have severely affected me for a few more years yet. In the context of my life I don't think I deserved that. They sucked me in and charged me like a mofo. I fell into their trap. Luckily, I didn't have a home to lose.
  17. Good job Babybear. I'm still finding it a little eerie without the phone going off all the time! :lol:
  18. I would agree that they hold too much information. I think creditors should just see how many cards, loans and mortgages you have and your combined debt in each category. I don't think they should be able to see individual debts. I would still hold that there needs to be some sort of well regulated or government C.R.A. in existence. Nice to have a debate though. Just for the record, no one thinks we actually need more than 1 agency, if any, do they?
  19. Lol. We should run a poll on it. The government can access the C.R.A.'s as it is can't they?
  20. In my eyes, the best option of a bad bunch unfortunately. I accept the need for a C.R.A.. Can anyone think of an alternative to a government agency? Surely that is better than the Holy Trinity we currently suffer?!
  21. I was still thinking of going because I had never been anywhere near there before. I did want to meet some other CAGers so doubt i'd go if no one else did.
  22. Thank you kindly Babybear. By the end of this year I hope to have my life completely back on track and free of debt and harassment! I feel very sorry for all those currently entering the cycle. What a big mess this country has got in to! :( It certainly isn't as bad in the rest of Europe, though debt does of course exist.
  23. I have recently been diagnosed with peptic ulcers. I'm sure constant stress caused it. Very painful! :lol: I am slowly recovering on medication after visiting my GP months later than I should have. Silly me.
  24. I vote for Experian too. However, they seem to have the most info. It would probably only be practical to have the other 2 shut down first. Callcredit to begin with and then Equifax. Experian should then be shut down and a government agency take over all the data. I say shut down, but personal credit files are just 1 aspect of their businesses of course. Shame that...
  25. I will try to submit a complaint direct this morning then. Thanks.
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