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Everything posted by renegotiation

  1. If there isn't going to be one csn someone say so, as I wish to sort out my calendar for the next few weeks. Thanks.
  2. One of the petitions needs to ask why we have got 3 of these bluddy agencies. In this age of insecure electronic data, and bearing in mind Mr. Vaz's comments of 'least data', what purpose does it serve having our personal information held by 3 separate private companies?!?!?! It's completely farcical. Moreover, bearing in mind Mr. Vaz's comments of 'least time', how the hell can these companies justify archiving our data for longer than 6 years on settled and defaulted accounts?!?!?! This has absolutely nothing to do with debt evasion, debt avoidance etc. blah, blah, blah.
  3. A while back I heard that T.S. weren't taking individual complaints any more. There was some new service called Consumer Direct or something. I have got the impression recently that some folk have still been complaining directly to T.S. and had their complaints accepted. Is this correct?
  4. It wouldn't surprise me though! From Wikipedia about Equifax: 'Equifax was founded as Retail Credit Company in 1899. The company grew quickly and by 1920 had offices throughout the US and Canada. By the 1960s, Retail Credit Company was one of the nation's largest credit bureaus, holding files on millions of American citizens. Retail Credit Company's extensive information holdings, and its willingness to sell them to anyone, attracted criticism of the company in the 1960s and 1970s. These included that it collected "...facts, statistics, inaccuracies and rumors… about virtually every phase of a person's life; his marital troubles, jobs, school history, childhood, sex life, and political activities." The company was also alleged to reward its employees for collecting negative information on consumers.' That is just shocking stuff IMHO. WTF...
  5. Favourite colour; Indian or Chinese; sexual fetishes? :lol:
  6. And I saw today that HFO are still sending out those post cards pretending to be couriers. I am stunned that the OFT hasn't stopped that yet. I know for a fact they got a lot of evidence on this months ago. Moreover, they did it to my dad and they knew damn well where he was. I swear they were just after our phone number! I am going to chase this up on the telephone on the Monday and I'm not hanging up until I get some answers.
  7. Very interesting Norngirl. It's beautiful. Joe Bloggs goes to court and can be morally in the right. Result? He gets screwed by the law. They get loads of complaints against them. Result? I bet they cry foul play to the authorities and the authorities go easy on them! We need to exert more pressure on the OFT and TS. We need to look at the individuals within these organisations that are making the decisions. We also need to encourage more court action by individuals where it is feasible. From what I can make out the courts do enforce the law.
  8. I hve received statements going back to January 2001. My account was opened in October 1997. They have officially denied in writing having any statements prior to January 2001. Is this likely to be true? Has anyone else got back statements from before 2001?
  9. I was trying to give you a good chapter for your book! :D:D
  10. I'm not completely convinced about the attitude of the ICO. They should be completely unbiased and I don't think they are.
  11. If the law is clear and I am not happy I would take it to court. They can huff and puff all they like and it won't do them any good.
  12. But you would win in court wouldn't you?
  13. Make sure you get some good compensation there Sosumi. Stress and time wasted etc.. :)
  14. Looks like it's just the two of us then Tiggsy Poos xxx. It can be our little seceret... :lol: I'll bring the hamper!
  15. Good stuff. I have now located the thread. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/130870-7-year-old-ccj.html Does anyone know of any precedents where reenforcement of a CCJ was granted and on what basis?
  16. Hi there. Can you point me towards one of these precedents. I am still going for a set aside myself. Just curious though. Always good to have the knowledge. :)
  17. I just got back from a small holiday. Hi everyone. A quick update on my enquiries on whether the CRA's archive data over 6 years old on settled and defaulted accounts. Equifax never replied to my follow up letter with big red letters in certain places. I had to prevent any mock ignorance from their next response. Their silence is a full admission for me. Callcredit never replied to my first letter at all. They will get my kiddy letter sent off today. The ICO told me they wanted to see my letter from Experian and what I got back from Equifax and Callcredit. I will give it 2 weeks and then send off everything I have. In the meanwhile I am going to start harassing Equifax on the telephone. I am going to insist on speaking to a manager and ask why I haven't been given an answer to my query. Unfortunately, I don't have a number for Callcredit. I do have an email address for a manager though and he will be getting the same treatment. I am then going to write to my MP asking him why we need 3 of these companies. In my eyes we certainly don't. It feels like I am fighting on a zillion fronts at the moment, but will persevere. Plod, plod. :)
  18. Are there 'any' courts in southern England that are actually still processing claims as usual?
  19. Thank you for entertaining my drivel. :-0 So it seems there is no such thing as an unsecured debt then, unless your don't own a property of course. I'm not happy about seeing loans being advertised on the TV as unsecured when they are certainly not. People may think twice about borrowing if they didn't have the word 'unsecured' shoved in their faces. It should be spelt out to them that a CCJ and a CO is a possibility, whether likely one or not. There is enough pressure to get into debt as it is! People need to be given all the facts. What they then make of these facts is their business. Is this a case for the ASA do you think?
  20. Do you have any authority in the company whatsoever AK man? I got a couple of questions.
  21. Doesn't anyone know him then? I always assumed he was linked to the site admin or mods in some way.
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