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Everything posted by renegotiation

  1. Fair point, but I still see it as a bit of a slippery slope. If the culture becomes 'it doesn't really matter' I can see the spelling of the nation getting worse and worse. If it's possible to get much worse that is! It just makes for a difficult reading experience, for me anyway, even if I do get the general gist of the text. I certainly don't judge anyone on their spelling, but I think everyone should strive to get it right. I know my spelling and grammar is less than perfect. Thought I best get that caveat in before this post comes back to haunt me! ;-);-);-) I do try though.
  2. All the best Forgotten. I had a lumbar puncture in 2004. I was on some medication that screwed with my immune system and was in hospital for 2 weeks with a nasty infection. They did it to check for meningitis. Fortunately I didn't have meningitis. The procedure was pretty straightforward and not much to worry about from what I remember.
  3. Chin up Tiglet! :-) I've been in a bit of a hole as well. Onwards and upwards...
  4. I think I saw a feature on BBC news last week where spelling mistakes were almost given carte blanche. They even had some Professor saying it didn't really matter! In one clip the guy held a board up with 3 versions of 'opportunity' on it. One member of the public went for 'opertunity'. They then seeemd to concur it was of little importance! :lol: A slippery slope in my opinion. By coincidence, I also saw a maths feature where people displayed shocking standards of mental arithmetic. I really mean shocking as well. All a little worrying. Both of these features were the ones where they scour the streets picking on Joe Bloggs. Anyone else see these clips?
  5. Yes, I knew about the Lone Gunmen. Doubters can explain that away though. Not that I know what I believe exactly, but something has gone on other than Muslim terrorists! The following is all strong evidence 'in my opinion': 1. Bush Senior gave his New World Order speech on September 11th 1990. That's 11 years to the day before the Twin Towers attacks. 2. The first plane to hit the towers on September 11th 2001 was Flight 11. There were 11 crew on board according to Wikipedia. All in all 92 died according to Wikipedia. 9+2=11. Weird. Some of this can be explained away as coincidence, but Flight 11 is a bit much for me. 3. As mentioned Neo's passport expiry date was September 11th 2001. This signals some sort of foreknowledge by someone. The next bit I followed up myself. Neo's birth date was down as 13th September 1971. This was a ***very notable day*** in New York's history, as it was the day Attica prison was stormed by state troopers and the National Guard. Around 40 died. An attack on New York of sorts. Neo's passport started on the 12th September 1991. I don't if that's standard for the States, but in England it expires on the same date you took it out. Anyway, it seems to be counting down to September 11th. September 13th, September 12th September 11th etc.. I also think that Thomas was used as his name as in 'Doubting Thomas'. The general population? I just completely refuse to believe those passports dates, in 'The Matrix' no less, are a coincidence! 4. The Twin Towers symbolised 11. Many theories on the net revolve around Occultists obsessed with numbers. Taking this with all the mainstream conspiracies about 9/11, which are well backed by some notable people I come to the following conclusion. I think there are some real nutters around and I don't think i'm one! Anyone think i'm a nutter lol?
  6. I haven't been on in a while. I have had a break from absolutely everything due to poor health. I will probably be back on in the near future. Hi to anyone that cares. It was a little amusing to be greeted by CAGBOT after such a long absence. Sorry management. I couldn't resist quickly logging on to post this. This broke on Saturday I think. Some of you may well have seen it. Here it is: Digg - Woah. Neo's Passport in the Matrix Expired on 9/11/2001.. Yes folks, Neo's passport expired on September 11th 2001! Many will speculate and some will rubbish it, but in my view it definitely means 'something'. And yes, I have checked it myself on the 1999 dvd which I have owned since it came out.
  7. It's only bluddy Rameses again!!! (not to be confused with the right honourable Rameses QC) :lol: All in all hilarious. When will he ever learn...
  8. Subbing with huge interest. Like BF said they would rather have their legs cut off than remove data. I hope you succeed.
  9. Only a bit of fun I know. I think you and Sosumi do a great job. I honestly don't get it though. Let it rest unexplained on the scrapheap of history then. :)
  10. Well I didn't know that and cheers for the info. It was interesting. This is what I didn't get though! :lol: I am still none the wiser... :cry:
  11. What does this actually mean? :confused: I have had some news back from Equifax on archiving. I will see if anything turns up from Callcredit tomorrow and post an update. On to the ICO soon. P.S. Sosumi should change her name to sosumi azhols. :lol: I liked the name Sosumi too. Took me about 6 months to get it though. DUH!
  12. Good job sweety. Stick it to them where the sun don't shine! :lol:
  13. Maybe at the end of August or early September then?
  14. I was thinking of the employees that work for the DCA's reading the post cards. Some cameras are very small nowadays and i'm sure they wouldn't bother anyone in the office. In fact, i'm sure no one would even notice! :) Maybe if some of these employees contacted some TV programmes they could even get some free cameras laid on for them! The DCA's have nothing to hide and do a great job, as we all know, so i'm sure their bosses wouldn't mind at all. If I did send out a load of post cards I wouldn't want to fall foul of the law. I'd probably tell someone i'd done it and human gossip does the rest! If no one can advise on legality I may well ring the police to ask. I could print off the text on some stickers and slap them on some post cards in a couple of minutes. Whack on some second class stamps and off they go. This is all very feasible and could bear fruit.
  15. LOL. That's not a straight answer. I'll wait for someone with good legal knowledge. :)
  16. But is it legal though? 20 post cards for a fiver. A fiver for each ******* DCA. Money well spent in my eyes.
  17. Great credit to NORN for dredging this up. Are we just going to drop it then? :o:o:o
  18. My question is if I were to mass mail some post cards to some of the bigger DCA's containing words to this effect: 'There seems to be a great interest in the inner workings of DCA's nowadays and i'm sure some of it would make for good TV. I'm very confident it would be 'very lucrative' for anyone who got anything on film. Just think of the cash! Everyone knows how ethical and well organised DCA's are. Anything recorded could make for a good feature on the business world. I'm sure there would be plenty of takers!' Is it legal?
  19. Nah, i'm not organising anything. I was all enthusiastic for a skydiving meet and that never took off. There's a patch of grass outside my gaff. I'll just sit there with my sandwich and read a speech for the benefit of anyone that happens to pass by. After the disappointing weather last year I imagined people would be more keen to do something in London this time around. It could have made for a pleasant afternoon. Why the lack of CAG interest?
  20. I think it's quite cute that they ran off to the ICO quoting laws. All of a sudden the ICO means something to them! Maybe CAG should post a response that we don't recognise that law and will be sending out some crews to run them off the road? :rolleyes:
  21. They're told what to think and don't usually have the capacity for anything other than absorbing what they're told.
  22. I have thought this over more. I don't think I am being pedant of the millennium when I say that a debt specifically advertised and sold as unsecured should remain unsecured for the life of the debt. As well as CCJ's leading to CO's there is also the possiblity of creditors petitioning for bankruptcy and folk declaring themselves bankrupt. That's not right. People might have thought twice about taking the credit in the first place if the word unsecured hadn't been falsely used. Solution? If it isn't unsecured don't advertise it as such! 'Oh it was unsecured, but a CCJ was granted and that led to a CO etc.' doesn't wash with me. I am going to see what the ASA have to say on this. It's pretty clear in my head. Maybe i'm just deluded! :lol:
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