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Everything posted by N.P

  1. Hi honey, You can just sit back but I wouldn`t bother worrying, as there`s nothing to worry about. You must remember that these imbeciles are in the business of bullying, intimadating and bull****ting people to get what they want. Simply, don`t give in and fight them all the way, it`s actually fun and once the letter is in the post you will relish the challenge of one of their standard replies. Have a read of my Thread and you`ll see what letter you`ll get next, some crap about Court action, but they soon give in. I think your Argos Card may be older than mine. Are you still making payments at the moment? Regards N.P
  2. Hi again honey5, Here`s a link to my Thread if you fancy some reading - http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collectors-debt-collection/106494-argos-card-moorcroft-debt.html Also, print PAYMENT ENCLOSED on your envelope, this will make sure one of the broken brains will open it, LOL Regards N.P
  3. Hi honey5, Yep, that letter will do you fine. There are a few variations on the CCA request but they all do the trick. I have used a similar one to yours myself. Also, I have had the very same letter from Morecrap regarding my Argos Account, however the amount involved was somewhat a lot more than yours. I CCA`d the numpties at Morecrap and after a few month and a couple of boring letters they admitted they are unable to supply a CCA and have therefore closed my account and sent it back to Argos. Later I received a letter from Fredrickson International who are now acting on the behalf of Argos. I sent a letter explaining Morecrap were unable to supply a CCA and I`m still waiting as this account is now in dispute. They replied saying the account is on hold and have contacted Argos for further instructions. I`m still waiting on these empty heads. Whatever happens, DO NOT SPEAK TO THE BABBOONS BACKSIDES ON THE PHONE, everything must be in writing from now on. Remember to send a £1 Postal Order and DO NOT SIGN your letter. Send Recorded Delivery or Special Delivery if you can afford it. If your on a tight budget, simply send normal First Class, but make sure you get a Postage Receipt from the Post Office which is free. Do not worry about anything, your in the best hands on here. I`ll post a link to my Thread in a second. Hope this helps, if so, please click my scales. Regards N.P
  4. Heh heh, I thought it might mean it`s a hot topic. Regards N.P
  5. Hi again, Just wondering, what does the little star on the end of the thread title mean on the forum page? Regards N.P
  6. Hi there, car0403, I think your missing the point here. My point is Royal Mail are offering the public a service for an extra price. People are paying this extra price, so it is upto Royal Mail to deliver that service. Most of the time the delivery person doesn`t ask for a signature because they can`t be bothered with all the letters they have. So, what are they getting paid for then? Even if the recipient doesn`t or won`t sign, the delivery person should make a note so it shows up on the website for the sender to check, something like `Delivered - Signature Refused`. Have you ever thought that Royal Mail may know fine well that they are offering this service which the public is not receiving, but they don`t care because due to the small amounts involved customers won`t bother claiming anything back. But, at the end of the day Royal Mail are probably clicking millions of pounds and are quite happily to do so. Regards N.P
  7. Hi 1stlifeline, Thanks for your comments from the Postie`s side. But here`s another way to look at this - We, the public, the customers of Royal Mail pay EXTRA for a Recorded Delivery Service to a Business, IE Bank or Debt Collection Agency, but they still don`t get signed for. Now, you can`t say it`s because there was no one in to take the post or they were at work, because that is exactly where the mail is going, to the work place. The simple fact is, Royal Mail delivery persons do not do there jobs properly. They are simply lazy and cut corners but not doing what the public are paying for. This also has the effect of giving Royal Mail a bad name. If the delivery people weren`t so keen on rushing off home after emptying there bag, be it by delivery or over the beach banks, then the public might get what they pay. Regards N.P
  8. Hi people, We got a dodgy letter from these BC+W clowns the other day. The thing is, it went to my girlfriends ex husbands parents house, if you know whtat I mean? Anyway, this is the second letter she has received from them. She had one a couple of months ago. It reads: Dear N.P`s lass, Outstanding Balance: £1615 With reference to the above account which was previously held by Provident Personal Credit we write to advise that we, the bcw group plc now hold the legal right to collect the full outstanding amount including legal recovery through the court if necessary. We understand that personal circumstances can change and we have a number of affordable repayment options we can offer to assist in settling this matter. Our trained advisors are waiting to take your call on 0871 700 1550 and are available from 8am to 8pm Monday to Thursday, 8am to 5pm Friday, and 9am to 1pm on Saturday. Should you wish to settle this matter immediately by debit or credit card call our payment hotline on 0871 700 1550 all full settlements have a significant discount. If you have any queries regarding this letter please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be able to help you. Always quote your refernce number when calling or writing. If you fail to respond to this letter, we will have no option other than passing your account to our debt collection division. Yours sincerley Empty head. Now, my girlfriend says she used to have a Provident Loan around 6 - 7 years ago. I can remember some woman coming to the door for payments every so often, but then she just stopped coming around, so my girlfriend assumed she was all paid up. This is around 6 years ago as far as I can remember. It was sometime after we first met. I have read elsewhere on CAG that Provident often pull this stunt, then start legal action against it`s customers. If this is so, then I`m affraid these knob splats have picked on the wrong bunny to boil. Anyway, as I`ve mentioned, the strange thing is, is that this and the previous letter has gone to her ex husband parents house. I`m wondering if he has taken out a loan in her name. Should we respond to this pile of crap or just blank it? If so, should we send a CCA, or a one of the phishing letters that`s kicking about or one of the I haven`t a ****ing clue what your dribbly on about letter. I`d appreciate any feedback on this. Thanks in advance. Regards N.P
  9. Hi Boa, Looks like they are just keeping you in the picture as to what they are doing. They still haven`t sent you your CCA, so just let them keep fumbling about with whatever they are fumbling about with. Remember, no CCA = Unenforceable Debt! Just keep waiting to see what they come up with next. Regards N.P
  10. Hi fuzzybobble, You don`t even have to tell them anything when it expires if you don`t want to. You could let them start action then through a spanner in the empty headed working actions due to their lack of a CCA. Just read through all my thread and you`ll know exactly what happens with these clowns. There are a lot of people on here getting grief from Morecrap over their Argos Accounts. Argos are garbage at keeping their paperwork in order. If your still making payments then stop now. It is your legal right. Just don`t give in to these burger boys in silly coloured shirts. Morecrap passed the account back to Argos due to their lack of a CCA. Argos passed it to some another bunch of bum holes called Fredrickson International. These have now put the account on hold and are waiting for instructions from Argos, due to them not having a CCA. In the mean time, while these ding dongs play pass the account, I have be using the money to pay for driving lessons. I passed my test on Tuesday, first time, LOL. Just remember, if you get stuck with anything, just shout, there are people on CAG all day and night at times, just sitting waiting for the sun to come up. Don`t worry about these chancers at all, they think you don`t have a clue about playing the game, but you now know more than them broken brains. Regards N.P P.S. Thanks for the click
  11. Hi again, Ooops, I forgot to add my link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collectors-debt-collection/106494-argos-card-moorcroft-debt.html Regards N.P
  12. Hi fuzzybobble, Welcome to the CAG. Your amongst friends from now on and are certainly not alone with your battle against Morecrap. Since you have CCD`s these empty heads then you have no obligation to communicate with them. however, these morons have an obligation towards your CCA request. Do not speak to these imbeciles EVER! PERIOD! Have a look at my thread regarding Morecrap and Argos and see what you need to do. Hope this helps. If so, please give my scales a click. Regards N.P
  13. Hi odds, How you doing? I too also received a copy of that letter word for word. It seems it doesn`t matter what you do they just do whatever they like, so is there any point in even trying? I`m still waiting for my CCA, yet they sent me a Default Notice with Solicitor action following that. I`m not budging an inch to these buffoons. Let them get their million dollar Solicitors onto us, we`ll fling a couple of CAG letters back in return, LOL. Regards N.P
  14. Morning all, Right, I`ve just realised that I never got around to sending these morons the letter in Post 65. I know, how silly of me? I guess now would be a good time to send it. Does anyone have any paragraphs I could add about still applying interest and charges to a disputed Account? Because as far as I`m concerned with them doing this, they are adding these charges which makes the interest even higher every month, yet again another profit making [problem] designed to steal money from customers. Not that I ever concidered myself a customer, just a mug who needed somewhere for his pay to go. Regards N.P
  15. Hi sosumi, Nice to hear someone agree`s with me, my girlfriend just thinks I`m a twisty so and so. What do you think? Perhaps if we`d all kept our Recorded Delivery Receipts and then thousands of us threw an N1 Claim Form at Royal Mail for compensation, how much do you think it would cost them to defend each claim in Solicitors fee`s? They`d crap themselves. They might just get the message then. The funny thing is, I`ve always wanted to be a Postman, but this last year, I have lost all respect for the Royal Mail. I think I`ll just stick with my dead end, mind numbing factory job instead. Regards N.P
  16. Hi again, Why should we also have to mess about with POD requests? We pay extra so we can simply Trace and Trace on the Royail Mails Website. They are offering Services, people are paying extra for Services, so we should RECEIVE these services. Not, go out of our way to find out if our letters have been delivered! Regards N.P
  17. Hi again, Just had another thought. Perhaps a few thousand Compensation Claim Forms thrown at Royal Mail from CAGGER`s could possibly kick start Royal Mails Recorded and Special Delivery Services? Regards N.P
  18. Hi, I too have also had the same problem with Royal Mails so-called Recorded Delivery Service, where you pay extra for a service you don`t receive. A few of my Recorded Delivery letters have not been signed for, although I have later received a reply from them. Going on from there, I Ndecided to use the Special Deliver Service to deliver a letter and guess what, and guess what? This didn`t show up on the system until over a week later. I`m of the opinion that Royal Mail do not offer any Special Services at all. They advertise these extra Services in order to get more money from people, sort of like Banks do, they seem to rip people off. They are nothing more than modern day terrorists who hold the Country to ransom every time they want a pay rise of are asked to do a full days work for their pay, instead of running off home as soon as their bags are empty. If everyone took this attitude the whole Country would be in uproar. If they aren`t happy with their working conditions or wage, they should quit or get another job instead of holding the Public to ransom. I find, if you need to deliver a letter to a Bank, simply go into your local Branch and hand in the envelope, ask for a signed receipt of delivery and ask them to deliver it via their internal mailing system. This is of course outside of their standard letter handing poilicy, but do we really give a ****? Regards N.P
  19. Hi again boys and girls, We have an update from my long lost pals at Lloyds TSB. I had a few letters from them this morning. First Letter - A Default Notice Served under section 81(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. It goes on to read, the Balance £6,040 with Arrears of £361. The amount contains over 5 years of PPI, some unlawful charges and the arrears is non payment of the monthly minimum fee, due to non-compliance of my CCA request. It goes on, if I don`t bring the account upto date by 6th February they will issue a Default and instruct their Solicitors to claim what I owe them through the Courts. Second Letter - States that my Payment Protection has been cancelled due to the account being in arrears. It goes on to read that no further premiums will be applied to the account. Third Letter - Lloyds TSB sent me a shiny new Cashpoint Card. They still must have feelings for me :o Fourth Letter - They have paid all Direct Debits this month, but even though there wasn`t enough money in the account to pay them all, they won`t be charging me. These idiots are amazing. There are NO Direct Debits on the account. I cancelled them all and moved them to a different Bank. I just pay in the monthly Interest for the Overdraft. Does anyone have any idea`s on how to respond to this nonsense? They still haven`t responded to my CCA request and have now started being nasty, as well as still applying charges and interest every month, and trying to withdraw the monthly payment from the Current Account, then adding more charges to that also. If it goes to Court, could I challenge this on incorrect amount due to missold PPI and added unlawful charges? The Current Account also has unlawful charges applied. I`d welcome any advice / help / info from anyone. I look forwards to hearing from you soon. Regards N.P
  20. Hi boys and girls, Right, we tried ringing Sky this morning but they wouldn`t have anything to do with us. They said they can`t take payment or tell us anything as the debt had been sent to Wescot for collection. Now, we have no intention of dealing with these fools as the debt is with Sky and not these empty heads with their red scary letters, yawn. We have just logged into the account on the Sky website and made a token payment of £10 which the system accepted and printed off a receipt. Therefore, the amount that these numpties are chasing is now wrong. I would appreciate any help with this in any way. Has anyone any idea how we can defent against Wescot so we can just pay of Sky. We don`t have the total amount claimed but can make small tokens every so often. Wouldn`t they need a Deed Of Assignment to issue a Court Claim against us? Has anyone any cleverly worded letters we could throw at these morons in order to confuse and stall them? Perhaps asking Sky for a copy of their complaints procedure might throw a spanner in the works? I look forward to hearing from you. Regards N.P
  21. Hi TSIA, Just subbing to see how things go. As you have found out already, these imbeciles are nothing but parassites who prey on the weak and vulnerable. They will fill you with all sorts of crap and will try to bully you into submission and paying what you can`t afford or don`t even owe. Just play them at their own game. If you do answer their call just tell them EXACTLY where to go, in the words of your choice. They can`t do you for verbal abuse if they phone you. If one of their doorman come round for a vist, which he won`t because they are full of ****, then ask if he`s come to fix the lock. If he say`s he`s a DCA tell him to **** off. You could set the dogs on him then drag his mouldy carcuss off to the local farm for the pig to eat. No one will ever find him. Heh heh. I have to put allegedly, or course. As long as you just remember they are bullies, then you`ll be fine. We`ve all had it on here. Your in good hands. Regards N.P
  22. Hi abby, Do you know when this CARD account was opened? Approximate year might help? Also, NEVER speak to these empty heads on the phone, they will bully you into paying up. EVERYTHING must be in writing from now on. We have all dealt with the crap from Morecrap, including myself and come out of it unscathed. If they have been instructed by BARCLAYCARD then they are just acting on behalf and doesn`t sound like they have bought this debt. We`ll probably send you down the CCA route with this one, but just hold tight for the time being. Regards N.P
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