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Everything posted by N.P

  1. Hi rustym, Just thought I`d stick my nose in this. I`m sure if you pay your cheque to `Orange Mobile` they would be able to cash it. If you don`t want to include your new address (which is understandable), just send them one cheque for £10 with your account and mobile number on. Keep an eye on your Bank Account and if the cheque has been cashed they you know they received are have been able to cash it. Then just keep doing that. Do you know if there are any unlawful charges on the account? If so, that would bring the amount down? Maybe to a level you could just pay off. As with Morecrap, yeah, just ignore these knob jockeys. They will obviously send you more letters or even a Solicitors letter, but so what. As long as your paying the original provider, a Judge will see that your not avoiding the debt and will probably fob Morecrap off as a bunch of goons out to make a few quid out of it and cause you grief in the mean time. We are in the same position as you with Sky and Wescot. Everytime they send us a letter, we pay something off the Sky website. We received a Solicitors letter so we paid something else off. If they issue a Court claim we`ll pay something else off, then dispute the amount that the morons are claiming. We`re quite happy to pay Sky, but we`ll never entertain any of these idiots. They`re just out to terrorise people. So, just follow what people are telling you on CAG, TOTALY ignore Morecrap (NO TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS) and you`ll be ok in the end. Hope this helps. Regards N.P
  2. Hi ODC, Thanks for the post. I`ll add that too. I love that word `morons`, the Oxford definition means stupid people or adults with a mental capacity of a 9-11 year old. That describes these idiots perfectly. Regards N.P
  3. Hi again odds, Thanks for the post mate, how you doing? Mmmm, I`ll ask the otherhalf to try that one tomorrow, although she doesn`t like talking to these fools. I`ll see what she says and if she won`t I`ll just send them the letter. Thanks again. Regards N.P
  4. Hi Alan, Well, we`ve had a few more of these calls in the last couple of days and have just had another today 15 mins ago, at 13.10. I have been answering but everytime I do, the line goes dead. Think I`ll get the CSI team on this one. The number is the same, so we know it`s Crapital One. The letter is going in the post in the morning. Does anyone have anything else they`d like to add to it? It`s just the standard one. I`ll put anyhing down, I`m not bothered about upsetting these mofo`s. Look forward to hearing from you. Regards N.P
  5. Hi again folks, Just another thought. On the proove it letter should I also request a copy of all the correspondence they claim we have had, together with proof of postage and delivery? Should I also put me don`t deal with morons as we don`t owe them anything? We will deal ONLY with Sky, as Sky are the ones we owe. Any help with comments and wording would be appreciated. Regards N.P
  6. Hi odds, You say your Credit Limit has been dropped from £10,500 - £10,200. That seems like a lot of credit you have there, or did you mean your Balance? I`m wondering if you mean balance, because they may have taken £300 worth of charges off. What is the actual balance on this card? Do you have any charges on this card? Are you in the red on this card? Just wondering, as like I say £10,000+ credit on a card is a lot. How old is this card? I have £5,600 credit on mine, but mine is over 5 years old. Did you ever CCA and SAR this account? Perhaps you should as soon as possible. They usually close the account when they start their reclaim process, either by their Solicitors or Debt Collectors. CCA and SAR them immediately if you haven`t done so already. I beleive your due a heart opp soon, the last thing you want is a load of stress and chew from these clowns. If you CCA them you might be lucky if that they may not have a enforceable CCA, then you can get control back. If they issue a Court claim, you should CCA them anyway as part of your defence. Tell the Judge you used that as a last resort as the Bank were being total morons and not helping your situation at all. Also, do you have a Current Account with Lloyds? I beleive you have, but I`m not sure. If you do, do you have an overdraft on this you are using? If you have they may add this to your Card Account and also you Loan Account and go for the FULL whack from you. Sorry to sound like a downer, but it`s happened to people plenty of times. As usual, watching with interest. Regards N.P
  7. Hi folks, Right, we paid another £76.16 through the Sky website this morning. The bill is now down to £350. We`ll send the `prove it` to these idiots at the weekend and see what happens next. We`ll just keep paying through the Sky site until we`re squared up. Regards N.P
  8. Hi again, Thanks for the posts DMD and ODC, That is our plan, to just keep paying Sky. The thing is, I can only really help her out every fortnight, that is when I get paid, and I have other bills etc to pay as well. If they do put in a court claim, don`t we have 28 days to enter our defence? Can they add anything else in this time? If they issue a court claim, I may be able to clear the bill by the time of the hearing, in which case our defence could be that we don`t actually owe anything? Would that go down? Regarding DMD`s post, well the thing is, that is what she was told on the phone about just paying when she can. They even said then she could have the service back on when she`s upto date, then the next thing was a letter from Wescot on red paper. She didn`t actually get anything in writing from Sky. We`ve never had anything from Sky at all. Would it be wise to send Wesclots the `prove it` letter, just to try and slow them down? Surely we could ask for some sort of agreement between her and Sky and see what they come up with? Thanks again guys. Regards N.P
  9. Hi again boys and girls, Right, we have another letter. This time from a moron Solicitor. It`s from Nelson Guest & Partners Solicitors. It reads - Dear N.P`s lass, Client Ref: Whatever Wescot Debt No: Whatever Client: Sky Television Balance £426.16 We are instructed by Wescot Credit Services Ltd on behalf of the above named Client, in connection with the sum outstanding shown above. Unless payment is made to Wescot Credit Services Ltd within 7 days of the date of this letter, legal proceedings for the recovery thereof may be commence without further notice. In the event of Judgement being obtained, we shall seek all fixed costs and fees together with statutory interest on the outstanding balance. Yours faithfully S.A. Nelson. Now, the above outstanding amount seems to have noticed we paid £10 off last week to try and confuse them, so I would appreciate some help on this. She has no intention of dodging this payment as she would like the Sky turned back on. It`s just when she rang Sky they said she could just pay up when she could afford it and that there are no charges added on the account. The next thing we get a very red letter from Wescot, claiming FINAL NOTICE, despite previous correspondence we have ignored blah blah blah. WE have never had anything from these morons or Sky. That is why we can`t understand how this account has been unpaid for 6 months, even though they didn`t actually turn it off untill just before Christmas, not that we`ll have missed much. We are going to pay between £50 and £100 tonight when we get back in. The Sky website is still accepting payment via Debit Card. It`s just we don`t have the full amount and most vertainly WILL NOT be paying any third parties. Would you suggest sending a copy of ODC`s letter to the Solicitors or not? Does anyone have any idea`s on how to tackle this? Like I said, we are not going to pay a DCA for anything, ever. We will just keep making payments to Sky when we can afford it. Hope to hear from someone soon. Regards N.P
  10. Hi again, Just a thought, if I send a letter I`ll have to put our address on so they know where it`s from won`t I? Will they already have our address? I don`t think we`ve had any mail from them. Any idea`s about this? Regards N.P
  11. Hi Alan, Thanks for that, that looks like it`s right to the top level. I`ll have to start it with a `Dear morons`, LOL. They just rang AGAIN about 5-10 mins ago, I picked up to tell them where to go but the line went dead. Must be one of the dialler systems, that have more outgoing calls than special agents to take the call when you answer. That`s even more annoying than some bum hole on the other end. Thanks again. Regards N.P
  12. Hi hun, I think my letters were signed for. I`m not sure if I used Special Delivery or the bog standard Recorded Delivery which doesn`t get signed for, LOL. Your Special Delivery should get signed for though. Just report back when it`s signed for then start counting down. This is the hardest part actually. You`ve now made the decision to challenge these idiots, rather than just hide and worry yourself to death. Just stick with it and you`ll be fine. As long as they know your not a lightweight they can pushover, your sorted! The easy part will be if they write stating they don`t have a CCA, but can you please pay us anyway. You know the moral arguement. Then you can phone them if you want, and say something like `eat my ****`, Morecrap, LOL. Ciao for now. N.P
  13. Hi people, Not sure if I`m in the right forum for this, but I thought I`d try it. For the last couple months, on and off we have been getting calls from this number 0800422095. A Google Search pointed to a page on CAG, in the PPI forums. I beleive it to be from Capital One. Tonight they rang twice, with a 10 minute interval. Now, we don`t have and never have had any dealings with Capital One. We don`t answer unknown numbers, just numbers stored in our phone. I was wondering, does anyone have their address? I want to send the Telephone Harassment Letter to these twats. Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance. Regards N.P
  14. Hi honey, Just joining in again while I`m having my tea, LOL. I hope your feeling stronger now, and can sleep properley. There really isn`t anything to worry about. It`s all about gaining control. What haven`t you deducted £12 from the amount? Them arseholes are cheeky enough to ask for it. You should deduct it AND charge them for each letter YOU send them, they would. Then fling an N1 Form at them when they don`t pay up. Regarding the phone calls, have you actually spoken to these knob jockeys? If so, your breaking the rules. If they catch you out, don`t even answer a single question, just hang up. I think we had 3 calls in total from different numbers. I blocked each number and NEVER spoke to them once, then they stopped ringing. They WILL give in if you totaly refuse to speak to them. Remember, it`s a game, and they will try and take the lead if you let them. You can be as rude and horrible as you want, after all, these parassites are trying to make your life hell by intimidating you. Did you send you CCA request Recorded or Special Delivery? If so, you can track the number on the Royal Mail site, if they decide to get a signature. And yep, fling a Telephone Harrasment Letter at them too, and don`t forget to charge the turd burglars for that too. Regards N.P
  15. Hi odds, Well, the reason I haven`t been paying them or replied to any of their letters is because they have Defaulted on my CCA request, so I have no obligations to them. They do have one to me though, my CCA request. It seems there are a lot of people having all sorts of trouble with Lloyds, and it looks like Lloyds are just blanking everyones requests. Why don`t you open another Account with another Bank and use that from now on? You could still keep paying your £1 a month. I`ll catch you later mate. I have a phising letter to print out now to another bunch of knob jockeys. Regards N.P
  16. Hi reduk, Thanks for that. Thats what I was thinking, sending the phishing letter to these knob jockeys. My girlfriend is adamant (no, the 80`s pop plonker) that she doesn`t know anything about this debt. She DID have a Provident Collector come around when I first met her, which is around 8 years now, but then she stopped coming. This was at the address we are at now though, no the correspondence address. That is what we can`t understand, and why I think maybe her ex may have got a loan using her name. He would have to be really THICK HEADED, which I think he is, to do that, but stranger things have happened. I`ll send a copy of the phishing letter (I have one, thanks) then see what they come back with. If they come back with a date for the account which is older than 6 years, then I`ll send the Statute Barred letter. If they come back with something younger, then I`ll CCA them. If, after the CCA, they come back with nothing, then I`ll tell them to **** OFF!. If a valid CCA comes back, then things will get REALLY INTERSTING then. Thanks again red. Regards N.P
  17. Hi Goldlady, I don`t know, but maybe I`m missing something here. I thought all these financial institutions are supposed to be helpful and professional, as well as responsible? It seems these companies just do whatever they like to people. The reason is, is because they have so much money floating about, it doesn`t matter what law they break, no fine will be enough to cause any damage really. Even if a Judge does fine a Bank a huge wadd and cause the Bank problems, the Goverment will just TAX us more to get the money to help the Bank out. The Goverment are a bunch of knobs too! They can quote me on that. Nothing but parasites, I hate this country! The whole place is Bankrupt! Ignore me I`m just having a twist again. Someone has too. Regards N.P
  18. Hi Pete, How you doing with Lloyds? Bunch of bell ends aren`t they? I received a Default Notice exactly the same as yours, a couple of weeks or so ago for my Lloyds Mastercard. I think you`ve been reading my thread about it and know that I haven`t been paying as they are in Criminal Offence now. Wow! Like they are really bothered and scared by that? Anyway, I don`t think your token payments will make much difference, as they want the full whack. They cashed my £1 CCA fee and paid this on the Card, which to them was probably a token payment. Morons! Have you CCA`d them on this account? I can`t remember if you have or not. Isn`t your account just a couple of years old? They`d probably have a valid CCA anyway. Anyway, just keep fighting them matey and don`t give in. If you back down they`ll jump on you and stamp on your head. Regards N.P
  19. Hi spiritgirl and poker mad. Yes, I have a Current Account with Lloyds also, which is now no longer in use, except for the £30 a month I`m putting in to cover the interest on the overdraft. I`m expecting them to add this to the Credit Card and ask for the whole lot back in one lump, yeah, right, like I`m going to pay that lot back in one lump. I now have my wage going into a Halifax account which is where my Direct Debits are being paid from. Thing`s like internet and mobile phone service only. It`s just the Lloyds Credit Card account is now in Criminal Offence territory, yet they are still adding on missed payment and non payment charges, and also interest, which would be wrong due to the charges being added. I thought, once an account is in dispute, all activity should stop on it. Is this right? If so, is there any Statute I can fling at these idiots? Preferably on a piece of soiled arse wipe, tied around a brick with razor wire. I wish I was a Bank, then I could do ignore all laws and do whatever the hell I want. Thanks again folks. Regards N.P
  20. Hi again boys and girls, Right, she has had another letter from these annoying morons. They`re coming thick and fast now. As usual it went to the other housem which she has never lived at. It reads - Dear N.P`s lass, We have recently written to you to recoveran overdue debt, in the sum of £1,615.00. We are unaware of any legitimate reason for non-payment of this account and although we would prefer an amicable settlement, we will not hesitate to commence Legal Proceedings if necessary. Please call our 24 Hour Payment Line immediately on 0871 700 1550 to make payment by Credit or Debit Card. Payment is also accepted online at www.paybcwonline.com. Alternative methods or payment are detailed overleaf. Should there be any matter that you would like to bring to our attention or if you wish to discuss your financial circumstances in relation to the debt, please call us immediately. Yours faithfully Some stupid Piers Morgan at BCW. Right, I find these letters quite amusing, especially that part that reads `call us IMMEDIATELY AND PAY US`, don`t these knobs realise how barmy there letters are? I`m thinking of maybe sending the `phishing letter` that is kicking about on CAG, I beleive it to be a Curly Special. Then, if they respond to that, a CCA request. I would appreciate any comments from anyone regarding this, as these fools don`t seem to be giving in anytime soon. Regards N.P
  21. Hi fuzzy, I sent mine around 3-4 months not, probably longer, and I haven`t had any paperwork back at all. Not even the Application Form they usually send back to people. The account has been passed from Argos to Morecrap, then back to Argos, then to Fredrickson International. They have put my account on hold while they are waiting further instructions from Argos. I think they mean they are waiting for the CCA from Argos, like I am. These idiots bring it on them selves. If they asked nicely and allowed me to pay up what and when I could afford, I wouldn`t have to go on the defensive with them. This is WAR! Hi honey, I hope your nice and chilled now? Regards N.P
  22. Hi again people, Just bumping this up again. Has anyone any idea`s about my question in the above post? Post 83 I`d like to get my letter away this week. Regards N.P
  23. Hi honey, You`ll be fine from now on, just stop worrying and stay focused. If you want to could send a SAR to Argos, to get your statements and tot up all the charges on the account. If Morecrap do, my a miracle or act of god show up with a valid CCA, you can then work on the charges side. I got my statements from Argos as soon as I received the first letter from Morecrap, then I CCA`d the fools. I`m still waiting for a CCA, but so far, no one can come up with one. In the mean time, the charges list are on standby. Don`t forget to also mention you are charging Morecrap £15 for the letter your sending them. Tell them they have 14 days to pay up or you`ll start Court Action, hah hah, what a bunch of muppets! Anyway, I`m sure you`ll be able to sleep better tonight knowing you not alone. Everyone on here needs each others help and there are thousands of us. Just chill out and enjoy the challenge and also the banter and nonsense on CAG, I used to be addicted to eBay but now I spend all night reading CAG, it`s a brill site. Regards N.P
  24. By the way, just a thought. Put DON`T IGNORE THIS LETTER in big bold red letters across the top of your letter and start it with Dear morons, or whichever empty head this may concern. Heh heh Regards N.P
  25. Hi again, You sound all flustered about this, don`t you? Try not to worry, I`ll help you as much as I can and if I get stuck there are others out there guiding us both, so STOP worrying! Morecrap are just a bunch of morons who will terrorise you if you let them. I take you have not paid for a number of months? It`s just after you send off your CCA request, they have 12 (+2 shipping) days to furnish you with your lovely CCA. After that the bum holes default on your account and you can stop paying. After a further 30 calendar days they commit a Criminal Offence. Then you can contact the FOS, Trading Standards if you find the need to. I haven`t bothered with these as they know that I know they can`t do diddly without a CCA. Anyway, we`ll keep watching with interest, so in the mean time if there`s anything else just drop a post or shout. Regards N.P
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