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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/06 in all areas

  1. Another day, another company - and another thread. If anyone wonders why I've been so busy lately, it's not really that - I just don't start these threads til there's something useful to post Anyway.. DPA request sent to Birmingham Midshires requesting complete list of transactions and charges for a (now settled) Mortgage account. The plan is to look at recovering the redemption charges, but also I know there are quite a few 'other' charges for things like late payment, letters, etc - which I also want to know about. DPA sent 25/5/06 No response as of today DPA LBA sent 11/07/06 More as it happens..
    1 point
  2. Now that this claim has been settled, here is a summary of the whole thread, and all the steps I took. Feel free to read the whole thing if you wish: For the benefit of others, a brief summary of the Spiceskull v HSBC action to recover bank charges, with the help and advice of Consumer Action Group. I have had an account with HSBC for 24 years (opened when it was Midland Bank) - and in that time I attempted to run the account properly. However, life being what it is, there were many periods when I incurred overdrafts and cancelled direct debits, and penalty charges were ruthlessly applied to my account. Many times I contacted H
    0 points
  3. I've sent you a PM with some pointers
    0 points
  4. Can do. I'd include it now. By the time the bank is served it'll past the 17th anyway.
    0 points
  5. it used to make me feel powerless...then i found this site! I had admitted it to CapQuest too...i had been paying them - then i found out about it from this site... On Grumbletext.. Capquest Debt Recovery- Re "" posted by lry at 15:33 11/07/06 ...the owe me around £1000 - they havent given up, they told me they had given debt back to halifax, i contacted halifax and they said no chance - we gave it them so we dont have to deal with it (it also says partial settled on my cred file)CapQuest then carried on contact as usual (after saying it was handed back) with frequent letters (including yesterday if you read back through todays pos
    0 points
  6. just incorporate it in your lba letter, yes you can address it to the person making the offer
    0 points
  7. All the info on alternative bank a/c here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/13832-do-you-need-parachute.html
    0 points
  8. Hi mike have you tried co-op's cashminder a/c, its eay to get and has good online banking and a visa electron card, tho if you want one quick try natwest step a/c you can apply online for that one and you'll get a solo card! online banking not so good tho! hope this helps?
    0 points
  9. Its quite easy ...all you have to do is write to the bank and ask them to supply you with the account details, dont forget to supply the address you were at at the time
    0 points
  10. According to the CPRs, an email or fax is as good as a letter.
    0 points
  11. Yeah. the executive office in Nottingham I think. I am having quite a lot of fun with them at the moment. I am about £90 over my limit but have told them the amount is in dispute as they owe me the charges back. You should have heard the guy stutter when I told him I was paying nothing until it is sorted out.. Good luck (not that you need it)
    0 points
  12. No!! don't let them get you further in debt. My advice to anyone who is thinking of taking on more credit from banks because they want to "help" you from getting charges then please read on! If you have any loans/credit cards or overdrafts that you cannot afford then contact the consumer credit counselling service and they will work through a plan with you to see what you can afford to pay back. If you have too much debt and not enough income to pay it off they will get your interest and further charges stopped (in most cases anyway) and arrange for you to make lower payments that you can realistically afford. They helped me a lot and th
    0 points
  13. Today's development. As instructed I went to the cash machine to check if the money had gone into the account and hey presto - it swallowed my card saying I wasn't authorised to use it! Now to say I am angry is an understatement. About a week ago we had a letter from someone at the bank saying the cards etc were to be returned because we took all our money out up to the level of the overdraft and told them the refund would cover it. A couple of charges added caused the usual problems. (They haven't cancelled a standing order as we instructed - it's only £5 but we all know about the bank's zero tolerance) We have spoken a couple of times
    0 points
  14. HIya Shabby make sure you open your personnel thread under the designated banks. use teh link at the bottom of this post 'Bank lists' find your bank and enter any details of letters sent and recieved, this way you will get the best advice. Also have a good browse of the Q&A link. and pop in the Bear garden whan you have settled in. BL
    0 points
  15. I would send a printout detailing all the dates, types of charge and amounts. You have probably got all this on your spreadsheet, also include your account numbers. Send all this to Worthing County Court and the defendant with a covering letter detailing your claim number.
    0 points
  16. Hi west, Its 28 days from the date the bank were deemed to have received it, you should have had this in a letter from the court. I think in your case its the 12th! Which means today is the day! Check on moneyclaim has a defence been lodged? Also ring the court at 4.15ish this aft and confirm a defence still hasnt been lodged! Good luck!!
    0 points
  17. Hi Well done- I thought I'd just let you know that RBoS contacted me the week before the return date with an offer to settle so you might have a few weeks yet I imagine! They might forget to include the interest element WHEN they make their offer to settled:D and need reminding- Good Luck.
    0 points
  18. if you cancel the card then all payments will stop as they could be fraudulent for all the bank knows
    0 points
  19. For those that have looked at their statements and may be wondering, what can i claim for?, and why are the descriptions confusing?, what about the overdraft interest is that claimable aswell? wonder no more. you can claim for anything which is deemed a penalty charge, which includes: returned direct debits, card mis-use, unpaid standing order, unpaid item, exceeding your overdraft, overdraft interest (see below), total charges (see below) notifed fees Unauthorised overdraft arrangement fees (more will be added as and when confirmation is found) you can not claim for: ATM (cash machine) usage (typica
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  20. Particulars of Claim Claimant has account (A/C No) with Defendant from (Date)conducted on their standard terms and conditions. Claimant is claiming the return of (£0.00) taken by Defendant in charges over (X) years. The Defendant's charges are a disproportionate penalty and therefore unenforceable as they are contrary to common law. They are also invalid under the Unfair Contracts Terms Act 1977 s.4 and under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999.Para.8 and sch.2.1.e. In the event that the charges are not a penalty they are unreasonable within the meaning of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 s.15. Defendant has d
    0 points
  21. THEY'VE PAID UP!!! Today was the deadline before the LBA... Just received letter now from Robert Udy saying: "...our fees are in line... The OFT has said that it believes default fees of £12 are likely to be fair.. (er - no they haven't!)... we disagree with their analysis and believe our fees are both fair and legal. However, as a matter of goodwill, as you've requested, I have refunded your £148 back to your account (I'll let them off with the 88p!)" YE HA!!! Thanks for all your help and guidance. i'm off to fill out the questionnaire and make my grateful donation!
    0 points
  22. My wife was so sorry to read of your disappointment and sadness of your special day, and said that if you wanted to pm me about sending some of your photographs to her then she would be happy to create a 10" wedding plate free of charge for you. If you or your family have taken photographs then those too could be incorporated. Around the inner rim would be the names of the bride & groom, the venue, date of the wedding. The above is her own design and you will not find another like it, so perhaps out of misery a unique memory of your special day may be given?
    0 points
  23. that sounds absolutely spot on advice, but no-one has actually ended up in court yet (hsbc anyway), are you hoping to be the first?
    0 points
  24. Well now this is up to you, but there have been reports of some people on here being charged for going overdrawn at 16/17 and besides it can do no harm to ask for 6 years worth anyway! LOL!
    0 points
  25. From personal experience, if you have a single default, not matter how good the rest of your finances are, you are mostly untouchable. Everything becomes more difficult to get, even secured loans. I've had two defaults in my life. The first one was unjustified and I took BMW to court to get it removed. I have just started the process again with A&L who had the barefaced cheek to default me for non-payment of their bloody penalty charges (Thick end of £5k now being claimed back). I know that you build up "points" for regularly making payments on cards/loans etc, but you need to find out why your credit rating is in the toilet
    0 points
  26. Methinks a queue of presshounds are baying after someone's blood.....can't for the life of me think whose.........hooooowwwwll!!!!
    0 points
  27. If HSBC are in Leeds you should file your claim at Leeds County Court (it might be Skipton County Court). As far as I can tell there are two conflicting rules, which you can use to your advantage. On the one hand, you're supposed to sue in the court nearest the Defender. On the other hand, as a consumer you're entitled to sue in the court nearest you. I've done both and not noticed any particular difference (since they never defend it anyway). They can of course challenge the jurisdiction, but to do that they have to actually put in a defence and attend court, which will cost them between £1000 and £2000 in legal fees, with no pro
    0 points
  28. I've just read it in the Sun, great news! Can they really defend it after you've been awarded a default judgement though? If they can then that stinks to be honest. The article also mentions Stephn's success too.
    0 points
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