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    • you never use or give an email  2nd class stamp with free proof of posting from any po counter dx
    • Much appreciated for the ammendment. The snottier the better right!   What I am assuming is that this response is to be posted to Gladstones? However, I am seeing some users sending this as an email instead, which is a little confusing.  If we're happy with this response, what would you suggest is the best way to send it over to them (post/email), and is there anything additional I could include (if necessary)?  Thanks again! 
    • Hi I've read through other threads to better inform me of the process from here onwards. When I put in the MoneyClaim it gave me a claim number and it currently says to wait for the defendant to respond, they have until 7 August.   It seems their most likely action is to extend that a further 14 days to about 21 August - this hasn't happened yet, of course, as it is only 27 July but I'm anticipating that may be the case. when the expected defence action is taken by EVRi I will need to submit DQ with these responses A1 - no mediation B - my contact details C1 - yes to the small claims track D1 - No.  If No please state why.  I believe the defence will provide some rebuttal to the particulars of claim and so I need to include details as to why the claim requires a hearing.  Is there some certain templated text I can include here or will it vary depending on what the defendant comes back with? I see on the form it mentions the following: Relevant reasons include that there are factual disputes which will need the judge to hear from witnesses directly or the issues are so complex they need to be argued orally.  Hoping to reach out to see what may be the most effective statements for D1 reasoning. E1-5 are pretty straightforward. I want to get ahead of things and be ready to take the next step so I appreciate what advice you may have about the DQ.   Thanks!  
    • Rachel Reeves is set to reveal a public finances shortfall of billions on pounds after a snap audit.View the full article
    • Hi What they have asked in what you have highlighted isn't unusual at all as Councils have numerous different departments that deal with specific different areas within that council. So if what you are asking in your DSAR is say specific to Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit, Planning Permission etc then just let them know that specific area. On the other hand if you want every bit of DATA they hold on you then simply tell then ALL DATA they hold on you it's them up to then to go through all depts to check for it. 
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    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
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    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
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    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
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    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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Stephanie v NatWest **I WON * I WON**

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I sent the letter to NatWest ' Letter before action' and told them i had calculated £2771.00 in Charges from my 2 accounts.

They sent me a letter back saying they dont belive the charges where unlawfull but are willing to give me £400. for one account and £175. for the other and a gesture of goodwill.


Obviously i am not going to take this!


Not sure now tho..

Do i start court proceedings straight away or send a letter declining their offer?

NatWest - £3702.94 - Won.. Done and Dusted!!

Lloyds - £771.52 - Nearly there...


The Daily Mirror, GMTV, Granada Reports........

Hollywood Next!


Check out how I re-claimed my unlawfull bank charges:


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Done that now just gotta wait.


The 14 days dead line is monday so im gonna have to go and sort out the court proceedings now r'nt I.


Im quite nervous now!

NatWest - £3702.94 - Won.. Done and Dusted!!

Lloyds - £771.52 - Nearly there...


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My 1st response from Natwest was the offer and it came from the branch manager.


I sent him a letter declining the offer and i have now had this letter back from Stuart Higley (Customer Relations)


Thanks you for your letter which has been passed to me for my attention, im sorry you found this offer unacceptable. Consequently the offer is now formally withdrawn.


There will be no refund of £2,771 for which you have asked and i note you proposed way forward.


I am dissapointed to note you are contemplating legal action, whilst i hope you will feel able to reconsider, should you decide to go ahead, please ensure that any proceedings are served on our registered office address.


I am sure that this letter doesn't provide the answer you might have hoped to recive but nonetheless thank you for raising the issue with us.


Can any tell me if they have had similar letters?

Is this to put me off do you think or do they think i have no case?



NatWest - £3702.94 - Won.. Done and Dusted!!

Lloyds - £771.52 - Nearly there...


The Daily Mirror, GMTV, Granada Reports........

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Check out how I re-claimed my unlawfull bank charges:


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Yup. From other people's posts, it's a standard "P*** off" letter.

  • Confused 1

DPA Letter received by NatWest 11/04/2006

DPA Request expires 21/05/2006

Statements received 15/05/2006

LBA sent 15/05/2006


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Also .. im confused about how to work out the intrest. Can any one advise?


On the spread sheet it says UNPAID CHQ CHARGE and CLEARED TRANSACTION etc


ive got unpaid chq chrges etc but not cleared trensaction...

ive got ... referal charges ... card misuse and charges that dont have n e thing by them just the date?


i dont understand it?

am i suposed to type ove the 'in respect of?'



NatWest - £3702.94 - Won.. Done and Dusted!!

Lloyds - £771.52 - Nearly there...


The Daily Mirror, GMTV, Granada Reports........

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Check out how I re-claimed my unlawfull bank charges:


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Having read something on some one elses thread, it said its difficult to calculate intrest if you have been overdrawn the whole time?


Im really confused about adding up all the intrest, would it be better to just apply for the charges?

Could any one advise?

NatWest - £3702.94 - Won.. Done and Dusted!!

Lloyds - £771.52 - Nearly there...


The Daily Mirror, GMTV, Granada Reports........

Hollywood Next!


Check out how I re-claimed my unlawfull bank charges:


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I think you just delete whats already on the spreadsheet and insert what they have charged you, for example, 'unpaid direct debit, £38'. You enter the date on which they charged you and the spreadsheet calculates the interest to today's date.


Good luck!

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Im sorry if i sound really stupid but im really stuck.


Please Help Me!!!!


im claiming charges for 2 natwest accounts from dec 03 - dec 05


It was the 14 day deadline last monday and i need to send my claim form in but i cant work out the intrest.


Is there any one who is in a similar situation who has cracked it and can advise me?



NatWest - £3702.94 - Won.. Done and Dusted!!

Lloyds - £771.52 - Nearly there...


The Daily Mirror, GMTV, Granada Reports........

Hollywood Next!


Check out how I re-claimed my unlawfull bank charges:


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Hi all. .



I still feel really confused about all this and looking at other peoples threads its not going to end n e time soon.

I am currently on benefits and dont have to pay court costs, should this mean i would be intitled to legal aid do you think it would be worth me getting a solicitor?

NatWest - £3702.94 - Won.. Done and Dusted!!

Lloyds - £771.52 - Nearly there...


The Daily Mirror, GMTV, Granada Reports........

Hollywood Next!


Check out how I re-claimed my unlawfull bank charges:


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Ok let me get this straight...


You are getting ready to put a claim in to Money Claim.


You are having problems calculating interest so you can claim back in court?


First of all;


a) Do you have a list fo dates and charges and amounts that have been applied?

b) Have you downloaded the spreadsheet?

c) Can you open the spreadhseet and see it.


No need for a solicitor, but of course, that is your decision. Just remember there is no rush here...

  • Confused 2

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Sorry you didn't get a response earlier, it got really busy after the new MSE newsletter, and we must have missed your post.


You won't qualify for legal aid on a small claim.

But you should qualify for court fee exemption.


Tbh, you don't need a solicitor. It's actually quite easy to do the claim form. And thanks to Dave's forms, working out how the interest should be straighforward. As Neo asks, let us know if you have the Excel sheet.

  • Confused 1
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As Neo asks, let us know if you have the Excel sheet.
Sorry, I meant to post to this thread - I have been helping Princess backstage with the spreadsheets...all ready to be printed out...I know nothing of the status for legal aid, so that advice is best left to others...


See the steps I took to get my bank charges back.

Spiceskull v HSBC.

Thank you Consumer Action Group.

Read my blog.



  • Confused 1

Alecto, Magaera et Tisiphone: Nemesis on Earth is come.


All advice and opinions given by Spiceskull are personal, and are not endorsed by Consumer Action Group or Bank Action Group. Your decisions and actions are your own, and should you be in any doubt, you are advised to seek the opinion of a qualified professional.

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Sorry? I thought you said earlier that I wasn't cool. Had a change of heart then?:cool:

Brownie points to you.
What about rep points instead...rep is a much nicerererer colour...


See the steps I took to get my bank charges back.

Spiceskull v HSBC.

Thank you Consumer Action Group.

Read my blog.



  • Haha 1

Alecto, Magaera et Tisiphone: Nemesis on Earth is come.


All advice and opinions given by Spiceskull are personal, and are not endorsed by Consumer Action Group or Bank Action Group. Your decisions and actions are your own, and should you be in any doubt, you are advised to seek the opinion of a qualified professional.

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Thanks...I needed that boost :D


See the steps I took to get my bank charges back.

Spiceskull v HSBC.

Thank you Consumer Action Group.

Read my blog.



Alecto, Magaera et Tisiphone: Nemesis on Earth is come.


All advice and opinions given by Spiceskull are personal, and are not endorsed by Consumer Action Group or Bank Action Group. Your decisions and actions are your own, and should you be in any doubt, you are advised to seek the opinion of a qualified professional.

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Stephanie, sorry for hijacking,this won't take long, I promise!


Sorry? I thought you said earlier that I wasn't cool.


When did I say that?


What about rep points instead...rep is a much nicerererer colour...


Done. You shameless hussy.

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Stephanie - you all ready for Tuesday now? (ignore the hijackers around here...)


See the steps I took to get my bank charges back.

Spiceskull v HSBC.

Thank you Consumer Action Group.

Read my blog.



Alecto, Magaera et Tisiphone: Nemesis on Earth is come.


All advice and opinions given by Spiceskull are personal, and are not endorsed by Consumer Action Group or Bank Action Group. Your decisions and actions are your own, and should you be in any doubt, you are advised to seek the opinion of a qualified professional.

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Look, I know we both have cartoons for icons, but that's no reason to confuse Bookworm and I with one another. Nor is the long blonde hair...


'Twas I who said you weren't cool. And I was seconded by your partner in illicitude.

DPA Letter received by NatWest 11/04/2006

DPA Request expires 21/05/2006

Statements received 15/05/2006

LBA sent 15/05/2006


If you find me vaguely coherent, click the scales.

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Hi all!


Sorry for not replying, im not on line at the mo and having to use my parents.


Spiceskull has helped me now and ive got the spreadsheets sorted.


Im not using Moneyclaim b'cus im taking my claim form to my local court.

So just gotta fill that in.


Keep you posted.


Thanks every one!

NatWest - £3702.94 - Won.. Done and Dusted!!

Lloyds - £771.52 - Nearly there...


The Daily Mirror, GMTV, Granada Reports........

Hollywood Next!


Check out how I re-claimed my unlawfull bank charges:


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Just filling in the form to print off now.


Can any one give me any tips on what to put in the Brief details of the claim and Value.


Some advice on how to word it and what i need to include would be great.



NatWest - £3702.94 - Won.. Done and Dusted!!

Lloyds - £771.52 - Nearly there...


The Daily Mirror, GMTV, Granada Reports........

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Check out how I re-claimed my unlawfull bank charges:


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For the 'value' part of the claim:

The Claimant claims:

a) the return of the amounts debited in respect of charges in the sum of £[penalty charges total] and the interest charged thereon of £[penalty interest total]

b) Court costs

c) Interest pursuant to section 69 County Courts Act as set out on the attached list of charges from [claim start] to [claim raised in court] of £[Total Interest (8% APR)] and also interest at the same rate up to the date of judgment or earlier payment at a daily rate of 0.022%.


If you are claiming in person, print a couple of copies (from the spreadsheets,) so that you can leave a set with your claim.

Regarding the particulars, take your pick from details here:



However, it is VITAL at this point that you familiarise yourself with the various acts and regulations that you are referring to. It is 99.99% certain that you won't need them, but always best to be prepared. Go through the stuff in the library and FAQs one more time, to get your argument clear in your head.


Good luck.


See the steps I took to get my bank charges back.

Spiceskull v HSBC.

Thank you Consumer Action Group.

Read my blog.



Alecto, Magaera et Tisiphone: Nemesis on Earth is come.


All advice and opinions given by Spiceskull are personal, and are not endorsed by Consumer Action Group or Bank Action Group. Your decisions and actions are your own, and should you be in any doubt, you are advised to seek the opinion of a qualified professional.

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Thanks Spiceskull!

NatWest - £3702.94 - Won.. Done and Dusted!!

Lloyds - £771.52 - Nearly there...


The Daily Mirror, GMTV, Granada Reports........

Hollywood Next!


Check out how I re-claimed my unlawfull bank charges:


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About the Brief details of claim section on the claim form...


Spiceskull, you have given me the link to particulars but ive already printed that off to go with the claim form b'cus on the second side of the claim form it asks you to attatch them, so i must have to put something different in the 'brief details of claim' part.


Any ideas?


Ta x

NatWest - £3702.94 - Won.. Done and Dusted!!

Lloyds - £771.52 - Nearly there...


The Daily Mirror, GMTV, Granada Reports........

Hollywood Next!


Check out how I re-claimed my unlawfull bank charges:


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This is what I put - but would suggest you check it over before copying it verbatim:

I have a contract with [bANK] dated [DATE], which is conducted on their standard terms and conditions. I am claiming a refund of money taken by [DATE] in the form of penalty charges over the last 6 years, plus the interest they have levied on those charges. The Bank's charges are a disproportionate penalty, and therefore unenforceable as they are contrary to common law. Further, as a

disproportionate penalty they are invalid under the Unfair (Contracts) Terms Act 1977 s.4 and under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. Para.8 and sch.2 (1)(e). In the event that the charges are not a penalty then they are unreasonable within the meaning of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 s.15. I have repeatedly asked the bank to justify their charges, but they have neglected to do so.The claimant claims interest under section 69 of

the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% a year from March 2000 to [CLAIM DATE] of £[AMOUNT] and also interest at the same rate up to the date of judgment or earlier payment at a daily rate of 0.022%.


See the steps I took to get my bank charges back.

Spiceskull v HSBC.

Thank you Consumer Action Group.

Read my blog.



Alecto, Magaera et Tisiphone: Nemesis on Earth is come.


All advice and opinions given by Spiceskull are personal, and are not endorsed by Consumer Action Group or Bank Action Group. Your decisions and actions are your own, and should you be in any doubt, you are advised to seek the opinion of a qualified professional.

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