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Found 4 results

  1. Hello I am trying to deal with my £540.00 woolworths debt. I have set up a payment plan a couple of times with them but have struggled to keep up with it and payment has lapsed. I paid £50 this month which should have bought my balance down but I was hit with a £12.00 fee for a 'debt collection letter' and £16 interest. The interest I can understand but the £12.00 fee for a letter I feel is unfair. I would say that a lot of the £540 is probably made up by these extra fees. While i understand I need to pay back what I owe, I need it to be affordable at the same time and I do not feel they are helping. Another problem is the 28 day cycle which falls between pay days for me and exacerbates the situation. What should be the first course of action?
  2. I opened an online account with Woolworths in December 2012 and placed an order in the same month using the BNPL (Buy now pay later) for 12 months meaning I didn't have to pay anything until JAN 2014. This has been confirmed by them twice over the phone. However after receiving a letter from a debt collection company in February 2014 stating that my account had defaulted I then realised that Woolworths had sold my account as a default in August 2013 in addition to this I had made a full payment in November 2013, and I have a confirmation email stating this. Confusing I know, so am I! Further to this Woolworths won't discuss the reason why they sold my account as a default before notifying me of any arrears and before the 12 month period was up. This has now effected my credit rating, caused me stress, extra expenses and not to mention the time consuming calls backwards and forwards between Woolworths arrears department and the debt collection company. I would appreciate any advice in how to rectify this disastrous situation and what kind of compensation is owed to me. Also just so you know I am awaiting an SRA to arrive to confirm everything and the debt collection company has requested more info from Wololworths back in Feb 14 with no reply yet. Please help ....
  3. Hi everyone! I currently have 4 catalogue accounts with the Home Direct Group (Littlewoods, Woolworths, Isme and Very) and due to a recent change in circumstances am unable to make my usual payments. I have emailed all 4 catalogue's explaining my situation, offering them a token payment and explaining that I would like interest and charges frozen as well as a review of my circumstances in 6 months time. I also mentioned that I would like to keep all correspondence via email or letter (So that I have proof of what has been said). I have received emails back from all 4 catalogue's explaining that, although they are grateful for me keeping them informed, I need to speak to the Arrears Department who can only be reached via telephone apparently. I have wrote back to each catalogue saying that I am not willing to contact them via telephone and asked what they may suggest I do. I have yet to receive any further advice from them. Does anyone have any advice they can offer me? I am insistent on keeping all contact to letter and email only as they do not have my telephone number and I don't want them getting a hold of it. I am keen to get all of this sorted prior to the threatening letters and knocks at the door. Any help would be very much appreciated!
  4. I ordered 2 liverpool dressing gowns from woolworths on 27/10/10, price including delivery charge was £35.95. I e-mailed them on 8/11/10 after checking their order tracker and seeing that the delivery had apparently been made on 28/10/10. I was out that day with my husband and kids and no card had been put through the door. I'd ordered some books at the same time and they had all arrived with no problem. I got a reply from them saying.. Thanks for getting in touch with Woolies. We’re really sorry you haven’t received your order for 2 X Robes [3F96118] We’ve looked into this for you and our records show that your order was delivered on 28.08.2010 Could you check with a neighbour to see if they took delivery of your parcel and are looking after it for you? If this isn’t the case, please let us know. If we’ve made a mistake, we’ll make sure you get your money back. At Woolies, we do everything we can to make sure our orders arrive on time and that our customers are completely happy with our service. We’re so sorry for any problems this has caused. If there’s anything else we can do, just drop us an email by clicking the reply button. We’ll be happy to help. So I asked my neighbours and nobody had taken a delivery for us, e-mailed woolworths to tell them this and they said . . . Thanks for emailing us about your missing order 2 X Robes [3F96118] . I have referred your email to another department who will look into this and contact you as soon as they have more information. We have received a signature upon delivery, and we will send you a copy, so you can confirm whether this is your signature. Rest assured every effort is being made to resolve the issue for you as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience. by 15/11/10 I e-mailed again saying nothing had been sent to me and they sent . . . Thanks for getting in touch with Woolies. Sorry that you have not received information about the parcel we say we received a signature for. We really want to sort this out for you, so we’ve sent your email to our specialist department who should be able to help. They’ll look into things for you and send the necessary documentation again for you. Please allow 7 days to receive this. Thanks for being so patient. We hope to get this sorted out for you very soon. If there’s anything else we can do, just email us by clicking the reply button and we’ll be happy to help So i receive a letter on the 17th basically saying that the need a copy of my signature from an official document so that they can verify whether the signature they have is mine. I spoke to my sister about it and she said NOT to send them anything as they could just copy my signature. So I phoned them and told the girl at customer service that I would like a copy of the signature they have and I would take it to the police with an official document so that they could verify that it isn't mine.She told me that the signature is S.Cairns. I always sign my full name so I'm guessing the delivery driver has signed it instead of me!!! I've received no other letters since then, but hung off, giving them the benefit of the doubt with the weather being so bad. I e-mailed them on 12/12/10 to say I'm still waiting for this signature, got a reply repeating that they need a copy of my signature and telling me they'll re-send the letter that I've already told them I've received! I replied telling them yet again that i requested a copy of the signature that they have and so far I have heard nothing back from them! My sister has since bought dressing gowns for my nephews as there is no way this will be sorted by xmas! Any idea what I should do now?
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