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Found 3 results

  1. Hi folks, It would be valuable if any of you guys may offer an insight on my and my siblings current situation after the passing of our father a few years My Dad, a successful businessman, divorced my mum years ago when I was in my early 20s. Their marriage had been pretty dysfunctional for a long time so it wasn't surprising. My Dad remarried a few years later to a subordinate from the establishment he worked for, also a divorcee. After originally having some animosity towards her for the divorce, perhaps misplaced, over the ensuing years we got to know her personality. To say she is materialistic, shallow, and a goldigger is an understatement. My Dad was the exact opposite. He was intellectual and thick skinned she a bit of a dullard and seemed to only be interested in appearances and acquisition of new items. My Dad was coerced by her to acquiesce to this over the years, antithetical to his upbringing. We could see the change in him and there was tension but mostly civility between us and her for him. She seemed controlling with him. Him having to be home at certain times etc. All of us children concurred on her personality. He brought the majority of wealth to the relationship. My Dad tragically died a few years ago in bad circumstances. He was unconscious for a while and passed away some days later. She was not at the hospital at the time. My Dad left a TIC Will on the house leaving her a life interest and £multiple k in money, half his large pension. The Will was generic and not personalised at all. The beneficiaries were her kids and us equally on the house. We believe it’s possible she coerced him into a will that didn't immediately allow any estate to the beneficiaries if he passed first. She didn't offer a penny of his capital even as a token gesture. She lives in a nice house in with no money worries. She also refused an executor access to the will file for unknown perhaps insidious reasons. One of my siblings does not need any advance on the inheritance. I'm currently disabled living on ESA and on my uppers and my other sibling wants to move out of his flat. We cannot do anything currently. I may pre decease her as I have health issues. I know it was my Dad's Will but do you think she should at least talk to us about the situation? Maybe he was coerced. We have thought of an equity release scheme but knowing her personality with money she may be obdurate and make things worse by changing her will. Her daughters seem to be in her mold. We all got on really closely with my dad and were devastated at his early passing. I had a deep depression. I am really struggling financially and this constant worrying about money and her is affecting my MH badly. Is there a loan one can take out against being a beneficiary in will? What can we do? Thank you kindly in advance.
  2. Hello All I wonder if anyone can advise on my daughters situation please. She is 18 and in her first year at university. Against our advice she ditched her student accommodation to move in with her boyfriend in his flat. The boyfriend's dad owns the flat that they live in and they rent it from him. They have an assured shorthold tenancy for a furnished flat for 12 months (Jan 1st 2017 - Jan 1st 2018) Both their names are printed on the tenancy but only my daughters signature is on there for some reason which I find strange. They have now spilt up and the Landlord (ex boyfriend's dad) wants her out by 1st June 2017. She wants to move out and find her own place but just wondered what the law says ? Is there any relevance that only she signed the tenancy despite it being in both names ? Thank you so much. Victoria
  3. OK, I wanted to run a hypothetical scenario past you good people and see what you think...... A hypothetical bloke, let's call him BOB who has a very poor credit rating, a house which he lives in with his wife and two children which the married couple own but which has a whacking 2nd charge in favour of his father who gave them money to pay a chunk of the mortgage off, no tangible assets and a job which pays him £3000 per month which to be honest he hates, decides that he is going to better his situation by going to all 240 payday loan companies and borrow the maximum amount each of them allow him to. In all, he borrows £150,000 and sets a payment date one month in the future. He then transfers the £150,000 to his other UK bank account, and through a series of offshore accounts, bounces the money into a foreign company that he is a director of. Then he closes his initial current account, cancels his debit card, sends letters to all of the loan companies pleading redundancy and offers to pay them 20% of the initial debt, or accept that he will go bankrupt and they will get nothing. He also makes reference to the fact that any contact other than by letter will be treated as 'Threats and Intimidation' and a trip to the doctors claiming of stress will back this up. A no win no fee solicitor will also be employed to chase off any threats or intimidation that should ensue. He then sits tight and waits for the phone to ring and the letters and debt collectors to arrive at his door so he can claim harrasment against them......... Other than the obvious moral and ethical problems, what are the flaws in BOB's plan?
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