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Found 3 results

  1. Hello to all you helpful souls @ CAG, I am hoping for some advice...... A couple of years ago I took out a payday loan with MRLENDER @ £700ish. I found myself in financial difficulty and was not able to repay. I tried to talk to MRLENDER but they were not interested in my circumstances and just insisted on full payment or interest/charges would be added etc. This annoyed the hell out of me!! Therefore I just ignored them. I have now received a letter from MORIARTY LAW (dated 09/12/16), stating; Amount Due: £1312.50 Original Lender: PDL Finance t/a Mr Lender We have been instructed by Motormile Finance UK Ltd (MMF) in relation to recovery of the above debt. The debt must now be settled within the next 14 days by either payment in full or an initial payment and an acceptable repayment plan. In the event we do not hear from you within the next fourteen days we have been instructed to issue proceedings without further reference to yourself. To ensure you are fully aware of the consequences of legal proceedings being issued against you we have detailed below the costs, fees and interest that the court will add to your account should this action be taken. Court fees: £70 Solicitor costs: £80 Interest: £105 The issue of proceedings and any consequent judgment in our clients favour would therefore result in your debt increasing to £1567.50. I have not been informed by Mr Lender / Motormile that this has been passed on/sold to Moriarty Law. I do work full time, however I am in receipt of child tax credits and don't have the money to pay this off in full...should I try to arrange a payment plan? Is Mr Lender in any way liable due to poor affordability checks in the first place, or is this all on me solely? Thanks in advance for any and all replies. Dave.
  2. Hi all apologies if this post in in the wrong place. I am in desperate need of some assistance. I have a loan of £520 with Mr Lender due to come out of my account tomorrow. I took some of the advise I saw on here and emailed them this morning stating that I was in financial difficulty, I offered a repayment plan of £65 a month for 8 months (which I can manage). I have heard nothing back as of yet. I then called Tsb to cancel the CPA. They put me through to disputes and point blank refused to cancel this CPA, and said there was nothing ear marked on my account to come out tomorrow. The very rude and poor english speaking man said that they would not investigate anything until the transaction has taken place. I'm so worried now and I don't know what to do. Should I call them back and ask to speak to somebody else or just wait until tomorrow to see what happens. I wanted to avoid any charges from Tsb. I hope someone can help.
  3. Afternoon all, Any advice would be appreciated. I took out a loan with Mr Lender on 15th June 2012. I asked them for to supply my CCA agreement in writing (they sent an email) i told them this email is not acceptable. I downloaded the documents anyway (just to have a look) and everything seems to be in the CCA aggreement. I also asked them to provide me with a breakdown of charges of the account and the default notice. I will upload the charges below. I think they are unlawful. can someone tell me if that are and how i can claim them back? I was given no notification of the short hand auth code. 15/7/2012 - Original Loan 450 15/7/2012 - Interest 135 17/7/2012 - Fail card payment 20 18/7/2012 - Letter 20 - i recieved no letter 23/7/2012 - Letter 20 - i recieved no letter 5/12/2012 - Interest 172.96 5/12/2012 - Interest 224.85 28/2/2013 - Interest 290.61 (this is the date they recieved the CCA request!) Total - 1319.20! I made a few token payments during this time (4 payments totalling around 15) when i was with a DMA but decided i needed to sort it out myself as they were charging to much and they hadnt got all the interest and charges frozen as they stated. They also included a copy of the default which looks very strange. It is also states on it dated the date of email.....well the email date is 23/02/2013 (the date hasn't even occured yet!). However on my credit file it was defaulted on the 15/07/2012. The date of issue. (MY NAME) (REF NUMBER) Default Notice Date of notice: As per this email. Leanne, Credit Agreement reference number: ******** This notice is being given to you as required by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 because we have charged you the following default sums under your agreement with us. Description of charge, Amount Late Fee, £20 Letter Fee, £20 Collection Fee, £20 Total: £60 Please contact us on 0208-532-5024 in order to discuss the state of your agreement. This Notice does not take account of default sums which we have already told you about in another default sum notice, whether or not those sums remain unpaid. Interest We are not entitled to charge you interest on the default sums for the first 28 days after we have given you this notice. However if the sum is not paid in full by that date interest will be charged at the rate of 30% per month. Signed (NAME) Head of collections. Any help would be great. Thanx Lx
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