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Found 6 results

  1. On my FB page someone has just posted that they have been sanctioned by the JC adviser because they have got Jury duty this week! Can this be legal?
  2. Big scary pink letter came today! Jury Summons. I am NOT intrested. Please help me avoid! I do have depression and social anxiety! I also have mood swings. However I need solid reason. Thanks
  3. Well now, this was a shock !! Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3460891/St-Louis-jury-awards-72M-Johnson-Johnson-cancer-suit.html#ixzz41C1D6S4T
  4. im not sure where else to ask this question and not sure if its in the right section of the forum. i received a jury citation in the post today for 13/4. i had the questionnaire thing a few months ago and filled it in to be excused reason being i have 1 child (6) in primary school and another (4) in nursery. im on my own no one to help, s on goes to school for 9am of course and i have my daughter til i drop her at nursery at 12.50pm, collect my son for 3pm to come home and leave at 3.30pm to pick my daughter up at 4pm. thats a normal day, but in between all that i have to fit in hospital and drs appointments for myself and the children. i didn't receive any acknowledgment that they'd received the questionnaire i sent back but i just assumed they got it. now im in scotland and i was reading that they pretty much force you to stick your kids in childcare? or thats been the experience of other people at least. im also on ESA with problems with walking etc and recently had an accident in tesco which has made everything 10 times worse. i guess what i am asking is if i call the clerk of the court on monday and explain this to him is it likely i will be excused? i escaped 10 years without a jury citation and now i have one its for the high court...which i'd really want to attend as well.
  5. Hi. could anyone help me, i have been picked for jury service, will this affect my JSA payments because i will not be available for work, or will it be ok because it is law that i must attend unless of course i have some health issues. thank you for any help.
  6. Hi, My role has recently been made redundant and as a result I am in my notice period. Due to the offshoring of my role I am not required to attend the office during the notice period. The first two weeks of the notice period coincided with a period of Jury Service. Question is - does this period of Jury Service impact my notice period (i.e. does it extend it by two weeks)? Thanks, Monoceros
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