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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I paid a narrator to do my audio book and he did a great job. I then had a company put the book on to 5 C.D's which they did, I have an issue and wondered what I should do next. All the C.D's are fine and the audio in the right order etc, the trouble is on each C.D it says track one two and 3 etc, but on one of the C.D's it has some obscure bands name come up, their album name and track title, obviously this was meant for someone else's C.D. My audio book is on there and not the bands, but it does not look good on me if I sell this book and this is what they see when loading the C.D Should I get back in touch and ask them to replace this one C.D and then me manually replace each one in the set of 5? (I have ordered 160) I just think they may think its no big deal as long as the right audio is on there, they have not been the best to deal with up to now anyway. I just want to know where I stand before I send them a message and not get fobbed off. Unless people think it is not a major issue and I can just let it go and sell them as I really don't want to wait a few more weeks for them, but can't see another option. Thanks Paul
  2. Hello, Please help. I was a Vodafone customer and wait till my contract expired in July 2015 to move to another service provider. Please check - I have paid my mobile phone bills by direct debit faithfully for the past 2 years I was with them. The issue occurred on July 2015 when I have trouble trying to pay my final bills! Vodafone said that as my account has been closed they can only send me the final bill to my old address and I have to pay by cheque. They refused to accept my payment over the phone! I explained that I have moved to my new address in February 2015 and there is no way I can get the final bill. After trying to contact Vodafone for months, trying to settled the bill which is £32! It is frustrating given that I tried to pay and have been sent reminder through text! They don't accept my payment over the phone. Finally, In Nov/Dec 2015, I managed to contact a customer representive who knows what she is doing. She finally allowed me to settled my bill! BUT never did I expect that this has created a 'DEFAULT' in my Experian credit report. This is so so unfair, given that I wanted to pay, have been paying faithfully on time, stick to my contract and wanted to do things the proper way but Vodafone system apparently cant cope with it and I am landed with DEFAULT on my credit report. Please can you please removed the DEFAULT. It has never been my intention to default and I have tried numerous times over my part to clear it! This default will affect my mortgage application in future!
  3. Hi there I am one of a number of employees that will be TUPEd into a new company that was created to 'hive off' part of the business and provide a specific function. The function is moving it's head office to a part of the country with low wages - cost cutting is the primary reason for these TUPEs and proposed redundancies. There will be over 200 of us TUPEing and we have been already told that there will be redundancies as part of the process (as some of the roles have simply too many people assigned to them). The process has been going on for some time and information has been trickling out at a fairly poor pace. Any information we have received has been of poor quality and some of the information has simply been incorrect. We dont even know where we might be based as yet. Can anyone confirm the answers to a few questions, the above info (or about the process in general) please? - If we choose to TUPE and do not like the roles that we TUPE into, do we have 30 days to try out the role and are we legally able to choose to take redundancy if we do not like the role. - We are worried (collectively) about benefits received at our originating parts of the company and that these will disappear over time after TUPEing. Are company cars, pensions (and contributions), holiday entitlements protected? If moving to a new role within the new company, can we potentially lose them? - We have heard that certain salaries within the same role type will be frozen to allow other salaries within the same job type to catch up. Is this legal? It amounts to an effective pay cut for some. - We are also worried that in a lot of cases, the company is not replying to some requests for information and seems to be not too keen to put certain information down on paper. Should we be and are there any legal protection for employees on this? Many thanks for your time. GB
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