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Found 2 results

  1. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/sky-accused-letting-72yo-alzheimers-sufferer-pay-110-month-tv-packages-175050618.html Media giant Sky allowed an elderly Alzheimer’s to pay £110 a month for his TV package. Rachel Holdsworth says the family was astounded to learn her uncle, Rodney, was parting with so much. They thought initially that the 72-year-old, who was diagnosed with early onset dementia a couple of years ago, was paying for broadband despite not having a computer or mobile phone. But, after finally convincing Sky that she was a relative and gaining access to the account, she learned her uncle was paying out the hefty monthly sum on TV channels.
  2. Hi all, Am renting part of a car park from the Council, they are about to renew the Lease and increase it by 110%, can they do this? I would really appreciate some help on this one. Thanks in anticipation
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