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Found 4 results

  1. Hi I was hoping for some help and suggestions. I have had great difficulty on getting taylor wimpey sorting out issue with our kitchen that they have fitted. I have reported that there was a problem with the the kitchen cabinets which have started to swell about 3 months ago. They have acknowledged the issue and are dragging their feet. I have contacted NHBC who say that its between me and the builder if there is a problem within the first 2 years of the build. I have all the communation in writing they are hiding behind the clause that states that according to the contract I should allow them reasonable time. I have issued court proceedings to force them to comply and questioned the fairness of the term under the consumers rights act. I am yet to send out a full POC would appreciate your help in drafting one. I have tried to seek legal help and am more than willing to pay for the cost but seems like i am in this fight on my own. One of the lawyers i spoke to said they cannot take on my case when i asked why ? are they too big for you ? he said i cannot comment.
  2. Hi there, hope this is in the right place. Background - we reserved a home with Taylor Wimpey in January 2015. On 14th Feb 2015, we completed a reservation checklist (of which we have a copy) where we went through the plans for the estate, this detailed drains, trees, sub stations, etc etc... We completed and moved in on 3rd July 2015. Very happy in our home, until 7th Jan this year, when the local bus company erected a temporary stop outside our kitchen window. This stop is less than 3 metres from the front of my house and right in front of my gate. We knew the road was to be a bus route, but at no point were we informed that there would be a stop directly outside our house. We have contacted Taylor Wimpey to express our concerns on the 10th January (along with letters to the bus company, the local council and our MP). The bus company say the locations were decided by Taylor Wimpey (TW), the council have not adopted the roads yet so have given us the brush off and our MP is sympathetic but cannot really help either. I have been through our purchase paperwork and at no point was the location of the stop disclosed to us prior to sale, even though I have since discovered plans dated 15th August 2014 which show not only the stop located outside our home, but also that a shelter will be built with real time bus information. The path outside our house will therefore be blocked by this shelter, the view outside our window also obstructed. At the moment the path and our very small front garden are littered in gum and cigarette butts. Our reservation checklist dated after the plans for the bus stop (14/2/15) specifically says regarding Bus Stops "N/A not currently on development", and on our neighbour's, it states "N/A No plans to view". Other people on the estate claim that they were informed about the site of the stops. Do we have a case that TW purposely withheld information and mis-sold us our home? We would not have purchased this home if we were aware that a bus stop would be located directly outside.
  3. Hello I need a little help with this its regards to an old MBNA account I had and the debt was for £262.45. I started getting a couple of letters from Shoosmiths LLP saying they would take me to court (and they filled with the courts 14th Jan). I sent them a letter asking for a copy of the contract, T&C's ect. They sent a copy of an application form. Sent them a letter say I will see you in court. Then Arrow Global dropped Shoosmiths saying they were dealing with it in house and they have Notice Of Assignment & and stated Law of Property act 1925. Told them I have had notice they claim to have sent and would like a copy of this as well as proof of postage. They then sent a repopulated copy dated 19/01/2012 no proof of postage. My question is because I have not been sent this in accordance with the Law of Property act 1925 ( registered post ect) when I go to court in a few weeks can I ask the judge to throw it out or is there anything else I should do regards this as they have taken court action without legally owning the debt.
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