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Found 2 results

  1. I apologise in advance if any of this sounds unapologetic or lazy, I just want to give the basic details. Have been scouring through the Internet the last few days and this is what I thought might be best to do. I have three defaulted accounts: Cabot Financial (used to be a lloyds TSB credit card, think it was sold but not sure): 1164 Default on credit report: sept 2014 (I haven't paid anything since July 2011 although I have no proof for this. I know because I opened a HSBC account around this date and decided not to touch the account again) They have been writing letters and making phone calls for the last couple of years and I have been ignoring..last week I had a home visit from fidelite credit management, told him the person he's asking for has moved out and he left me a letter to pass on about a first visit lloyds TSB current account overdraft: 1199 Default on credit report: Nov 2015 (Accidentally had a bank transfer to the account August 2013 - not touched the account since - never updated address with them so not sure if they have been contacting) NatWest current account overdraft: 1095 Default on credit report: Feb 2013 (The last time the balance changed was November 2012 - so this default date seems correct - again did not update address with them) Wrote out a paragraph about my personal situation but realised may not be relevant? Have been burying my head in the sand but after a home visit from the debt collector last week I cannot do it anymore. Please help.
  2. -IDEM Services replied that debt is unenforceable as they are unable to provide CCA paperwork, but they refuse to release me from my financial obligations. (£2000) This debt does show my on credit file, defaulted 09/2001 Not sure what to do here, please any help info on next steps??? stop paying ? wait for it to fall off credit file? offer full & final???
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