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  1. ...ve which has put my mind at ease, but this Maria Vinces one keeps hounding us saying we have a fake Solidworks license. Ive not replied to her, i presume the best thing is not to reply to her. Every time she emails she asks about finding an amicable solution, everything about it sounds like shes trying to get us to pay quick money. A proper company wouldn't conduct its self this way. Its getting pretty annoying at this stage i feeling like replying & telling her where to go as we dont even use this software. She say the mediation period is running out putting more pressure on us. Please if anyone can give me advice, i w...
  2. ...s, my boss forwarded an email to me from Ms Vinces, stating that we are using illicit software from SolidWorks. Since this has never happened to me or anyone we know, I went into panic mode and had a meeting with her. During the meeting, we explained that we were using an external laptop solely for the training sessions and that the laptop had not been used within the company since her email. She informed us that for such cases, there are demos and special licenses (though our reseller did not mention these types of licenses when we made our initial purchase). She then mentioned that we had utilized products worth approximately €25k an...
  3. ... your forum too late and I have been engaged in correspondence with the mediation team representing SolidWorks. Key facts: I am running active LTD company Company is registered under my private home address so anybody can find my real address searching my company name I have full access to a purchased version of their software at my job I have received the CJCH email regarding allegations of unauthorised usage of their software by my company. They requested to respond in 3 days CJCH - they seem to be legit solicitors according to SRA - and more interesting info can be found searching google using phrase: c...
  4. ...gistered address of my business from CJCH falsely claiming someone had been using a pirated copy of solidworks. I've gleaned from looking about that it's been an ongoing thing for a while. Not received any emails as of yet but that may be because the person who received it has a different name on their email than the name on their linkedIn. Now I would entertain it but we don't touch mechanical engineering and have never used Solidworks. Letter looks formulaic with no specifics other than publicly available names and companies house info. Not even any of those MAC addresses or IP addresses which they seem to think mea...
  5. ... metal, tables from recovered wood, tv stands from bike parts etc. For this we used a free trial of Solidworks to see how the products would look. I then decided to register a company and apply for a small government grant to work with a local university (UK) to help with the designs and see if a business like this would be actually feasible. we only had one laptop of our own that was capable of running CAD and one of the students downloaded a free version of solidworks on it which we all used - whether he knew it was a pirated copy or not we dont know (he's since moved and we have no contact) but either way it appears it was i go...
  6. Hi, we had the usual emails and phone calls to my boss. He asked for evidence and it states MAC address and a domain user. Can they do anything as they have a legitimate name? we have denied using it. But they have 2 x 10 min uses with the MAC addresses of the machine.
  7. ...my company is getting this email By email only 19/07/2023 Re: SOLIDWORKS® and certain other software licenced by Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation (including the SOLIDWORKS® Simulation line of analysis products, SOLIDWORKS® Composer, and the SOLIDWORKS® line of product data management products in all countries) ("the Software") Dear Sir, We act for Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation of 175 Wyman Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02451 USA ("our client"). Our client is the owner of copyrights in the Software, a copy of which is available for inspection at our client’s offices. The Software i...
  8. ...mine known person also received same letter about using cracked version of solidworks 2022, but he ignored everything as i said him from info on this forum (emails from 3ds.com and cjch), 1 year already, nothing more... they wanted 23k EUR for this usage... before he was using version 2015, there was no any problem (no any anti piracy mechanism inside) I think they enabled some hidden mechanism inside software to report non licensed usage (license server emulator), but it will not send info from first start of using, this mechanism somehow calculate hours used in program and only then send info to 3ds, because dates ...
  9. I'm blaming myself not to do some research earlier before I made the call with the mediator. I sort of admitted it and they asked me to write them a letter / email to explain the full story. after I read the threads in this forum, I think my case is a bit different from others as I made the god damn call. Any advice please - I personally want to ignore but I am not sure if they recorded anything in the call that put me to a dead end? thank you
  10. ...Hi all, We've gotten through communication from Solidworks/CJCH about usage of their software without a license. Small business, you could say that their claim is valid. They're asking 8k in damages, or 7.5k for a license. We have engaged with the mediator, and run through financing options and discussed paying for a license - as we had no idea these forums existed. We haven't admitted that we've done this at any point. We're relatively unable to afford 7.5k, but they don't seem to care. Do we ignore as everyone else suggests in this forums, even though we've engaged with them up until this...
  11. ...Yesterday I have received an email from CJCH Solicitors about illegal use of SolidWorks. I found it this morning and stupid me replied before I googled... I have replied that I have removed the software and will be waiting for contact from Dessault to discuss a licence. What I didn't tell them: I have been using the legal software in my previous job. And I have been using their login after I left, but recently the login is not working anymore. I have used this for personal projects, not for my company. I now am very worried because I replied... hope I didn't mess this up by not check...
  12. ...Hi all, I've had the standard CJCH email thing about using Solidworks without a license, however it seems quite cut and dry for us as we don't use it! Are they simply spamming all companies in the UK now? I've seen from this forum that it has been going on for years so perhaps they are just running out of people and going for anyone who uses CAD? Has anyone else had this? All the threads I read seemed to be from people that had pirated the software at some point. Further as it was I did call the company and speak to the lady noted in the email as I suspected it was a scam (we've had a ...
  13. ...protocol! Yes I’ve had a cracked copy of solid works on and off for years. CJCH (solidworks’s solicitors in Cardiff Wales) a week ago emailed me with the usual first threat letter (on a Friday afternoon giving me 3 days to reply), on the third day Vinces, some Spanish company in cahoots with cjch emailed me with their evidence, 3 mac addresses, only one of which was correct. Next day dassault systems in Coventry phoned me .and they left a message which I deleted without even listening to it (didn’t want it to wind me up). I have blocked them , and not answered them not engaged with them in any way. The issue...
  14. since this seems to be "the place" for discussing, reporting and getting a hug after being sent a message from CJCH here comes mine! I have what I think is correctly translated to "sole trader business" ie. I have registered a company name, only employee etc. but I think this is why they targeted me. I got the first mail from CJCH at the beginning of the week, google translated (i would guess) into Swedish that I had unlawfully used the software, after throwing some laws on me and even a EU directive. I did what every sane person does when something like this happens and Googled it and that's how I ended up here, read all the recommendations to just ignore them so I did. Today I got the second mail, this time not from CJCH but from 3ds.com and they claim that the compensation will be €29,039 I mean that's way more then I get in a year of my dayjob! Or ofc. sign an subscription for the equivalent amount. Read the so called report, it lists 1 machine with 3 different mac-addresses (none that I have in my network) and a start date at 21/11/2019 brother-in-law was living with us then for about a year, maybe he did something like that I have no idea. I know, I know, just ignore them... Just afraid that since they have by small business address etc. they wont let it go that easy. Someone just give me a virtual hug ans tell me they'll go away if I ignore them PS. it feels a lot like the scare tactics that was on the rise earlier for downloading movies from the internet. Pay up or else... Not a single case went further then that in Sweden, ever... [email protected]_20220519_130139.pdf
  15. ... My business has been contacted by CJCH solicitors (by email), two days ago allegeing use of Solidworks without a license. Today we have been emailed again by a Maria Vinces of 3DS, with a techincal letter attached which included the mac address of two PC's and products with unauthorised use. Further to the email we also received a phone call from the above from a Spanish number to discuss this. I've basically told her to write to us and hung up. Thing is the two mac addresses detailed in the letter do not appear on our network. We also have a licensed copy of SW, installed and in use on...
  16. ...I received a call and email today stating that my startup is using a pirated Solidworks. and they have asked me to confirm it in 2 days as well as they have given me Mac address of the user. Can you please guide with what step should be taken ? as i am afraid that if they ask for hefty fine, i wont be able to pay it and would go bankrupt....
  17. ...(0) 29 2009 9449 [email protected] Re: Unauthorised use of Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS software Our client: Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation (‘DS SolidWorks’) We are instructed by Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation, 175 Wyman Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02451, United States in connection with a potential copyright infringement as a result of unauthorised use of its software known as SOLIDWORKS. We want to alert you to a possible management oversight that could lead to an embarrassing situation for “company name” We have reason to believe that your company is using a ...
  18. .... I'm in the US but I'm going to post here because it the single best forum threads going regarding Solidworks. There are currently two oiler thread regarding this topic, they are linked at the bottom of this post. I received emails and a letter for the law firm Ha**ess D***ey representing Solidworks. Same exact letter as Robby212 (Post #121) in the first thread. We have a solidworks license but it's used by my partner in another state. I installed solidworks w/ bad license to check some drawings before sending out quotes. It was literally installed for 2 weeks before I got the letter! I don't need it so I just un...
  19. ...from CHCJ and got a slightly different story. Im a designer who uses CAD (specifically Solidworks) regularly. However up until March this year, this usage was wholly on an employed basis under full license from the companies who employed me within their office premises. I have just set up on my own (as in - less than. 6 weeks ago) and after a bit of searching bought a second hand Solidworks machine I found on Gumtree which was loaded with what the chap assured me was a legit copy of Solidworks 2017 and 2018. (It’s perfectly normal to run these versions concurrently). As well as some ancillary software that runs alo...
  20. ...viously to receiving it either like in the other cases I read about. I do have an illegal copy solidworks on the computer which I got about 4 weeks ago to learn how to use it for my own personal use. We dont have any use for solidworks at work either. Like in the other cases I have read about on the forum the letters and emails state ip addresses sometimes or some sort of evidence which mine doesn't. Also it might be worth mentoning that the machine that solidworks is installed on is on a vpn all the time. Not going to lie, this has really put the fear of god into me. I am not sleeping much and is ...
  21. I have received the same letter om Friday from CJCH solicitors for Ansys infringement ..what i should do guys ??
  22. ...ve just received a letter from CJCH solicitors claiming my company has been using a cracked copy of Solidworks 2017. We have 3 paid for seat of Solidworks 2015 and have never used either a legal or cracked version of Solidworks 2017. CJCH have said they are going to send me the MAC addresses of the computers that have used the cracked version. After discussion with my design team one of them has imported a couple of model files that were created on a cracked version of SW2017, these models were sent to us from a factory that we use to manufacture product in China. Any advise from anyone please :...
  23. Ok a mate of mine has just had one of these letters all edging x y and z. Its very interesting that he doesn’t use nor has ever used the software yet they have by all accounts sent him a letter saying we have x amount of IP addresses and these Mac addresses, he is pretty computer savvy and checked them blocked all this Mac addresses that could have accessed the networks now could someone explain how with an IP address and a MAC address they could possibly try and pin this on him.
  24. If using VPN is it safe to assume they cant get location identifying IP and network details?
  25. ...r a licence?! A little bit about my situation; I am a designer and have from time to time used Solidworks although it is not my default package hence the reason I couldn't afford to lump out the thousands they ask. I am a soletrader and only do this as part of my income, the rest of time is spent lecturing at a university. If pressured I would probably buy the basic license to get them off my back but I fear they will press for the full premium pack which is mega £££££. I certainly can't afford it at the moment. Any input would be greatly received, last night's sleep was restless to say the least....
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