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Everything posted by welshcakes

  1. What was the response you had from the court? I took mine in to Cardiff last week but haven't had a decision/response yet.
  2. Hi Greg If you're happy to PM (Private Message) me with your email address, I'll send it all to you in Word. I'll also convert the linked files into Word documents as well.
  3. Yep, I have one for 14th August and another for 14th November both against Barclays - 14th must be the 'Special Day' in Cardiff Have you thought about trying to speed up the process by sending in a Draft Directions http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/53570-new-strategy-allocation-questionnaires.html?highlight=new+strategy?
  4. I have been corresponding directly with Adrian for over a month. He has been made aware on every occasion that the list of transactions sent to me on xx March were for an entirely different account. The cornerstone of B's Defence is that the list of transactions sent on that date were the ones I am seeking. I have the xx March letter and attached list which I consider documentary evidence that their Defence is factually incorrect. I have specifically emphasised in each letter to Adrian that the list is for a different account and all he needs to do is send me the list for this account. What I have received is a list for this account that starts end of July 2001 onwards. Since they acknowledged my SAR back in November 2000 and I continually badgered them to comply since then, I feel they have tried a slight of hand in holding back on the list to avoid disclosing over 6 months worth of charges that I would have reclaimed. At this point I would say that I have recently LBA'ed on this account using a partially estimated SOC. I point out in every letter that once they comply with SAR, I will amend the estimated SOC as appropriate. So this DPA Breach Case has two uses 1) Obviously it allows me to calculate a true and accurate SOC and 2) I wish to cite it in my reclaim case should B's Defence for that one be that I am in some way Statute barred - not that I am convinced of any legal accuracy existing as a basis for the application of Statute Limitations to apply in this case (concealment etc). I am also pursuing this matter through a detailed complaint with the ICO and have today sent of a paper trail as requested from 'my caseworker'. I shall give Adrian a call however I have been blatantly fibbed to by several Barclay promisers of the elusive list so remain cynical
  5. ... do you think the judge may be having trouble understand the longer words?
  6. Hi NM - what type of account is this claim for?
  7. Hi NM "The Claimant do file with the Court, Further Particulars of Claim and do serve the Defendant with the same by 27th July 2007 after which date the file will be referred to the District Judge for further directions. " Okay, 1) Did you used the abridged MCOL POC? If so, just send in the longer N1 version. "The District Judges of this Court require the amount of Bank Charges claimed in the Claim Form to be particularised showing how the total amount claimed is arrived at by specifying the date, amount and type of each charge claimed. It is not acceptable to merely file or annex copy bank statements even if the relevant charges are highlighted thereon." 2) when you filled in your Schedule of Charges Spread sheet, was it the one off this site and did you state in the left hand column exactly what every charge was eg Unpaid Direct Debit Unauth overdraft fee If you only abbreviated like DD or O/D Fee, the judge will want to to long hand write the charge descriptions. Does this sound like it might be the case?
  8. Well done crowe, you must be over the moon. Remember don't stop anything with court until the funds have cleared, then you MUST inform the court in writing that you have settled and wish to discontinue. Also, remember to fill in the Survey for WINNERS!!
  9. Hi taff Quite honestly, I would ring Wrexham court. Confirm that you have allowed a few extra days out of courtesy for the bank to acknowledge and you feel it appropriate to now file for Judgement. The court staff will pull up your case and see the time scale and advise you whether they have received anything - often it can take a few days for it to come through from the local court. Mine (Cardiff) took over a week for them to forward on the Defence from Barclays because the actual court was dealing with a backlog and staff were working weekends to clear.
  10. Hi greg Not sure what you mean ... did you download and ope the big zipped file http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=296&d=1174895919? Everything comes out as a single, very long Word document including everything after the Dunlop case.
  11. Hi HPA You will win, you will likely never step foot inside the court room as Barclays are more frightened to do so than you! All the answers you need are here on this site and all the support and guidance you could possibly wish for is also here - almost 24 hours a day and certainly 7 days a week. Depending on your preference, go and make a nice cup of tea or if like me, a lovely big Vodka & Tonic
  12. Hi Lucy You will include an updated SOC in your bundle which you have been Ordered by the court to submit - you make 3 exact copies of everything. One for you, one to court and one to bank FAO Litigation Team, Level 29. As far as negotiating an out of court settlement, B's Lit Team are currently play catch up and discussing cases within next 3 weeks - 1 month max, so I wouldn't bother yet. You could ring just to find out name and direct dial number of whoever has been allocated your case...though this could change closer to date.
  13. Hey jewson By no means will you be the only one using this site that's financially caught between a rock and hard place in respect of the strain court fees place on the household. What I do wonder is whether in fact you would be paying the AQ fee anyway. Have you checked Court Fees - do you have to pay them? " You will be exempt from paying a fee if: You or your partner receive the benefit Income Support. Partner means someone to whom you are married, or in a civil partnership with; or someone who you live with as if you are married to them or in a civil partnership. You or your partner receive Pension Credit guarantee credit. You receive the benefit Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance. Either: Your gross annual income (your income before income tax and other money is taken away) is less than £15460 and you receive Working Tax Credit with a 'disability element' or 'severe disability element'; or Your gross annual income is less than £15460 and you and your partner receive Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit between you."
  14. Hi Olden That's good progress. Make sure you don't hang on too near your date of the 13th for Sharon to contact you - if she's that overloaded with work, it may be that she'll need a nudge at the beginning of next month just to make sure your claim is in the top half of her file pile! In respect of 'merits' of the case, I think it's a bit of a smoke screen; unless an application is pitifully flawed and they think they can get it Struck Out for blatant errors, all will get settled.
  15. Hi Kivo I take it the £315 doesn't include court fee plus the 8% Statutory Interest? If this is correct, you need to send back your own acceptance letter accepting the £315 in settlement with the addition of £x court fees and (if it's of any significant value) £x Statutory Interest which totals £xxxxx. Clarify it as settlement of "this claim" ; it'll leave you open to claim again if you ever find a heap more charges accrue in the future on this account.
  16. Jewson As long as you follow all the steps on this site, it isn't a question of IF you win, but WHEN you win. Remember, there's 8% accruing everyday Barclays delay settling with you - bit like having it all sitting in a Savings Account
  17. Hi saintly, yes, it's a tricky one but of course I will be fine tooth-combing the DPA and lifting all the relevant sections. I'm going to see if I can lift anything from Banking Association Code of Conduct etc just to bulk up the grave implications of the court showing any complacency toward bank breaches of the Act. Do you all concur that sending in the Draft Directions pre-Directions is a positive move? Moving around in the dark here a little with no templates or case archives to guide me.
  18. Received a letter back from ICO requesting for further information, so the poor luv named Victoria is about to receive a large envelope of correspondence evidence! It was quite useful putting together my evidence for ICO as it's reinforced the passion with which I intend to take Barclays all the way hopefully to a County Court Judgement. This morning's post also bought a hopeful looking large package from Bexleyheath (my calims are with Woolwich). Sadly all that it contained was the entire statement banking history for my two other account - one of which I have never SAR'ed for! Ah well. I'm happy to give you all the stuff I've sent so far to get to this stage. Adrian Ruffhead from Barclays Legal & Lit is falling over himself to give me all my costs, which is nice however not good enough! I want my SAR compliance and intend to kick up plenty of dust in the process. Will start creating my own Court Bundle this evening as having trawled the CAG site, can't find anyone who's had to go this far. The fact is, that I secretly believe Barclays data take over of Woolwich accounts has stuffed up so badly that they can't elicit the history of my account now. Not my problem. They acknowledged my SAR back in November 2006 and should have sent the info before Christmas. I've decided to send in my Draft Direction (see #7 above) with an outline bundle next week so the judge has it before him for the 14th AUgust. With any luck he will grant the Directions in interim and Barclays can be Struck Out for non-compliance of court Order as well!
  19. Min's not recl;aiming but a DPA breach so my bundle is only at draft stage in my draughty head. DOesn't appear to be any instance on CAG where someone has actually had to go to court for bank continuing to hold out on statements so I think mine may be a first I'll be the drunk in the corner .... no the other corner, that's the court clerk silly!
  20. Hi dibble You are entitiled to all court fee costs back as part of the settlement. IN your MCOL online, you would have included the £120. This further £100 should also be taken into account when (not if) the bank settles. Once anyone files a claim, a full settlement = Charges PLUS ALL court fees PLUS 8%APR up to date of receiving funds. No special forms, it's taken as automatically added. Barclays do know this Dibble, don't worry, they've been through this thousands of times so far
  21. Ha ha mum I also noted that the judge dealt with Shamba. Poor guy, I bet he was gutted to have had that one landed on him and now he has a mass load of crazy bank charge reclaimers setting up camp in Waiting Room next month. Ah well, perhaps I'll ask him if he wants to join us all for a pub visit afterwards
  22. HI SM All the answers you need are supplied by great advisors on this previous thread: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/98605-urgent-please-settlement-confidentiality.html?highlight=confidentiality
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