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Everything posted by welshcakes

  1. Hi Jo Firstly, what is the hearing on the 30th (eg Directions etc) and what if anything, did the court ask you to submit pre-hearing (ie has it ordered you as Claimant specifically to submit any documents)? If it's only a Directions, you don't need to submit your Bundle yet UNLESS you've be ordered to by the judge. "Should i phone them tomorrow, if so why am i phoning them?" Ring Barclays' Switchboard on 0207 116 1000 and ask to be put through to the Legal & Litigation Team. Once you are put through explain that you would like to speak to the person dealing with your claim. If you get to speak to them, explain that as they are aware the hearing is next week so you wondered if they now wish to settle. If you don't get to speak to your contact, make sure you at least get their name and a direct line telephone number for them. Also ask if there is anyone else who can help given that court is 7 days. Give them a buzz tomorrow and post back here with their response.
  2. Hi marmite Barclays are fast getting a deserved reputation for not only taking it to the wire but of openly displaying enormous incompetance along the way and using dirty tricks to intimidate and mislead many claimants. B's comes across as a big angry dog backed into a corner but the facts speak for themselves that to date, they have turned out to be a toothless dog!
  3. Hi druids You haven't update your thread for a while - any news on a court date?
  4. Hi Dylon I think it's worth a one line mention and if you have requested Woolwich T&Cs and not had them provided, I think it's always useful to point out that despite your best efforts, Defendant has failed to furnish etc.
  5. Ah, I am on the vodka. Course, it's alright for you Saintly, you can hangover-hibernate for weeks on end now.
  6. Hi PD As soon as you get Barclays Defence through, post the first three points on here. Also, as soon as you get any Order from your local county court eg to submit more details etc, again, post the wording of the Order on here so we can give accurate advice.
  7. Well, I'd want them to kiss my **** but I'll settle for 7 years worth of statements and my full costs.
  8. Advise Barclays Lit Team that I am preparing to have their Defence Struck Out. Had email response of them at 4.59 pm (!) today stating that lo and behold they ARE in fact able to supply more than 6 years worth of statements for my Woolwich account that was closed back in 2003. Bit worrying as they state it was closed in Jan 2005 so I'm wondering if yet again, they are looking at a completely different account (doesn't even sound like one of mine). Hey ho, they are desperate for me to confirm I will discontinue action - I bet they are considering I am guaranteed a CCJ for breach and potentially have a Wasted Costs on grounds of abuse of system. Shall let you know if the statements they have promised come through ... no one hold their breath!
  9. Hi Treehuggingcox According to a quick web search, your nearest county court is Chorley County Court 59 St. Thomas's Road Chorley PR7 1JE Tel 01257 262778 which is just under 9 miles from Skelmersdale
  10. Hi Kivo No, not the same. The Notice of Acknowledgement simply confirms that the Defendant (Barclays) has acknowledged receiving the paperwork for your claim (which the court sent them). Barclays will 99% sure send in a Defence to the court. The court will send through a copy of Barclays Defence in due course. After that, you wait for the court to instruct you in writing as to what will happen next. If you are in any doubt at all or are worried that things are taking a long time, simply ring your local court with your claim number and they will advise you where your claim is at.
  11. Hi Olden Offering the court a Draft Directions is not mandatory however if you read the thread on http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/53570-new-strategy-allocation-questionnaires.html?highlight=new+strategy the submission of the Draft is something that has the potential to simplify the process, as oppose to making it more convoluted. If you feel at all uncomfortable or unsure about using this strategy, it will not damage or lessen your claim if you chose not to include it. I wholeheartedly agree with the fact that as self litigators in Small Claims, our claims should remain as 'layman' as possible and that this is recognised by the courts. However, whilst we are simply bank customers without legal credentials, the legality of bank charges is by no means in the same league as taking your local roofer to court because the roof still leaks. The objective in offering up this Draft Directions in a 'mass' hearing such as this one is to hopefully influence the judge to recognise that this Directions has support by the majority and should therefpre be given serious consideration.
  12. Hi Halec As Livelylad said above, you can't ask for the 8% until you have filed at court so b) you need to remove the 8% Interest and send the LBA enclosing the correct Schedule of Charges (ie the one without the 8% interest). Make sure you amend the figures in your LBA so they don't include the 8%. Send it registered to Barclays and wait 14 days before moving onto filing at your local county court (at which point you do add the 8%!)
  13. Hi G No 8% yet - you add it when you file your claim at court
  14. Hi Scuba and welcome to CAG! This means that you filed online MCOL and now that Barclays are Defending the case, it has been moved to your local county court. This is normal. At this point, it's saying you don't have to fill in an Allocations Questionnaire (the form that helps coourt decide which way to proceed with case) BUT that your local court judge may decide when he looks at the claim, that he does want one filled in. Just wait for the next letter from the court - it will either a) Give you a hearing date (normally a Directions); b) be a Notice asking you to submit more information; c) be a Notice asking you to fill in a AQ (the form will be sent with Notice) I recommend you read through http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faqs-please-read-these/ Have you followed all the steps up to now from this site or have you followed guidance from somewhere else?
  15. Hi Halec When you say £675 in interest do you mean a) the proportion of the interest you've been charged on your account due to going overdrawn as a result of the charges or b) The Statutory Interest at 8%? If it is a), then you have got your figures correct and you should move onto the LBA stage using your existing figures immediately. If it is b), you need to remove the 8% Interest and send the LBA enclosing the correct Schedule (ie the one without the 8% interest).
  16. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/208-email-contact-details-barclays.html
  17. Hi Estelle All depends if it is a full hearing or just a Directions estelle. PM me and I'll send you a Word document that gives a step by step walk through guide of what to do and say when you go to the hearing. Have you actually rung Barclay's Litigation to see if they want to settle?
  18. Fantastic link Trucker, I'm busy reading all the other link stories. Will bookmark Financial News & Personal Finance Guides, Advice and Calculators | This is Money for sure Edit : CAG is mentioned many times over by this site and notably their advice: "Claimants should also register at Consumer Action Group, which has advice for making a claim. "
  19. Hi l Okay, that will be the problem. Make sure you get the new POC & SOC to both court(hand deliver or next day guarantteed) and registered mail to bank. That way, you'll be back on course
  20. Hi l All you need to do is send an amended POC and a full SOC. If you wish to, you can attach to it copies of statements relating to each charge as proof that your SOC is a true reflection of charges incurred. It will not harm your case but you MUST 1) Get in new POC 2) Get in itemised SOC. I am assuming from the judge's request that you haven't already submitted a Schedule of Charges. Did you go MCOL route or did you file at local court?
  21. Hi Kivo Still send Letter Number 5 from http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/25716-rejecting-offers.html and hang fire on sending anything to the court UNTIL your local court send you a Notice that actually gives a hearing date. Absolutely fine that B's have put in a Defence, quite normal. So at this point, you just need to send the one letter to Barclays rejecting the offer. You don't need to inform the court. The next thing you will have through will be: If you originally filed through MCOL - a Notice of Transfer (ie it has been passed to your local county court); or If you originally filed with your local court - a Notice of either Hearing date or that the judge wants one or both of the parties to submit more documents (and it will explain exactly which). So send letter registered to Barclays today and just come and read up on other threads etc on this site (and have a nice cup of tea)
  22. Hi LBaker Make sure you use a full Particulars of Claim (not sure what you originally put). Have a look at http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/681-4-particulars-claim-n1.html. Also with your Schedule of Charges, again ideally you should be using the spreadsheet from this site http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/182-6-interest-calculation-spreadsheets.html. When you fill in the first column, don't be tempted to abbreviate the charge description eg RC for RETURNED CHEQUE. Make sure you write it out 'longhand' as the court aren't expected to know what any abridged or abbrev stand for. Yes, you should also furnish bank with this as your claim format/wording has been amended. I would hand deliver to the cout if possible and send registered to Barclays.
  23. Hi buttercup Okay, well you must pursue this through court and get your full settlement offered. They've tried to pay you off quick with just over 70% of your entitlement. Get the letter off today registered post then on 30th July you can submit a hardcopy claim to your local county court. Have you found the address of your court now? Any worries you have about filling in the forms or your Schedules calculations, drop me a PM and I'll run through all the figures and wording with you
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