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Everything posted by BARTY

  1. Hi Craig, Yes you should send the LBA, just so the Courts know that you have given LTSB plenty of time to settle before you start the Court action. HTH Barty
  2. Hi lola2sparklez. Thank you! To be honest I'm not sure, you would be better putting your question in the main Lloyds TSB thread, where you will get more replies. Good luck with your claim by the way! Barty
  3. Hi As this was a earlier case, the Solicitor was probably Martineau Johnson (think that is right??) not SC&M, who have never made their email address available to us. Sorry. Barty
  4. Hi Hairybear, No they didn't close my account, but when I started this I opened a Natwest Step account and transferred everything to that one. Barty
  5. Hi I would send a copy to both. Don't be nervous, you will get your money back eventually, you just need a lot of patience! Barty
  6. Hi Just wanted to say good luck with your claim. I lost over £700 to Farepak so I know how your feel. Barty
  7. Hi You have to send the Allocation Questionnaire back and then you will receive a Court date. They won't be able to allocate a court date until they receive your AQ. HTH Barty
  8. Hi Have you checked your bank account to see if they have settled without letting you know?? Long shot, but worth checking. Good Luck Barty
  9. Hi I don't think you can actually claim back the "account charge", is it for a monthly fee for a Select Account or something similar?? Barty
  10. Congratulations!!! It's a great feeling isn't it?? Barty
  11. Congratulations!! :grin: And well done in sticking to your guns and getting every penny back. I got my settlement letter last week and surprisingly it was for the correct amount that I'd asked for. Barty
  12. Hi Have you tried opening a Natwest Step Account? It's a basic bank account, but I opened one easily, and I have a dire credit rating! You can apply online too. HTH Barty
  13. Hi Yes you still get the 8% if they settle before the Court date. HTH Barty
  14. Hi As far as I know, there is no e-mail address available for SC&M. They do have a fax number though. Barty
  15. Hi Tracey Yes SC&M are the usual Solicitors. I have just won my money back, it took about 5 months, so quite a long process but worth it in the end. As for phoning anyone up, don't worry, I am much like yourself, I hate talking on the phone, but I managed the whole process without having to make a single phone call! Good luck Tracey, you WILL get your money back in the end. Barty
  16. Thanks everyone! Money was put into my account yesterday, so a donation will be on its way once I've sorted it all out. Barty
  17. Thank you Elsinore! Yes there were a few conditions, I haven't got the letter on me at the moment so I will list them when I have it. I remember one about having a review of my account, but there was nothing else major on there. Barty still can't stop grinning!
  18. Hi dobsbobs Yes there have been plenty of success stories. Take a look at the survey results and there is also a sub-forum with all the Lloyds TSB success stories in. I personally have received a settlement letter today for just under £2k. Barty
  19. Good News!!! I received my settlement letter in the post today!!! :grin: :grin: Exact amount that I was expecting, I'm totally gob-smacked!!:o I have signed the letter and sent it back, so money should be in my account by the end of the week hopefully. Many thanks to everyone on the site, I couldn't have done it without you. Good luck to all of those that are still claiming, it's been a very long wait, but worth it in the end. Barty
  20. Hi I don't think anyone has the email address for SCM, sorry. Barty
  21. Hi Geteven, No, I have heard nothing at all from the Solicitors. So how long now do you think until we get our settlement? When did you receive your Court date? Barty
  22. Hi everyone, I have received my Court date at last, 7th November. Barty
  23. Hi My AQ deadline was 19/7/06, not heard anything from Solicitors, no court date. Barty
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