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Everything posted by crashbandicoot

  1. Yes Bluecloud, been checking that darn account all day and nothing, but let me just check again for good measure.....nope...still overdrawn by £174
  2. Would definitely go to court; Would definitely pee in my pants; Would definitely take someone brainy to speak for me, as I know notheeeng!
  3. Let me have the link to your thread and I'll keep an eye on it
  4. Sthurley have you created your own thread? It'll be easier for people to give you help regarding your own case. As it is, ignore their timeline and stick to your own. You can return the partial acceptance if you want but it'll be a waste of time IMHO as they already know you're claiming the lot, and may see it as a opportunity to bully you more. Let's see them defend it all if they really want to.
  5. I'm not surprised. I had the energy to keep on at them but how many would have fallen at the first hurdle? I can't believe how they can do this to people....actually, I can. Grrrrr!
  6. Neil I didn't put anything on the AQ except 'Standard Disclosure' in the 'Other Info' bit, as Zoo suggested. I asked about this one and was told we don't have to respond to their points at this stage...there will be ample time to do this later should the need arise
  7. Not quite Bluecloud! Received 'Notice of Acknowl of Service' this morning that they intend to defend. Yawn....am bored already :grin:
  8. Steve, the daily rate is your total claim x 0.00022: i.e. £1790.17 (£1534 + £256.17) x 0.00022 = £0.39 daily rate.
  9. Neil try not to worry, just for your info, Barclaycard still haven't paid up £160 odd for my claim with them, and it's past AQ stage, so it's all a bit random with all the banks at the mo. It may be worth PM'ing one of the mods if you want to discuss your case specifically. They may be able to advise you better at this stage as they'll no doubt know of others who may be in a similar situation
  10. Heard Jack $**t from them since DPA, so sent them a non-compliance letter on Friday. Checked account today and the £10 cheque has been cashed so I'm expecting something in the way of statements from them soon.
  11. Hope the house move went ok, and thanks, am very flattered that your kids think 'my game' is cool
  12. A fair few others have, and plenty of cases are on the go...if you're in doubt, PM a mod specifically about your case and I'm sure they can point you in the right direction...they'll also be more aware of individual cases over 6 yrs. You're right to think about it though, it's best to hang fire and read around more so that you're well informed rather than jump in the deep end and not know which way to swim
  13. "PS my wife does tell me the pants I got are better than the ones i used to wear but they leak overnight. PPS #. Is this contribution worth a click?" Ewwww Glenn, Far too much info for a Monday, thanks! PMSL (oops, I think I need one of those now!!!)
  14. Good luck, and make mine a hot cup of chocca too
  15. No need for apologies Minx, it's all a bit overwhelming for everyone in the beginning...I was asking so many questions too! Someone is always here if you need help - just ask
  16. Yes, you can send them the partial acceptance saying you will be pursuing the rest through the county court claim you have raised, although I don't think they will pay much attention. If they don't file a defence, then yes, you can enter a judgement by default, but don't hold you're breath...banks have been known to file a defence at the last minute, and have also been known to tell the court that they 'forgot' to file a defence, even after you've hit that judgement button. Having said that, even if they file a defence, the likelihood that they will see you in court is very slim. Barclaycard, for example, filed a defence at the last min with me on a £160 odd claim in MCOL, but I haven't heard diddly-squat from them since
  17. You're welcome. Let us know how you get on - every little success helps!
  18. I have gone to court with Barclaycard for £60. It's my money so yes, I absolutely think it's worth it. However, for £30 it may be worth just giving them a call and asking them to refund the £30 over the phone (even if you don't use the account). If they refuse, you can make the choice as to whether you want to go through the rigmorale of getting it back or not. At the end of the day it's a case of £30 quid in their vaults, or in your pocket
  19. Hi Money Minx, You can claim further back than six years but you do need to be fully aware of the implications surrounding it, so read up lots - this link explains about it in detail: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faqs-please-read-these/31575-important-things-you-really.html?garpg=6 Just note, however, that the bank will try and get out of this in every which way, so be prepared for a fight. They are likely to only send you statements going back 6 years too but you may be able to get hold of more - I gave Barclays a quick call (didn't reveal the true reason for why I needed all the statements) and they sent me pretty much the whole lot going back to '93 at the start of my account (so it can work ) See how you get on and keep us posted
  20. Hi Bretnic, please make sure you read, read, and re-read these so that you know what you need to be doing at each stage: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faqs-please-read-these/ For now, you need to send a DPA with a £10 cheque to your bank: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/516-1-data-protection-act.html And all other letter templates will be here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/ Good luck
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