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Everything posted by crashbandicoot

  1. This is their standard response Steve...stick to your timetable and file a court claim when it is time...they'll soon be eating their words. And yes 8% interest needs to be calculated at this stage and included in your particulars of claim....the library will have the template on the POC
  2. Moses I am also claiming pre-6 years. It's best that you don't enter into any dialogue with them as they record your phonecalls, but you can't (unless you have the equipment). In my mind they are just bullying you into submission. It's YOUR money and you're entitled to it irrespective of what tactics they throw at you. My understanding is that the statute of limitation only comes into play if you were aware of of the charges being unlawful, which up until the OFT statement, we were all unware of. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faqs-please-read-these/31575-important-things-you-really.html?garpg=6 See this whole link on claiming over 6 years, and it will make everything make more sense. Halifax can go ahead and defend your claim...ultimately if it gets in court they will still have to conceal the true cost of their charges...which they won't. Don't let them bully you...keep fighting
  3. I agree Neil, I think they are just trying different ways to see if people will crack under pressure. Stick to it - you're not in the wrong, they are. Eventually they'll have to cough up. I can't see them explaining to the judge 'oh we decided to pay the claim but disputed the 8%, and now we've changed our mind and dispute the whole lot.' Keep on at it
  4. WHAT? You can't go, it's not allowed...who am I going to ask about 'women hate-levels' from now on? Sniff sniff
  5. RESULT!! Congrats, and don't forget to update the survey and the other bit (cough cough as they say!) Nice one, have a cyber-space drink on me
  6. Every little helps so they say! I'm glad you've got all the docs now...look forward to the next installment of updates
  7. Have finally sent N1 form today for £1393.11 plus court fee (charges, interest, costs etc.) We'll see what happens now...not holding my breath just yet
  8. Have put 'Standard Disclosure' in 'Other Info' section as per Zoo's help (thanks!) and posted AQ off on 17 Oct. Just a waiting game now.
  9. AQ is very simple to fill in, however, I do have one q if anyone can help me....In the details section, do I have to put in details of my arguments against each point in BCard's defence, or do I just send it in and wait for further instructions and request of further info? I'm not sure if I need to address each point of Bcard's defence at this stage, and put it all in the 'Other Information' bit....any ideas anyone?
  10. I'd send them a quick letter, with a copy of this letter of theirs and a copy of the letter you sent as partial acceptance, to remind them that you will not advise the courts that the claim is settled, until you receive the balance.
  11. Received notification of Barclaycard's defence today. Their Particulars of Claim state that my claim only shows a summary of the details and that I've not elaborated enough, blah blah, standard rollox, we deny that charges are unlawful, blah blah. Will be filling in AQ and sending it shortly.
  12. You could take the money out and put it away for safekeeping thereby technically they can't take back what's not in there. Also, your letter clearly states you'll accept it as partial payment, which you are, and so it's your money to what you please with now. Another case of just sit tight and see what happens. When and if Halifax realise that the claim is still unsettled subject to the remaining balance, they should cough up pretty soon, I'd imagine
  13. Diana, they are highly unlikely to send you a schedule of charges and will almost always send you statements for you to sift through and work out the charges yourself. You really need to read through all the faqs and guidelines to understand the process...it will all make sense once you have. You'll find (if you've sent the template DPA letter) that it asks them for a list of charges, otherwise a complete set of statements is suitable as an alternative. Please also start your own thread as it will be easier for people to follow your progress and help you on your own queries. HTHs.
  14. Haven't heard diddly squat from them Neil, and keep checking my online account to see if they'll just credit the money back. I thought I'd be able to hit the judgement button on them on Friday 13th Oct (yay!) but it was deemed served to them on the 16th Sep (a day after they acknowledged) so I have to give them 28 days from then, making it Sat 14th Oct. I'll be pressing that button with mucho satisfaction if they keep their silence up.
  15. Sounds good to me....at least they'll know you mean business....you may get an increased offer pretty soon.
  16. Nice one, thanks for that, and good luck....drinks are on you then I guess
  17. Fantastic news Sarah, congratulations....if you haven't done so already, please fill in the survey details as it boost the figures...other than that, sit back and enjoy!
  18. Have faith Neil - they've already agreed to pay you the whole claim except for the 8%, which they can't really argue about as Jonni said. If they want to take you to court over it, it will be all the more interesting to see them justify why they don't want to give you what the courts have already deemed as something you're entitled to! Just sit tight for now... it will happen eventually, and you've done nothing wrong
  19. Smarmy gits, I was really looking forward to you getting judgement by default but they've sneaked it in afterall. Onwards to the next stage then!
  20. You can follow the Non-Compliance of DPA route: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/6986-data-protection-act-non.html It'll soon get them to get their act together
  21. Excellent news, congrats, and thanks for donating
  22. Simon it is up to you whether you want to claim back for 6 years or further back...I'd read up on this area first before you make up your mind; As for the statements for the other accounts, although it's best to do everything in writing, it may be worth a quick call to them to remind them to send the remaining statements. They may get them out quicker than having to wait 40 days. HTHs
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