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Everything posted by midge61

  1. Hi all I had the following e-mail from paypal today explaining that they are moving their operations to Luxemburg and will no longer be regulated by the FSA. We would like to announce important developments affecting all PayPal accounts in the European Union (the "EU"). No action is required on your part, and you will be able to continue using PayPal with no changes. Currently, PayPal (Europe) Ltd. is the service provider for PayPal in the EU. PayPal (Europe) Ltd. is a UK company regulated and authorised by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in the UK as an electronic money institution. This authorisation enables PayPal to provide its service throughout the EU. From 2 July 2007, a new PayPal company, PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. & Cie, S.C.A. (PayPal Luxembourg), will become the service provider for PayPal in the EU. This is a Luxembourg entity regulated as a bank by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), the Luxembourg equivalent of the FSA. PayPal Luxembourg will provide the PayPal service throughout the EU. Your customer relationship with PayPal On 2 July 2007, your customer relationship will be automatically transferred from PayPal (Europe) Ltd. to PayPal Luxembourg. This includes your customer relationship as governed by the terms of the PayPal User Agreement and, for applicable UK merchants, the PayPal Website Payments Pro Agreement (collectively, the "Agreements"). To summarise, from 2 July 2007, PayPal (Europe) Ltd. will assign to PayPal Luxembourg all of its right, title, interest, and benefit in and to the Agreements. New User Agreement and Privacy Policy We are also pleased to announce that from 2 July 2007, PayPal Luxembourg will issue a new form of the PayPal User Agreement and Privacy Policy. This new version of the User Agreement will be presented in a much more user-friendly manner, and many of the policies currently accessed by hyperlinks, will now form part of the main text of the User Agreement. Also, the Privacy Policy will reflect that PayPal Luxembourg will be the data controller of your personal information from 2 July 2007 and set out further details of the third parties to whom PayPal Luxembourg will disclose your personal and account information. For more information about the transition to PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. & Cie, S.C.A. click here. If you do not wish to continue your relationship with PayPal, you may close your account at any time by logging in to your account, clicking Profile, and following the instructions from the "Close Account" link. You should make sure you first withdraw the outstanding PayPal balance to your bank account. Yours sincerely, PayPal (Europe) Ltd. So how easy will it be to deal with them now!!!!!!!! Midge
  2. Hi I know a lot of people have posted about problems with paypal and chargebacks. While looking to find another auction site other than e-bay I came accross the following. I think it may be of use. PayPal - Dealing with UnFair Chargebacks Midge61
  3. Hi all I have been helping my daughter claim back her charges from HSBC and yesterday she went to our local (Taunton)court to file and was told to come back once she had filed a complaint with the FOS. The clerk said this was a new rule as of last week. I am going to phone them tommorrow to find out more and will probably file via MCOL and pay the fee (she is on benefit and could claim excemption-reason for N1 route). Seems to be another new tactic! Midge61
  4. Hi I will go to the court tomorrow and query this. The court clerk is one I have dealt with and she was very pleasant and helpful. I think they are getting snowed under and see it as a way of delaying more claims. Will see what I can find out tomorrow. Midge
  5. Hi all What the court staff said to my daughter was that as of last week they now ask that you file a complaint form with the FOS first and then go back and file court claim. What I was worried about was that it was my understanding that if you complained to FOS you had to take their decision as final and then you would be unable to continue to file court claim. I didn't think you could do both. Surely if courts are going to insist on this route it is going to cause confusion and block up the system even more. I have used the FOS before with an issue I had with LLoyds and they were good but then I decided to go for all my charges and filed a seperate claim for that. I have decided to fill out form for FOS and stress that HSBC denied her her money even after taking in a letter of appropiation as I think this will help and at end of day bank get charged for investigation so what the hell. She will still get her money back and in about the same timeframe as well. Midge61
  6. HI Thanks for replies. Daughter has been told file a complaint with FOS and then she can go back and file claim. I've done three claims via this court and never been told this before. Think I will try moneyclaim but daughter is excempt from fees so how does that work? Do you file and then post necessary documents of proof of income support? It was because of this that we went down the N1 route. Midge
  7. Hi all I have been helping my daughter claim her charges from HSBC. Prelim and LBA done and today was day for filing court claim. I did all the forms for her etc but when she went to our local court (Taunton) she was told that as of last week you can no longer file until a complaint has been lodged with the FOS. Has anybody else had this? I thought if you went down the FOS route you had to take their decision as final and that meant you could not then file a court claim. Midge
  8. Hi CONGRATULATIONS No wonder James hasn't been answering my e-mails! I got my letter of settlement this morning too.
  9. Good Morning All Well court bundles due in on Monday 2nd April but a letter arrived today offering full settlement. I had sent several e-mails to James and Inga and had no reply from either. I did say in my last one that whilst doing my research for the bundle I had found that they had had some cases struck out for not producing evidence (he he) anyway whatever it was that made them fold I'm not sure but................. I'VE WON:D Donation will be made when funds arrive and have cleared. Is there a way to donate other than paypal?
  10. Thanks Gary Managed to find the full article ta
  11. HI Big Congratulations. Did you ask for costs for preparing your bundle?
  12. hi can I ask where you found the BBC Commission conclusion, I've been looking but can't seem to locate it. Thanks
  13. Hi That is Inga Kirkmans number. Apparently she is the one who makes things happen! So that sounds good.
  14. Hi I have only ben recieving e-mails for post £100.74 prize and not any of the posts that I have subscribed to
  15. Hi Mine is for Taunton on 16th April. Think by allocating 5 mins it shows that they know full well that Shabbey will have settled beforehand which is good sign. Oh well money should be in your pocket by 12th hopefully.
  16. Hi She phoned each company first and checked that they would accept alternative method without penalties first and all agreed. At the end of the day they don't want to loose custom!
  17. Hi if you are on benefits you can ask for a post office account. My daughter has been having trouble with HSBC so we have just sent first letter to reclaim. She contacted benefits and said bank kept charging her and that she no longer wanted bank account and they said fine as of next week benefit will be paid by giro until po account set up and she arranged to pay all bills in cash and not had a problem.
  18. We had a similar thing in Dec 2005 my hubby paid for a fire over phone and next day when he went to check if wages had gone in it said he had nothing because payment for fire had gone twice all £750 week before xmas...great. After lots of phone calls and letters it turned out that when you put a debit card transaction through they generate a authorisation code and put money on hold. Then the transaction goes trough your bank as paid next day. what Nat West ad done was issue 2 authorisation codes so payment went through twice! Have just had it happen to me too and have sent letter yesterday to get them to refund it.
  19. What got me was the call centre staff looking up peoples accounts for the fun of it and how easy it seems to be for money to be moved from accounts without customers knowledge! Very frightening. Methinks the old money under the mattress not such a bad idea afterall lol
  20. HI I will be interested to see what happens with yours. I have court date for 16th April bundles to be exchanged by 2nd April.Have e-mailed James Arrandale several times but no reply, tried Inga but she said she would get James to reply all very frustrating! Have you tried phoning I was going to give James til Fri morn then try phoning.
  21. hi This means that LTSB have filed a defence so now you will get a copy of this and you AQ but it will come from your local court. You will need to fill in the AQ (guide here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/11644-allocation-questionnaires-guide-completion.html)) best thing you can do is read as many other threads as possible to get an idea of what comes next. On my claim I recieved a full offer the same day as I recieved the AQ. Hope this helps
  22. Hi I applied to Valuation Office and was told that although I had applied out of the 6month time scale they would look into it anyway and they did and replied within a month. They were very good and helpful when I phoned them. The result for me was not in my favour however but they were very good at explaining why not and infact it seems the rest of the road are in the wqrong band!! Try phoning your local valuation office I'm sure they will help. Midge
  23. There a debate about this on MSE at the moment http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.html?t=391787&page=6 seems there is a lot of confusion over there
  24. Hi To be fair to my court though they have gone straight for court date and not a stay to settle. Midge
  25. Nothing they sent defence in late. Have had a&q and been given court date of 16th april. Have e-mailed James Arrandale twice but he doesn't bother replying. Will give him til Friday then will phone Inga I think. Court bundle due in on 2nd April but it's so frustrating when you know they will not do theirs and will settle just before court date. It seems such a waste of everbodys time and money. So thats everything so far. Midge
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