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Everything posted by midge61

  1. Hi all Had a phone call from BF tonight. The bloke said we have a letter from you claiming that an extra payment was taken in Aug 2006. Yes says I. Can you send proof of this says bloke. Pardon says I and he repeats can you send proof. Well that was enough for me so I explain that I have sent proof twice and he tries to end convo then but I wouldnt let him so I tell him they now have copies of bank statement letters transaction numbers and its about time they apologised and repaid the money........ all the while he keeps trying to say thankyou and to get off phone. Then I tell him that if they dont hurry up a complaint will go to FISA oh and by the way you havet sent me copy of your complaints procedure can I have one.? During all of his spluttering he says takes a couple of days for letters to be read and note to go on file and that he cant help with complaint procedures but will put note on file. Whole thing was qute funny especially as normally when they ring I am a complete nervous wreck but this time it felt great to have the upper hand!
  2. Hi Take all the info they have sent and talk to your local MP. They can be very good and getting these sort of things sorted. Good luck Midge
  3. Hi Heres the link for the SAR. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/516-1-data-protection-act.html Midge
  4. Hi Don't know if this helps I got it from mcfee main website United Kingdom OFFICES 227 Bath Road Slough Berkshire SL1 5PP United Kingdom Website: www.mcafee.com
  5. Hi all I have just spoken to someone at Brian Tracey FAS admin [email protected] Tel 01484453525 Financial Agreement Solutions These are the people who have that online agreement checker. Anyway I phoned them because the checker isn't working and the bloke asked who my agreement was with I said BF and he said well it's wrong then!! They know them well. On their site they charge £30 for the report on the agreement and then sgive you sugestions about where to go from there. They do sugest going to Brunel Franklin (no win no fee but 25% if you win!) but they dont agree with that so today they are finalising an agreement with a solicitor that will chare £100 plus vat and thats it nothing else to pay. He is going to phone me again tomorrow and go through everything with me. I personally dont want to take BF on on my own and would prefer a solicitor to do it knowing what Barstewards they are so I will consider using this route. They can also go over old agreements and fight them as well. Thought this might be of interest.
  6. Hi Lee Longdin is the fella that I have just written to about the money they took last august. I'm so p****d of about that and that the so called statement that he sent me shows nothing accept payments made that today I sent off a SAR to them.
  7. Hi Kenny Can you tell me if you got all your info when you did your SAR. I recieved a great big binder but it mainly contained their info on data protection and their codes. The bit I need i.e statement of account only goes up to2/1/2001 only 4yrs missing!!!!!!!!!! Have written asking for the rest but not heard yet. The 40days expired on 31/5/2007 so should I send non-compliance letter now? Thanks for your help
  8. Hi Take a look at this and then go to the Bankcheck website Mortgage rate blunders cost borrowers thousands-Business-Money-Mortgages-TimesOnline It is very interesting but the Bankcheck site doesn't say how much they charge but they do cover loans. I wrote again to BF about my £250 overcharge and got a letter yesterday from a L. Longdin at Monarch Recoveries asking for all the details, all of which were in the letter!!!!!!!! Have sent copies of everything again so will see what happens now. Midge
  9. Hi Don't know if this helps but my son is 16 and doing his GCSEs and I had a letter from the child benefit agency asking me if he would be continuing in fulltime education or not. I had to answer with the name of the course he intended doing and the college he is going to and the dates that he will be starting and finishing. You may be able to clarify things if you contact them because if he is not in education they will have stopped the payments for him and if they are still paying but you say you think he is infact working they may investigate it. Just a thought. Midge
  10. I hope so I really regret getting involved with these s**m but I have to say SPML are worse.
  11. hi The following is on the FISA website about early redemption calculations http://www.fisa.co.uk/downloads/FISA%20-%20Guide%20EDITION%2020.pdf Apparrently this shows the 2004 calculations which replaced the 1983 ones so I don't know when you repaid but they may have used the wrong calculations anyway. Worth a read though. Midge
  12. Hi Have had a reply from FOS today they say that as BF only came under their remit in April 2007 and the extra money was taken from my account in 2006 there is nothing they can do. Will write another letter to BF but expect nothing and cc FISA not sure who else will help. Peed off now as £250 is not a small amount and could really do with it. Midge
  13. Funny you should mention this. I had 2 payments go out of my account last Aug,bank say not them that both definately went to BF so write to them (in April)stating banks reply with transaction codes included and as of yet. So 3 weeks ago I put in a complaint to FOS but not had any word from them yet either!
  14. hi I found this company on companies house register Name & Registered Office: PRIME BUSINESS LIMITED 2ND FLOOR 70 CONDUIT STREET LONDON W1S 2GF Company No. 06096514 Their business is sic(03) whaterver that is Don't know if this helps
  15. Have just had a quick look through the new consumer credit act and there is plenty in there that may be of help ..........but I dont know if it applies to old loans Midge
  16. just found this on the FISA website early settlement of loans regulated by consumer credit act 1974 gives the formular that they use http://www.fisa.co.uk/downloads/Early%20Settlement%202004%205.pdf have read it but its way beyond me!
  17. HI Have had a look at Blemains website and they are now members of FISA and signed to their code of conduct. Welcome to the corporate home of FISA But have looked at their code of conduct and it looks like a lot of hot air to me but most of the bad lenders seem to be members lol. Midge
  18. Me again might be worth looking at the new consumer credit act 2006 Midge
  19. Right got it. Consumer credit licence 032328 issued by OFT Members of CCTA Consumers Credit Trade Association @ Suite 8 The Wood exchange, 10 Hustlergate, Bradford BP1 1RE who apparently offer abbitration sevices if disputes fail to be resolved. My agreement states for early repayment:(loan taken out Mar 2006) per £100 of origional loan amount after 24 mths £94.08 after 48mths £71.95 After 72mts £42.19 Hope this helps Midge
  20. Hi I have had a quick look at my loan agreement with them and there is a list of financial bodies that they belong to at the bottom so I will go and look it out and then post the names for you incase this can help in any way. I am tied to them for another 5 years and have no hope of raising the funds to repay early but am keen to follow your battles and help if i can Midge
  21. HI dax have you got any further with Blemain? I have been very interested in your thread and would like to know how you are getting on. Midge
  22. Hi My husband was made bankcrupt 6yrs ago and the OR just checked through all his paperwork regarding debts then said right off you go and start afresh. Hubby got a basic account with Nat West without any probs at all and has been with them ever since this summer wil be the 6th aniversary so he should then be able to get a proper account with them as all his defaults will drop from his cra records. The only thing that did happen was that 2 years ago he registered self employed and the tax office sent his tax returns to the OR who didnt send them on to him so that took some sorting out. Hope this helps Midge61
  23. Hi The default will show as settled on your cra record but will remain on there untill the 6th anniversary of it being put on there. This will affect your rating until then. My husband is a discharged bankcrupt with 2 defaults showing and despite having an excellent banking record with Nat West for the last five years they still refused to upgrade his account last week. Hope this helps Midge61
  24. HI Sorry to hear your troubles. My daughter has had exactly the same problem with HSBC and they just laughed at her when i told her to take in letter of appropiation. Trouble is the bank staff dont know what it is and they just make you feel small as though your trying to pull a fast one. I think if you actually phone the FOS they will be very helpfull. We have just done a complaint to them for my daughter about this and to get her bank charges back (she is single parent on benefits). Good luck ps. dont forget to look down the side of the sofa! Midge
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