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Everything posted by Orchideous

  1. Thanks renegadeimp I sent the email and the webpage glitched out, looks like it got submitted 3 times. Most recent reference: 6186064
  2. Hi CAG I've tried searching but no luck, apologies if there is a thread on this. I'll try and keep this short. My contract with vodafone came up to the end of the 24 months today. I requested cancellation 30 days ago and that's all dandy. I looked through some of my recent bills lately, and I've noticed that I've been paying £5.50 extra a month for an extra 1gb data. Now I never actually told vodafone to add this on, I did enquire about it way before they added it on (because I was hit with heavy charges for going over my 500mb allowance) but decided not to as the value at the time wasn't very good. So I called vodafone 2 days ago, 1 to request a PAC serial for my new PAYG sim, and 2 to enquire about the bolt on, and whether I'm entitled to my money back. I discussed the matter with a customer care colleague, telling her I never requested this and I should be entitled to my money back (I've been paying this for about 8 months). She first said they add that one for me to stop lots of charges, then said calls are only recorded for 60 days (surely that's their problem?) so it can't be proved. I did disagree as I haven't signed a contract based on this. She then said because my contract is being cancelled they would not be able to credit my account, and that it would need to be reinstated before they could do so. I said I have 1 more payment with them due to go out on X date, suggesting I should just cancel the Direct Debit which would just about cover it. She agreed I should do this, I asked if they would try to take the payment as I didn't want a default, she said no, they will send me an email with a bill. I didn't get this so I had to call again, received the email later, but it's got a bill attached from November and doesn't address anything I've discussed. So does anybody know if legally I'm entitled to my money back, and whether it would be a good idea for me to cancel the direct debit? Thanks in advance (sorry it wasn't very short)
  3. Hi Guys Thanks so much for your responses, really helpful. My cousin lives at my old address so I'll check if there's any more letters soon, depending on what they say I may write back to NCP as you suggested Homer67. I've didn't intend to pay the invoice as I know it's unjust, I was a bit worried that they'd delete the call record which was my only line of defence. Now I know it's probably not going to end up that way I'm rather relieved! And exactly Homer67, I said this on the phone to the guy and he agreed it'll likely get stolen if I buy a ticket. Ahh well, all that phone call probably achieved was them knowing I'm parking there and sending their goons! I'll inform the DVLA right away about the address, I work in insurance so I have no excuse Thanks again for your help guys, I'll be back if there's any revelations
  4. Hi all New to the forums here. Back in march this year I parked my motorbike in the Cardiff NCP car park overnight without purchasing a ticket, and came back the next day with a penalty charge notice on my wind shield. Now when I got to the car park originally, I hopped off my bike, read through every sign that they had up, looked around for an attendant and there was none - even at the office. I was looking for any sort of information on parking motorbikes (they had no designated bike area) but there was none. Being anal about it I called them on the 0845 customer services number, spoke to a guy who spoke with his manager whilst putting me on hold and then confirmed I do not need to pay as it's a motorcycle. I told him which car park I was located at, and also confirmed with him that I should park my bike in a car bay. So I thought this would be bullet proof, certainly now I won't come back to a ticket. But I did. £30 within 14 days or £60 thereafter. Of course I refused to pay it - now this is where I imagine the facepalms and headshakes will happen. I sent an appeal to NCP as per the notice said, detailing how I spoke with a gentlemen on this number, at this time and this was discussed. The calls were recorded according to the 0845 greeting. They declined my appeal on the basis that I parked in a pay and display car park without clearly displaying a ticket. I felt like exploding. I didn't appeal to POPLA as by that point I didn't want NCP getting hold of my information ( I gave false contact details to NCP). But as it was on CCTV the DVLA were more than happy to hand over my details, I later found. So I received a series of letters which I ignored, telling me how debt recovery would be given the case and eventually Debt Recovery Plus Ltd have taken over and are sending me notice's for now in excess of £100. Again I ignored these, the last one I ignored was a letter saying a reduced amount of £110 is payable if I pay before 12/11/2013. I didn't. And since then I have moved address and not told the DVLA. Not sure if I've received any more letters. I want to get this burden off my back now, it's starting to stress me out as I'm worrying over the thought of having debt and a CCJ, now that I've moved into a place I can hardly afford. Is there anybody who can advise me on this situation? There's absolutely no advise I can find on motorcycle parking and what my rights are. Thank you so much for reading. Dale
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