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  1. hi ellenn sorry for the late reply been busy with the baby with regards to the other debts we have 1 secured loan a couple of arrears on bills and a credit card which we no longer use, we had spoken to the citizen advise bureau with regards to these originally and they suggested writing to them with offer of pro rata payments which we did before we had the baby but yet again circumstances have changed with regards to money. i am intending on going back to work part time but not sure where i stand with my company allowing me to reduce my hours. to be honest we are so stuck at the moment the problem we have is that we are in a 1 bedroom flat which is getting very overcrowded now with the babies things, that we cant sell due to negative equity and cant really afford along with all the extras and problems with the maintenance company saying we owe money to them even though they had taken directly from NR without permission. just don't know what the best option would be i.e fighting the repossession or not and privately renting.
  2. hi mr w we are having almost the same decisions to make as you the 1 we are considering the most is the letting them reposesses and rent privatly as we have other debts to consider as well. to be honest we feel like we are falling into a bit of a black hole with it all cant seem to find a way out, our biggest situation is we are in a 1 bedroom flat with a baby which is very crowded which we cant afford and cant sell due to the current market. i totally simpathise with how your feeling and just wish someone could tell us what is best to do also n
  3. Hi thank you for the quick reply i haven't got the exact arrears at the moment as round parents house but will send them later on but it is £2,600 and something. the problem we are having is that the offer of £10 we made was when i was working and bringing my full wage in where now i am only getting £125 a week in SMP. we do also have a few other debts for the same reason as the arrears which are also causing problems and stretching my husband wage very thin. we unfortunately had not sent the offers in writing only over the phone hadn't had to deal with anything like this before but had explained all the circumstances including the recent arrival of our baby. nicola
  4. hello this is my first time on this forum and could really use some advise. im not very good with this sort of thing so its probably easier if i start from the beginning. me and my husband took a mortgage out on a 1 bedroom flat in jan 2006 after a few bad circumstances have fallen behind by 3.5 months on the mortgage totaling £2,600. up until now we have been paying the contractual payments of £564.30 a month but have been unable to make any extra payments on top of this due to lack of funds. i have recently given birth 10 weeks ago to my baby girl and am currently on maternity leave so its only my husbands wage coming in. we have explained to northern rock our circumstances and had gone through a budget form with them we had made an offer of payment a while back of £10 a month which they declined, we also asked if it was possible to add this onto the end of the mortgage as it was over 30 years initially so an extra 3 months wouldn't make much of a difference, a customer agent also said we could have a 6 month maternity payment holiday in which time we could repay the arrears but then said that this wasn't possible as we needed to pay 9 months contractual and had apparently only payed 6 (even though the only reason for this was we got payed on a Friday before a bank holiday and they where closed for us to make a payment on the Monday) the annoying thing is that we haven't ignored this and have tried to come up with several different ideas to resolve this, we had received a letter of notice from N R a couple of days after my baby was born asking for the full amount which we obviously couldn't give them i explained that now am only on SMP and this was not possible they asked how much i would be getting in child tax credits which i have now found out i am not entitled to as we both work and based on last years earnings is over the total amount aloud. 3 days ago we received a letter from NR solicitor notifying us of the court action and then today received the notification from the court of the hearing on the 30th of September and a budget form to fill out. i am really stuck on what to do here and of course we now will have to pay court costs as well. please help
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