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Everything posted by stu007

  1. Hi CAGGERS I am asking this question on behalf of a friend in Scotland who is with a Housing Association and keeps getting fobbed off with excuse after excuse. There is a valid Gas Safety Certificate as this was recently done at the begining of the year and it was noted on this certificate quote 'Tenant Doesnt Have Gas Box Key' and under Action Taken its states 'Advise Housing Association'. Could I please ask your advice on whos responsibility it is to issue a key to access the Gas Meter cupboard, please bear in mind that this is also where the Gas Supply Shut Off Valve is located and access is needed due to this if an emergency arose i.e. a Gas Leak There tenancy agreement does not state anything about issuing a key to said cupboard which not only has the Gas Meter but is also where the Gas Supply Shut Off Valve is located. Your Caggers valuable advice is always welcome and thankyou
  2. Hi Holly just a question why did you have to pay to replace the carpets due to numerous cigerette burns this is to the betterment of the Landlord and did you raise this issue with the Landlord. The same also goes for the kitchen you had to pay to get fixed this is again to the betterment of the Landlord Please ensure you try to take photographs of all the problems and keep a diary with dates and times who you contacted as your in scotland please I think you really need to seek legal advice and also contact the Councils Enviromental Health Department and speak to them about what you have written above. As you are unwell at present may I suggest that you contact Citizens Advice or Shelter as if required they can do a house call if required. hope this helps
  3. Hi I would write to Defence Estates asking for a copy of the March Out Report, A Complete Breakdown of the Bill, Why Defence Estates did not contact either your Proxy or Yourself and finally why it took so long for them to issue such bill to you. Also on the letter CC the letter to your Local MP this lets them know you have sent a copy to your MP and wait
  4. Hi mamadragon I know you say you dont have the deeds but you really need to get a copy of the deeds to check if their is any clauses that this company can thus charge you the homeowner. Try contacting your mortgage company as they may possibly have the title deeds or a copy which they could give you a copy of.
  5. Hi caro What he said helped so much was CAGs advice as when he started looking into it he started by checking CAGs advice then his Tenancy Agreement which has a repairs section noticing Housing Act references and following these which to them to Tolerable Standards Act, Right to Repair Act Then on breaking down the information further they noticed that the above information was contradicting all the housings information and documentation to tenants. Also the housing was quoting paragraphs from Acts but not the full paragraph as if they put the full paragraph it was there in black and white.
  6. Hi caro Yes they got a full apology, compensation and asked if they would like be in a forum which they want to setup for people in there circumstances to have a say and help improve services.
  7. Hi CAG Just a quick Update well was shocked when my disabled friend told me they "WON" and to Thank Everyone at the CAG as if it wasnt for your advice they probably would not have won and to keep up the good work.
  8. Hi Iwwatson Just looked you need toget the full bill to properly calculate your costs the summary bill is of no good to you as the full bill will show all direct debt payments payments taken off and it will also show u the amount for each unit of fuel used. What I do find strange is that this person is saying your amount owed is over and above the direct debts, you point out that these direct debt payments are as stated by her are £60 monthly so looking at the sumarry under payments the dates, 7/12/11, 5/1/11, 6/12/10 do seem suspicoiusly like said direct debt payments. I was a ScottishPower customer myself and can confirm that there bill would show the direct debt payments either as an deduction on the bill or as a credit on the bill. All this individual needs to do to resolve your issue is give the the proper copies of the bills you have request not summarry bills and if they really want to confirm these direct debt payments well there bank statement showing said amounts going out would match those direct debt dates on the utility bills simple.
  9. Hi gemini_1 Fully agree with Ed999 advice you must be certain you have exclusive us of said parking spaces. Also please check their website under existing tenants and go to complaints and have a read if you think this pertails to you follow their procedure
  10. Hi theonlyflag Your HousingAssociations actions are disgraceful at the least your Housing Association had 24hrs in which to carryout the emergency repair or has been suggested at least board up the damaged area for health & safety and security reasons. Your Housing Association should have a Out of Hours emergency repair number keep phoning them remember You have a Right to Repairs donw within a set time under the Housing Act and your own Housing Associations Repairs Policy. Keep everything logged in writing date, time, who you called, there name etc. Also contact them and ask to speak to the Repairs "Manager" as you wish to make a "Formal Complaint" as to why the Housing Association has left your property unsecure from reporting said repair on (date) as the damage was caused by their garden contractor. Also ask for a copy of their 1. Complaints procedure 2. Repairs policy 3. Right to Repair keep calling there repair line and reporting the repair even the out of hours number
  11. Hi metroliner Please get your daughter to read her tenancy agreement with the Housing Association carefully that there is no clauses in it that give them the right to carryout out the Boarding Up Actions. Also check the Notice (termination paperwork) that there is no clause in it either. If there is NO clause that gives the Housing Association the right to Board Up and Bill the Tenant then what they have done is incorrect. Your daughter correctly I assume followed there termination procedure but it was the Housing Association that wanted the keys back early. I would Speak to the Housing Association and ask them to forward you a copy of there complaints procedure (if your on internet check there website) and put a formal complaint in. If you are unsure please seek advice from Shelter or Citizens Advice Beurea If you could please give us a timeline of the events with dates would help better thanks
  12. Hi gemini_1 Could you please let us know who your tenancy agreement is with please ie Housing Association or Private landlord so you can get the correct advice. thanks
  13. Hi Scott I would go and ask the council to speak to one of the housing officers and explain the circumastances to them as they may not be aware of the situation and do let them know of the false allegation she made to the police. As both of you are named and signed the tenancy agreement she cannot just change the lock as firstly she would have to get permission from the council as its am ammemdment to the property which is the Councils Property not hers and secondly if she did do this you would have a legal right to get the police involved as she is refusing you access to your property.
  14. Hi agree with all advice given there is nothing to loose in asking them that question. Also you were rushed into veiwing and signing this agreement at the same time which if you ask the Council for a copy of there lettings/Exchange policy/procedure as you are supposed to be given a certain time limit from viewing the property (to decide if the porperty is suitable for your needs) to signing the tenancy agreement. The Council right at the start of this should have fully explained the procedure to yourself from viewing, signing new tenancy agreement, time limits for moving from old property to new property etc if this has not been done then the council would be in breach of its own policy/procedures Hope this helps
  15. Hi meg&mog The first thing I would do is write to the council asking for confirmation as to which improvement is being carried out at your property and explain the issue with the added downstairs toilet and if possible if a Clerk of Works could visit your property so you can show them this issues before any works start and to speed the process along. You also say that your son has autism so I would try and speak to the social work/occupational therapist/gp and explain the issues for the removal of the toilet and if they would do a letter as this way it backs up your case for getting the toilet removed. Hope this helps
  16. Hi detoxdj Sorry to hear about your problem but please bear in mind yes you were not medically discharged but this happened during your service and is still an ongoing problem. Please give the Veterans Agency a call and ask to speak to a welfare rights officer or even better if one could visit you at home. As this happened during service they would be able to advise you if you are entitled to claim for a War Pension and if so even help you fill in the paperwork. It does not matter if you were medically discharged from MOD or not to claim a War Pension. They will also be able to give you advice if you are entitled to anything else. Hope this Helps
  17. Hi AliCat69 As you point out you are one fire exit less, this is a fire safety issue as well so I would contact your local fire station and ask their advice and possibly to visit to do a fire inspection of the building pointing out the fire exit blocked off by the council.
  18. Hi Wheelbarrowboy The main thing to remember is the Tenancy Agreement your parents signed that states its the Housing Associations responsibility to maintain all appliances. As the letter seems to imply that they are changing this Tenancy agreement which is a legal document by stating that once the warranty runs out, it will be the tenants responsibility for rectifying any faults. Write to them and ask for clarification on this i.e. as the letter seems to imply that the Housing Association is changing (put the tenancy agreement name,date and the full paragraph stating the clause about the appliances) are they going to be issued a new tenancy agreement. In the letter sent by the Housing Associations letter what appliances are they refering to as it does not states this ask for clarification. As its a Housing Association that Tenancy Agreement is a legal Document and with that clause in the agreement is to your parents benefit as I said above the letter seems to imply they are amending this clause and if so you would have to clarify this by writing to them but head it Formal Complaint as these have to be logged on file. Also remember if they say they are renewing the agreement and removing that clause they cant just backdate it being a legal document without your parents consent. Please bear in mind this is through knowledge not legal. Hope this is of some help
  19. Hi emaconway Sorry to hear about your situation but i would let your doctor know about the mould issue as this may be inflaming your asthma. Also contact your local council enviromental health department and ask their advice explaing the mould issue. hope this helps
  20. Hi Dotty50 I agree with Mr Shed write to the letting agent pointing out that they need to give you 24hrs notice in writing. Yes your Letting Agent/Landlord is allowed reasonable access to the property but must give you the tenants at least 24hours notice in writing, if they continue to use the clause we gave you a phone call but no one answered put it in your letter that you want notified in writing 24hr minimum in advance and that one of the tenants must be present. Please bear in mind you have a right to privacy and the agent/landlord just letting themselves in wrong because who is to say they havent done this before and went looking at your individual property or worse something is stolen from the property. They are not being reasonable with you the tenants and have no write to let themselves into that property for viewings the way they are doing. As for changing the locks be careful with that as you would have to put that in writing to the letting agent/landlord requesting permission to do this and you would still have to give the letting agent/landlord a set of keys for the new locks. Hope this help
  21. Hi davey 1978 As you are in Social Housing like myself your Housing Association will have a policy for Medical Needs/Circumstances in there housing application forms but these also require physical evidence of your partner needs ie letters from doctors/hospital consultant. a) Ask your Doctor better still Hospital Consultant for a letter from them as it has more punch explaining your partners problems. b) Contact your local Social Work Department and ask for the Occupational Health Teams number your local council will have these details and ask them for a visit to assess your partners need and if adaptions to the property are required they are the people that can action this via your housing association. (most social housing association get a grant each year for adaptions but require evidence and thats where the Occupational Health Team come in to play espically if they say your partner need certain adaption they put they request in to the housing association on your partners behalf). c) Dont forget to also speak to your housing association about this as they may be unaware of your circumstances and can also give you some advice also ask they for the medical needs form but tell them why. Hope this helps
  22. Hi Willie Nelson Another issue that seems to have been missed her is that your Landlord has also broke the Data Protection Act by giving you an Inventory for the property with the previous tenants details on that form which breaches the Data Protection Act.
  23. Hi xoAmyox Im afraid you are only correct if the month on month agreement does not have a clause in it refering to the original 6 month tenancy agreement and the terms and conditions for ending/notice period which as Saint2k has pointed out there is unfortunately.
  24. Hi Saint2k The only way around this would really to be very polite and enquire with your Landlord/Agency if it was possible to amend the terms to one months written notice since your have be their longer than the initial 6 months and try enquiring before you have to sign your next months rolling. Hope this helps
  25. Hi Saint2k You need to check that the month to month 'rolling agreement' does not refer back to the terms and conditions in the initial six month short assured Tenancy agreement because if it does i'm afraid you would have to give two months notice. If it does not and the rolling agreement does not state generally its one month but also check with your Landlord/Agency/Housing. Hope this helps
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