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Everything posted by honeybee13

  1. Hi. Could you show us what other correspondence you've received from the PPC please? I'm not clear what stage you're at with the PCNs. HB
  2. So you need to sign up to MCOL. There should be a reference number on the claimform that you've had but there's information in the forum sticky. This time you have deadlines to meet. Please let us have the details from this this sticky. HB
  3. Hi. If the police haven't been involved so far, I don't think they will be now. As you say, go and talk to your GP to see if you need extra help. But stop shoplifting because it could be a lot worse next time. HB
  4. It's a business letter though, to someone you don't know. I've written hundreds if not thousands of them and I would only consider a first sentence like that for someone I know very well. And even then... HB
  5. It reads like pure ChatGPT to me, Bazza. AI shouldn't be used in a letter to someone like TfL. HB
  6. I'm not sure, let's see if Bazza or dx have views on this. My concern, putting myself in the position of the TfL investigations person looking at your situation, is that the bit about your sister may not be believable. I've known 12 year olds who were far better at IT than I am so I find it surprising that your sister can't check her own card. Or that you couldn't show her what to do, or she couldn't go to a ticket office and ask. Remember that TfL have seen all the excuses in the book many times, so I worry that this could lead things down a rabbit hole. See what the others think. HB
  7. Is there a reason why your sister couldn't check the balance online? HB
  8. Someone on Twitter pointed out that Mordaunt could be the first PM in history to lose their seat in a GE.
  9. It's true that TfL often phrase it like that but we weren't to know without seeing the start of the letter. Could I just check, does it say 'an offence' or 'an offence/s' please? Also, is this the first time you've used the card? HB
  10. Hi. As dx says, please show us the beginning of TfL's letter so we can see what they think has happened. HB
  11. A1362, you seem to be Reporting posts instead of posting your answers onto this thread. If BankFodder asks you a question, you just need to type your answer into the white box below his post. HB
  12. I agree with no more letters for now, Kyosanto. I did say earlier to wait until TfL write back to see what they might know. In our experience, after that there will probably need to be more letters to try and avoid court. HB
  13. We can't say if they will go to court, sadly, but they don't normally do that straight away. You need to co-operate with them, do a more detailed letter if they don't offer you a settlement when they write back. We can help you with that. Be aware that it can take two or three letters back and forth to reach a settlement, if they agree to one. HB
  14. I would do that. However this turns out you need to work out how much the unpaid fares could come to. If you manage to reach a settlement with them they will want the whole amount straight away. HB
  15. And are you able to check the card's history on the TfL website? HB
  16. Right. What I'm trying to explain to you is that TfL will be going through all of the journeys they think were made by you, one by one, and working out how much they think you avoided paying in fares. That's what they will base their case on, whether it goes to court or not, as I understand it. They may write to you again asking you to confirm which journeys were made by you. Are you going to be able to do this? TfL don't like people abusing cards with discounts and you will need to persuade them not to take this to court.To me, that means being honest about what's happened. If they don't like your answers to their questions, they will be looking to take it to court. If they do that, they will be looking to claim all of the fares you evaded, plus TfL's costs for looking into this, plus court costs, etc. We need to get a good letter ready to send when TfL come back to you. HB
  17. Five days a week since January sounds like a lot more than several times. I imagine it was more than one trip per day? HB
  18. You can help us to work out how many times you used the card because TfL will be looking at the amount you cost them by not paying the full far. Then you need to start working on a letter to send them when they reply to you. We can help you to refine it but we can't write it for you, we don't know the whole story the way you do. HB
  19. So did you use the card every day when you were working? I'm just trying to get an idea of how many times TfL will be looking at. You need to understand that they can see all of the journeys made on the card. HB
  20. It's OK to tell us how many times you used the card, you're anonymous here. TfL will be looking at the history of the card going back around two months, to look for a pattern of how many times it was used for the same journey. I expect they will write to you when they're ready but if there's a lot of work involved it could take time. They have six months. Is there a reason why you sent them the same email three times? I would say that you need to get a new letter ready for when they reply. Yours was short and succinct but it didn't say the things that we normally suggest. They want to see that you understand why you shouldn't have used the card, how that affects TfL and other users, that you've learned lessons from this and most importantly, that you won't do it again. We can help you with that. HB
  21. Thank you for the information. I'm not sure why you sent three emails that all look the same? The only question you haven't answered is how many times you used the Student card. Or if you're still using it. HB
  22. Thank you. So it's early days. - Could you also post up what you said in the emails you sent to them please? - And tell us how many times you think you used the card. - Also, was the card confiscated or have you stopped using it? HB
  23. Hello, welcome to CAG. So we can advise, could you post up a pdf of the letter from TfL please? Cover up your name, address and their refernce number. Best, HB
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