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Everything posted by honeybee13

  1. Hi everyone. I would appreciate advice please and will post more on the full problem later, when I can. Would anyone know if a compromise agreement can show that an employee is being made redundant? Obviously, this looks better on someone's CV than being forced into leaving or resigning without a job to go to. Any help much appreciated. Kind regards, HB
  2. Hi there. Another thread is running today on the forum that seems to cover the same problem, if I understand right. Might be worth a look. My best. Requested to attend an investigation while off sick
  3. Hi Maybelline. This link goes through to an enormous list of headings. Which bit are you referring to please? Or is it just for general advice?
  4. Hi Stinky, I'm pleased the tribunals people were helpful and you feel a bit better. I understand about the mood swings, but try to think 'don't get mad, get even'. They deserve it. Please keep posting about any worries you have.
  5. Forgive my ignorance, Cracker and everyone else. Why can't a union attend a meeting with you? Going alone is the last thing you need.
  6. Elpulpo, is it normal to make the employee part of the investigation? I thought someone separate was meant to carry it out. I wonder what this meeting would be for, when it eventually happens. Cracker, don't be pushed around, you have rights. HB
  7. Hi Cracker. This must be tough for you. I'm sure someone with more knowledge than me will be along, but do you have a copy of the firm's grievance procedure? If you do, is having your line manager chairing the meeting following their own procedures? It sounds wrong to summon you when you're depressed, could make you worse, couldn't it? I hope someone else will know the answer. I think this may have cropped up recently on the forum. Remember that being picked on because you've made a grievance is victimisation. Have you spoken to the ACAS helpline? They should be able to advise you. My best, HB
  8. As I understand it, someone with a temporary contract has all the rights of a full-time employee. Guys?
  9. Ibis, I saw that too, on one of the Employment threads. From memory, although I would rather see it in writing, it was OK to use a transcript. I hope you can track it down; let me know if you're having problems and I'll have a look too. Good luck Me Too.
  10. Hi there. Yes, it is very tough when you're on the receiving end, but you're by no means alone in this. I appealed to the DWP and when they refused to change their decision, went to an appeal tribunal. There's plenty of infomation on how points are allocated and if you need it later, I'll send you a link to a document on the DWP website. Don't give up, HB
  11. Slashpage, I really feel for you, I'm so sorry. Mikey, I know you're a very helpful person. What is the appeal procedure please, or where can Slashpage look for help?
  12. Thanks Thailand, it's kind of you to share that. I think our problem is that we can't necessarily choose when we travel. Have you experienced the problem of 'admin charges' varying with the price of tickets at all? My best.
  13. Hi there Me too. I can't comment on the technicalities of how you were dealt with, but it sounds awful to me. Are you willing to tell us what your illness is please? Hopefully, an expert will be along soon to give you some guidance. My best, HB
  14. Maybelline, I'm sorry it didn't go your way this time. Have they sent you anything in writing about their reasoning?
  15. Char, I think you should consider that colleagues don't make the best witnesses, as others on this forum will tell you, because they are also worried about losing their jobs. Forgive me, and I mean this with the best will in the world, but your boss may think you're a soft target and so what if he fancies you? Several people have pointed out that you can't take his word for what he says he can do to help you. If you are special, you shouldn't be feeding this creep's ego. Have you got any further with calculating your financial position if redundancy should happen? It seems to me that there is quite a lot of help available. Please keep in touch, HB
  16. Hi Ms J. I'm sorry it's come to this. There's a website called I resign .com that's helpful and has template letters. I hope it's allowed by the site team. My best.
  17. My friend has also had a whiplash injury and months later, is still seeing an osteopath for the pain. The other driver's insurers are paying for this. He told me recently that he has been advised not to settle too early, because he doesn't know what the long-term outcome of the injury will be. Obviously, they have already paid for the car repairs. Regards.
  18. Thank you for the information. Sadly, the OFT can't seem to make much difference to this shower, can they? O'Leary just seems to think that any publicity is good publicity. Kind regards.
  19. Hello Char, how are you doing? Have you made any decision about what you might do next?
  20. I agree with loopinlouie. I don't really understand what the aim of this thread is
  21. I agree with Ms Smith about victimisation, nap. Hopefully, other caggers will have some ideas on what you could do.
  22. Hi Stinky. I've read other posts on this forum that recommend ringing the tribunals office, so I think that's the way to go. While you're talking to them, try to get clarification on costs and your worries. I'm not clued up on this, but your employers could just be threatening that as part of their argument to get you to give up. You don't say what costs are worrying you, but if they're talking about a legal rep, they wouldn't need one if the case is as clear cut as they're saying, would they? Please let us know what happens.
  23. Thanks, Elpulpo, I thought I might be on the right track. Good luck Stinky, don't be intimidated.
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