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Everything posted by Revenant

  1. Hi suemoo Welcome to CAG As you know nothing of this debt you could send the Prove it letter . . http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?428-General-debt-letter-if-you-know-nothing-of-the-debt . . don't sign it just print your name, keep a copy and either send recorded for proof of receipt or get proof of postage from the PO It sounds as if they're looking for someone with the same name as you (fishing) though As for calling at your door . . it's unlikely but just in case print this off . . http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?410-LETTER-USED-WHEN-A-DCA-THREATENS-A-DOORSTEP-VISIT . . keep it by your door and pass it through the letter box LoL . . you're under no obligation to talk to them or even open the door and should you get caught out give them the letter and tell them to go away or you'll call the police Try not to worry as the game has just started and whether they like it or not you make the rules Good luck R
  2. Hi fitnesspt Can I suggest you click on the triangle at the bottom of the messages and ask the Site Team to start your own thread, that way you'll get more replies as this post has been signed off as "Won" Regards R
  3. But you get a lot less sh:censored: from a toilet brush clio
  4. Oh well bbnb A quick Google it was then and in a way a waste of time LoL Have never watched or read anything about Twilight, still live and learn I guess R
  5. You've lost me a bit there bbnb Just a simple case of the threads to get trawled by DCA's etc so no point in giving away info needlessly R
  6. Hi edward I've tagged this for a mod to check if your thread might be better off in the Lettings forum rather than general debt If you're using your real name it would be better to change it so you can't be identified, again a mod from the site team can help Good luck R
  7. Hi vic Hope all's well Anything that helps to give a boost to them that need it is always welcome Regards R
  8. Hi km Here's the link to the letter mentioned . . http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?493-Harassment-by-telephone-response-letter As pointed out by Brig . . the chances of court action is very very doubtful for how would they explain to a Judge why they've wasted the Courts time by bringing in someone already making regular payments . . the Judge would not be best please to say the least If you're happy with you payment plan just carry on whilst you follow Brig's advice and see more info they can drag up Good luck R
  9. Hi dragon Please Please Please try to stop worrying In the overall scheme of things missed payments are a fact of life as no one can plan 100% for the future and that includes DCA's Even if you were paying £100 a month and never missed a payment there's a good chance the DCA would class you as a soft touch get greedy and still look for more money from you . . it's the way they are If you carry on the way you are you'll become exactly the kind of debtor they like . . scared witless and eating out of the palm of their hand To put it bluntly . . THEY DON'T OWN YOU, YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE Read the complete thread again and take in the fact that we've all told you the same thing . . they can't do anything except whinge/cry/shout etc R
  10. Found this article . . http://money.uk.msn.com/money-guides/insurance/articles.aspx?cp-documentid=157121640 Good news for many R
  11. Yeh and your problem is Your little missed payment is nothing compared to the rules/guidelines DCA's choose to ignore and breach They deliberately set out to bully/co-erce and strike fear into people and hate it when someone fights back "@ Revenant - I can't even afford £1 until the 28th" So on the 28th you work all you priority debts out again, see how much is left and then decide on an amount you can pay without leaving yourself in hardship/struggling like you have done this month It's still your money Good luck R
  12. Welcome back dragon Hope you had a good weekend DCA's would have you believe you have to sell a kidney to raise funds but if you can only afford £1 that's all you send They love to come across as big and brave but as you learn more you realise that they're not Regards R
  13. Mr Andrew Hart seems to be a busy bunny . . Andrew Hart Chairman at Money Mona LocationLondon, United Kingdom IndustryBanking Andrew Hart's Overview Current Chairman at Moneymona Banking Chairman at Currency Prediction Chairman at Money Mona Chairman at Money Mona A NEW TYPE OF BANKING at Money Mona The Priciple at Hart Investments LTD Chairman at Hart Investments LTD Found this interesting bit in the Money Mona sites FAQ's . . Lenders - Frequently Asked Questions How are payments made to myaccount? All collections taken through the Moneymona system will appear in your accountwithin 3 days of payment to us less our fees. If a payment is not received will start a process of debt recovery. What happens if my borrowerdefaults? Firstly this is unlikely given that most borrowers have a credit history andwant to protect there rating. However should this occur Moneymona take over theresponsibility of chasing payment from initial letter through to full legalproceedings if required. It is extremely rare for a borrower to default and for a lender not to receivefull repayment. What is the Process of DebtRecovery? Please see our full terms here. Our success on debt recover is 99.9% Seems he fancies his chances as a DCA as well ? ? R
  14. Hi new-me If you've never had an O2 account Lowell are fishing Keep the letter safe so you have the start of a paper trail and see what they send next and as for getting more emails . . just block them Regards R
  15. Parents = plural = both Do you think that's actually possible where most DCA's drones are concerned BB ? ? R
  16. Hi lbb Welcome to CAG and glad to hear your treatment is going well Firstly Red/Lowell/Hamptons are one and the same so don't pay too much attention to the various letters I'm afraid to say that these debts are as a result of Identity Theft/Fraudulent Activity and although it's your own daughter you must treat them as such and report them all to the Police and get Crime numbers for each one You can tell a DCA that it's nothng to do with you from now till the cows come home but at least getting the police involved will give you some leverage with the catalogues at least As for the utilities all you can do is explain the situation to them directly so write to them, send a copy to Scotcall and tell them to back off There's letters you can send to help. . Telephone harassment . . http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?493-Harassment-by-telephone-response-letter General prove it . . http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?428-General-debt-letter-if-you-know-nothing-of-the-debt CCA request to see if they have an enforceable agreement for the catalogues . . http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?414-CCA-request-letter. (Think the fee is still £1 and if no proper reply within 12+2 days you can officially put the account into dispute and stop collection activity until they do) You also must remember that DCA's have no power over you, they can puff their chests out as much as they like but you're still in charge of your money Not easy I know but try not to worry as there's a fair bit to do and a long way to also for everything they throw at you there's stuff you throw back I'm sure more info/advice will follow but you're in good hands now Good luck R (ps no signatures just print your name)
  17. You're welcome jas Before you decide to fill in their I & E sheet try to find the one used by the Courts but also keep in mind that once they have your details they may try to get you to recalculate based on what they think are needless expences You know your circumstances so stick to them Regards R
  18. Hi jas Firstly they have no right to know your I and E details, only a Court can demand them The OFT Guidelines also prevent them from forcing higher payments . . Physical/psychological harassment 2.5 Putting pressure on debtors or third parties is considered to be oppressive. 2.6 Examples of unfair practices are as follows: f. pressurising debtors to pay in full, in unreasonably large instalments, or to increase payments when they are unable to do so If you are paying by DD it cancel it so they cannot take extra money from you and try to set up a SO for what you can aford, there's a great letter by another cagger that I can never find when I want it about thanking a DCA for making them do an I and E caculation and as a result they've found out all they can pay is £1 DCA's greed is their downfall in the end Write to them again with your offer stating basically take it or leave it Good luck R
  19. Morning dragon Nothing to apologise for We have all been there for varying reasons and find our way here, that's when things change The advice/support given by caggers is amazing, no one judges anyone I hope the leg pull with cb's letter has helped to give you a comical insight into DCA behaviour The situation has worried you and I guess it's made worse by what you've read but for what ever Moorcroft want to throw at you there's stuff you can throw back Keep the thread up to date and/or pop back when ever you want Have a good weekend R
  20. Awwww bless . . . you'll be in good company Lets hope dragon gets the point of this bit of leg pulling R
  21. Dear Curly Bob Collections The contents of your letters have been duly noted Upon seeking advice from those that know on CAG my responce to you is . . . UP YOURS Kind regards Dragon 22
  22. I'm losing the will to live bbnb and I'm going to have a few after work To be serious dragon when a post goes on like this because the OP doesn't seem to listen people start to think it's a wind up and lose interest The advice you asked for has been given along with a liberal amount of general support so pull ya finger out and do something R
  23. Nice one cb but does it really really really mean that you can do nothing but moan and that no agreement is broken if you get ignored R
  24. Not being funny dragon but how many more times or how else can we put it so that you believe us and stop repeating the same questions AND YES we do understand how worrying it can be R
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