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Everything posted by romouele

  1. I sent the electricity company a letter stating that I was thankful for the free electric and they've now changed the system to include my meter, they've tried to tell me they're going to back bill me to when I moved in, I've told them that they cannot do this but they're insisting, I'm moving on Saturday so am unsure what to do, should I refuse to pay anything which predates the letter I sent them. I looked through the booklet produced and it seems my situation fall into the category that they cannot bill me for more than 12 months, if they do should I then charge them for the cost incurred in trying to get them to deal with the problem.
  2. The exact same thing has happened to me, but my wife has a letter today too. I actually phoned them up and they said the debt was to a company I've never heard of, i don't have any debt as I've never needed any credit other than my credit card, i told them I'd never heard of the company and didn't owe them anything, today I received another letter for my wife so we've sent them an email which essentially states they have to prove their case and cannot come to my door. If you ever are on the phone with a DCA i find recording it on another Mobile phone to be very useful, that way if they argue about what was said you can play it back to them, i used my work phone so the call was free, but I've taken to using email to contact DCA it works better than traditional mail as they can't claim they didn't get it, perhaps someone should set up a database of contact addresses for them so we can get in better contact with them.
  3. Hi guys this is my first post. What happens if i move into a property and sign up to EDF as my provider and give them the information about my meter, grant them access to read my meter and call them every time I receive a bill because the bill has an amount of £0 and they insist I'm on a prepayment meter, despite me giving them the meter details, are they still only able to bill me for 12 months of use? I've kept copies of the letters I've sent them, a recording of my telling them on the phone that i don't have a prepayment meter and I've got all the bill for £0, despite including my usage details and my meter readings.
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