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Everything posted by tendogs

  1. is this the same account you posted about on http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/177375-lloyds-hsbc.html ?
  2. akania how we doing with this? Is this a credit card, bank loan or something else? Is there a default on the debt? Has it been sold? Any county court judgments?
  3. A little more information please, what kind of debt is it? What stage is it at? Anything else that might help to narrow the issue down a bit.
  4. I think there are two issues here, the first is: A reason falls within this subsection if it - (a) relates to the capability or qualifications of the employee for performing work of the kind which he was employed by the employer to do and the second is: - (3) In subsection (2)(a) capability, in relation to an employee, means his capability assessed by reference to skill, aptitude, health or any other physical or mental quality I cannot see that having more than 10 days sick leave can fall within this provision.
  5. By the way, most of us are old hippies on hear
  6. Firstly I would think that it can’t hurt to make a claim, the worst that can happen is that they turn you down. Secondly, this happened to me about 12 years ago, plunged into a black hole and couldn’t be bothered even to try and find a ladder let alone try to climb out of it. You have my best wishes at this time and, you will get over it with help and the correct kind of meds, and, if it’s type 2 diabetes you can also take charge of that Now, the point of all this is I did claim PPI successfully from various credit card companies at the time so I know it can be done. Have a go and let us know what happens. Very best wishes Dogs
  7. Good morning and welcome to CAG you'll find most of the information you need here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faqs-please-read-these/. Any problems get back to us.
  8. I've had dealings with these guys and Eversheds their tame solicitors. I have been lied to, had signatures suddenly appearing on documents that were previously unsigned, etc, etc. Not only would I not trust them I'd turn up with a body guard and remove all my jewellery. I see you're after your charges from them, I'm nearly at the end of that road, and the succession of increasing offers I've received leads me to think I'll get my money back. Good luck with this lot. Dogs
  9. Pulled this from MCE: - Many people simply try and cancel their credit card at this point. Sadly that often doesn't work, as card companies only usually close down an account where there are no payments left to come out of it. To cancel when the retailer isn't playing ball, follow these steps: Contact the company Let it know you're going to dispute the transaction, it may give up and cancel. Dispute the transaction with the credit/debit card company Tell it the monthly payments are "unauthorised transactions" as then, under the Banking Code (which most card providers are members of) it's its responsibility to sort it out. It may mean Visa, Mastercard or American Express, the companies behind the electronic payments process, are called in by the card provider. Complain to the Financial Ombudsman The last resort is to make a complaint to the free Financial Ombudsman Service, the independent arbiter of financial disputes. Hopefully, just the threat of this to your credit card provider should be enough in the first place. If not, make a complaint, there's no cost, and it should be fine. There are plans to make it easier to stop such transactions, and to force credit card companies to take instant action, but negotiations between Visa and Maestro have become bogged down, and sadly no changes are planned anytime soon.
  10. Have you looked at http://www.visacemea.com/ac/selling/pdf/recurring_payments_bpg.pdf and have they complied
  11. I know, it's a business and sometimes it's unsavoury, I saw a woman once who used her son's untimely death to sue a council because she tripped in the graveyard, that's when I moved out of the system, but that's another story. Ring Saga tomorrow, you should be covered for legal representation, make yourself safe, and tell us what happened.
  12. tendogs

    LMD75 versus Egg

    Welcome to the forum. Send in the CCA request with your £1 postal order and see what they send you. It's a lawful request and they can't punish you for it. One step at a time, and keep us informed.
  13. Good for her, I don't go in for DCA abuse, it does no good but I understand the urge and they are horrid.
  14. Mrs Dogs and I have a credit rating that you would not want but, non the less, Yorkshire bank has given us an account with a debit card. I'll go to the foot of our stairs.
  15. Good luck with this, it is a matter close to my heart. Get back and let us know what the outcome is.
  16. They issue an interim charging order following the first hearing then the full job later.
  17. The whole thing has you spitting blood but, after you’ve finished you have less blood and nothing has changed. I don’t think that it’s useful to pick over the minutia of this case, I spent twenty years treating claimants in personal injury cases, some were frauds some were not, both the physical and psychological consequences of an RTA can occur post insult or there can be misdiagnosis. Concentrate on the issues here, the claimants may or may not be genuine, you need to move this claim on to the insurance company, and it occurs to me that the claimant would be happy with that because they are more likely to get some money so they might agree to a set aside. Focus on the things you need to do to remove yourself from the line of fire and them come back and have a moan about how unspeakable the personal injuries business is.
  18. Oops here is the link, sorry, http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/173109-urgent-help-regarding-charging.html
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