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Everything posted by tonycee

  1. WOW.. How low can these vermin go.? Their fees for " What " exactly. Ask them to prove your liability for the £42.50p and then tell them you are considering making a form 4 complaint. Absolutely do not pay them at this stage.
  2. Is that Rooster saying " Cock a doodle dont "
  3. Keep them informed. HM Revenue & Customs: Payment problems, assessments, penalties and appeals They are just going through the motions. They wont do anything without serving a Stat Demand, which you can appeal against. If you fail they then have to serve a bankruptcy petition, which you can defend. The whole process could take 12 months. Have you thought about factoring your invoices.?
  4. Re: Anyone like Rugby? To many roundabouts and traffic lights.
  5. Alright for kebabs over the weekend then.
  6. You would be dead. But at least i know now why it was also known as the noble experiment. You would need more than just alcohol to experiment with that lot.
  7. Ich muss eine Person durch eine deutsche Organisation durch E-Mail oder Brief kontaktieren. Obwohl ich sicher bin, gibt es Leute, die können sprechen Englisch (der Endempfänger englisch sich selbst) ist, möchte ich die Höflichkeit vom Brief auf Englisch und Deutsch ausdehnen, damit es keinen Fehler gibt. Die Ausgabe ist persönlich - es ist jemand den ich weiß, mit wem gute Freunde jemand berühmt gewesen war, und ich möchte das letzte kontaktieren zu sehen, wenn sie das ehemalige - sogar nur kontaktieren könnten, hallo zu sagen. Wenn irgendjemand ich helfen könnte, wäre sehr dankbar Free Translation and Professional Translation Services from SDL
  8. I think the judge would be angry with THEM if they ignored his decision. Concentrate your energy on meeting the payments due, and not on a solicitor who is just trying to maximise their fees. You really should not worry. Good Luck.
  9. I can only suggest that you try to make your hubby see reason. It would be such a waste to lose everything with only 9 years left on the mortgage. I know its tough, but you have to try and make the mortgage payment and a little extra a priority. You wont lose the house if you dont pay your credit card/kitchen/exstention loans for a couple of months, but you will if you dont pay the mortgage. Just one last thought, could you take in a lodger/child minder for a while. £600 per month would be a big saving.
  10. Where do you stand with the mortgage companys agreement to spread the arrears over time. ? Has anything changed ? if not you could use this in your defence. Im afraid if the charging order was granted before the transfer, its unlikely that you will get away without paying the debt. You need specialist advice on this one. Tell the sols if they dont get off their ass, you will use somebody else.
  11. Unfortunately YES. But you can apply to the court for a notice of discontinuance. N279 HERE It does exactly what it says on the tin. If you then have any further problems, they have to start again.
  12. Its heart rendering that somebody can be up at 04.07 posting on an open forum, but is then never seen again. millystar Last Activity: 9th March 2009 04:38 Lets hope they are all OK.
  13. 86 Million views. Just brilliant. Will they all fit in the Apollo. ? .
  14. Don't be to hard on yourselves gentlemen. Unless you have acted unlawfully, you will be OK. You cant be punished for being irresponsible. Although never a director, i have been self employed for 20 years. HMRC made me BR last November. Apart from my interview, and a Income questionnaire, and the odd demand, which i shouldnt be getting, i havent heard another word from anybody.
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