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  2. watchinginvestigation2011


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  3. Bazooka Boo

    Bazooka Boo

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/11/11 in all areas

  1. Idiot iQor , laugh a minute with those clowns....tried to get me to pay a virgin bledia fee, told them to bog off and they surprisingly agreed! There is nothing 'critical' except for them trying to raise enough money for their crimbo party....ignore.
    1 point
  2. You would need to know when you called, trace the call on phone bill time etc...then apply for sar(subject access request) to show what notes were put on file due to this call. You would need proof you said what you state or could find they argue there is no record of that and you should have noticed something was wrong with no alteration to benefits or confirmation of change of circumstance. Thats why when a lot of people ring dwp they record the call for aide de memoir or record incase discrepancy occurs. You see I am sure there are a lot of people caught who then say I rang and told you, not saying this is the case in this situation
    1 point
  3. From what you've said, the company sounds like a cowboy company, which means that there is a good chance that they haven't done things properly.....eg: Did they give you a correct cancellation notice as per regulations? If not you may wish to cancel it now and recieve a full refund. As for dx100uk - you will not find a more credible caggar
    1 point
  4. Definitely something iffy here. There is a legal entitlement to an itemised payslip, a legal entitlement to a written statement of particularsand a legal entitlement to holiday. ACAS and CAB will simply confirm what Rachel has already said. This needs to be raised as a written grievance, querying why no payslips (he might well be in a position one day soon when he needs to prove earnings if nothing else), and how much paid holiday he has accrued to date. The employer might well be difficult, but there is nothing like the threat (even unmentioned) that a Tribunal might be asking some awkward questions to sharpen the attention!
    0 points
  5. Yes, is the simple answer to your questions. A worker is A worker is A worker. 'Cept when they're a teenager working part-time the Employer never seems to see it that way.
    0 points
  6. If the date is a year before the actual default date that's one year closer to stat barred??
    0 points
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