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dx100uk last won the day on June 13

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    on an isle..

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  1. pers id be writing back pointing out the parking tickets are private land cannot ever be FINES. dx
  2. Democracy is overrated, some in MAGA base say | CNN Politics EDITION.CNN.COM CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan explores why many MAGA Republicans are claiming that America is a republic, not a democracy.
  3. simply reply to mediation by email stating despite numerous requests dating back over 1yrs the claimant nor their sols have supplied me with requested paperwork to enable me to make an informed decision upon entering into mediation. i therefore refuse. dx
  4. urm having fully read the transcript of the previous judgement for claimant. i don't think you've got anywhere to go with this. unless you want to try and nail the claimant that they forced you into a VS or didn't advise you of the VT alternate. dx
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