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    • Much appreciated for the ammendment. The snottier the better right!   What I am assuming is that this response is to be posted to Gladstones? However, I am seeing some users sending this as an email instead, which is a little confusing.  If we're happy with this response, what would you suggest is the best way to send it over to them (post/email), and is there anything additional I could include (if necessary)?  Thanks again! 
    • Hi @BankFodder I've read through other threads to better inform me of the process from here onwards. When I put in the MoneyClaim it gave me a claim number and it currently says to wait for the defendant to respond, they have until 7 August.  It seems their most likely action is to extend that a further 14 days to about 21 August - this hasn't happened yet, of course, as it is only 27 July but I'm anticipating that may be the case. So when the expected defence action is taken by EVRi I will need to submit DQ with these responses A1 - no mediation B - my contact details C1 - yes to the small claims track D1 - No.  If No please state why.  I believe the defence will provide some rebuttal to the particulars of claim and so I need to include details as to why the claim requires a hearing.  Is there some certain templated text I can include here or will it vary depending on what the defendant comes back with? I see on the form it mentions the following: Relevant reasons include that there are factual disputes which will need the judge to hear from witnesses directly or the issues are so complex they need to be argued orally.  Hoping to reach out to see what may be the most effective statements for D1 reasoning. E1-5 are pretty straightforward. I want to get ahead of things and be ready to take the next step so I appreciate what advice you may have about the DQ.  Thanks!  
    • Rachel Reeves is set to reveal a public finances shortfall of billions on pounds after a snap audit.View the full article
    • Hi What they have asked in what you have highlighted isn't unusual at all as Councils have numerous different departments that deal with specific different areas within that council. So if what you are asking in your DSAR is say specific to Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit, Planning Permission etc then just let them know that specific area. On the other hand if you want every bit of DATA they hold on you then simply tell then ALL DATA they hold on you it's them up to then to go through all depts to check for it. 
    • A growing number of couples are booking a content creators to capture their special day.View the full article
  • Our picks

    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
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      • 1 reply
    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
      • 81 replies
    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
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      • 162 replies
    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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Glenn vs Co-OP

Glenn UK
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Hi all


new to the site and have started to send out SARs to various organisation but realised I used to have a CO-OP CC but cant remeber any of the acutal details, other than like my other CCs i suspect i racked up quite a few charges.


So apart from writing to them giving them sufficent details to identify me along with a S.A.R - (Subject Access Request), is there any other way that I can get account details before i make the SAR request?


I would rather send the SAR with some firm information before sending the if theres anyway to do this?


Any thoughts welcome.




Ps I have inlcuded in my draft SAR, full name, age, place of birth, previous home addresses for the past ten years or so.

Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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give them a ring and try to blag the account no out of them i did this by saying i run a business and tax man after me for previous years so need details:)

  • Haha 1



Halifax £3600 charges, won with C/I £6400


NatWest S.A.R-05/06/06

Bug**r all recieved 03/11/06

Prelim guesimate sent for £3000 03/11/06

Cr*p one CONNED statements 08/06 ROFLMAO

Cr*p one charges=£976

con int 34.9% £1,003.75 £1,979.75.


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Bit of an update did as suggested by C Allen, I didnt get the account number as it is closed and no longer sits on their system, however, they did confirm that address they hold on file for me.


So im going to send a SAR with my relevant information on it and see what comes back..




PS C Allen thanks for the tip at least I now have an idea when the account was open/closed.

Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks to C Allen I sent of the SAr and today recieved an acknowledgement confirmgnt they were processing it and it would be with me within 40 days.


Another step closer.

Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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They did say it would be 40 days from their letter, i dont think so!!



Dear Sir/Madam


ACCOUNT NUMBER: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I thank you for your letter dated 10th August 2006 acknowledging my Subject Access request.

For clarification it appears there is a typographical error in your letter.

You will know the 40 day time period for compliance with a subject access request under the Data Protection Act begins when the request is served upon yourselves.

I therefore wish to confirm, for the avoidance of doubt and to prevent any embarrassment in the event that there is a delay in providing the relevant data, that in fact you have a further 26 days since I believe that you received my SAR on the 29th July 2006.

I therefore request that you comply with the request and send all of the relevant data for the period during which I held my account with your organization.

Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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  • 1 month later...

Little update


Ive sent them final LBA for non com[laince with DPA they owe me some statements and i want them.



Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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They still havent fully complied so im filing a Sec 7 claim and heres my particualrs of claim for comment.


1. The Claimant had a credit card account xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ("the Account") with the

Defendant which was open for a number of years and was closed on or around November 2001.


2. The Claimant wrote to the Defendant and made a Subject Access Request under Section 7 of the Data protection Act 1988 on the 25th July 2006 requesting a complete list of transactions and charges relating to my banking history with the Defendant. The maximum statutory fee of £10.00 was enclosed in the form of a cheque drawn in favour of the Defendant (Cashed 9th August 2006).


3. The Defendant supplied partial account data for the period August 2000 - November 2001. However, the intial statement indicates an opening balance.


4. Despite supplementary written requests to the Defendant requesting confirmation of the transactions and charges on the whole of the Account history, the defendant has alleged it does not hold data for more than 6 years and refuses to supply the data it holds on the Claimant.


5. In the data the defendant supplied to the Claimant, there are notes relating to account activity prior to the transaction and charges activity.


The Claimant contends that :


a. The Defendant holds data relevant to the Claimant which it has failed to provide under Section 7 of the Data protection Act 1988.


b. The defendant has tried to mislead the Claimant by referring to statutory obligations to store data which are minimum periods and do not preclude the Defendant holding such Data for periods beyond the minimum.


Accordingly the Claimant request that:


i. The court orders that all data held by the Defendant on a relevant filing system is supplied to the Claimant forthwith.

Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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They still havent fully complied so im filing a Sec 7 claim and heres my particualrs of claim for comment.


My comments are in bold


1. The Claimant, a litigant in person, (might as well let the court know as to your status asap) had a credit card account xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ("the Account") with the Defendant which was open for a number of years and was closed on or around November 2001.


2. The Claimant wrote to the Defendant (copies enclosed and marked no.*) and made a Subject Access Request under Section 7 of the Data protection Act 1988 on the 25th July 2006 requesting a complete list of transactions and charges relating to my banking history with the Defendant. The maximum statutory fee of £10.00 was enclosed in the form of a cheque no ****** drawn in favour of the Defendant (Cashed 9th August 2006 as shown in the enclosed proof of payment and marked as no*


3. The Defendant supplied partial account data for the period August 2000 - November 2001. However, as shown in the enclosed copy and marked as no. the intial statement indicates an opening balance.


4. Despite supplementary written requests to the Defendant requesting confirmation of the transactions and charges on the whole of the Account history, the defendant has alleged in their letter of (date) and marked as no. that it does not hold data for more than 6 years and refuses to supply the data it holds on the Claimant.


5. In the data the defendant supplied to the Claimant, there are notes relating to account activity prior to the transaction and charges activity. (copies enclosed and marked as no. *)


The Claimant contends that :


a. The Defendant holds data relevant to the Claimant which it has failed to provide under Section 7 of the Data protection Act 1998.


b. The defendant has tried to mislead the Claimant by referring to statutory obligations to store data which are minimum periods and do not preclude the Defendant holding such Data for periods beyond the minimum.


Accordingly the Claimant request that:


i. That there is no statutory data retention period as claimed by the defendant and that the Court orders that all data held by the Defendant (delete) on a relevant filing system is supplied to the Claimant forthwith or give reasons to the court why it is not able to supply such data

(To deny they hold such data will involve knowingly misleading the court)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Right finally got round to issuing the claim at court yesterday, see whaty that turns up.


Who bets they have the dat and bets they dont?



Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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  • 3 weeks later...



I will post what i actually sent and just to update all, i have had the fee and my fiver damages paid by the defendant and asked the court for a stay to allow them time to comply.


Ill post all info shortly.



Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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My POC as entered on the N1


1. The Claimant had a credit card account xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ("the Account") with the

Defendant which was open for a number of years and was closed on or around November 2001.


2. The Claimant wrote to the Defendant and made a Subject Access Request under Section 7 of the Data protection Act 1988 on the 25th July 2006 requesting a complete list of transactions and charges relating to my banking history with the Defendant. The maximum statutory fee of £10.00 was enclosed in the form of a cheque drawn in favour of the Defendant (Cashed 9th August 2006).


3. The Defendant supplied partial account data for the period August 2000 - November 2001. However, the initial statement indicates an opening balance.


4. Despite supplementary written requests to the Defendant requesting confirmation of the transactions and charges on the whole of the Account history, the defendant has alleged it does not hold data for more than 6 years and refuses to supply the data it holds on the Claimant.


5. In the data the defendant supplied to the Claimant, there are notes relating to account activity prior to the transaction and charges activity.


The Claimant contends that :


a. The Defendant holds data relevant to the Claimant which it has failed to provide under Section 7 of the Data protection Act 1988.


b. The defendant has tried to mislead the Claimant by referring to statutory obligations to store data which are minimum periods and do not preclude the Defendant holding such Data for periods beyond the minimum.


Accordingly the Claimant requests that:


i. The court orders that all data held by the Defendant on a relevant filing system is supplied to the Claimant forthwith.


ii. The claimant is awarded his costs for bringing this matter before the courts.




Their response was to send some more info, it didn't have any reference and may just be a coincidence although bearing in mind they told me they didn't have any more data it seems unlikely and so i presumed its a response to my claim.


My response - Dear Co-op must try harder!!


25th October 2006


Dear Mr. Kerns

Re : Mr. Glenn Lewis Horton – v – The Co-operative Bank p.l.c

Claim Number : 6BQ04992

Basildon County Court




Further to my recent letter regarding my proposal for a stay during the Defendants investigations, I can confirm some further information, transactional data from July 1997 – July 2000 has been supplied.


However, the earliest statement shows an opening balance indicating that the account was operational before this time.


I require the defendant to supply all of the data they hold in respect of this account or to enter into court a statement as to why they cannot provide such data.


It is worth noting that this information was accompanied by a letter stating that ‘This completes all the transactional information we hold for you and to which you are entitled’.


I would point out that I wrote to the Defendant on the 15th September 2006 and received the response that ‘The Bank are only obliged to retain information for a period of 6 years.’ And that ‘After checking your records, I can confirm that any notes held by the bank were included…’


You will note that the Defendant has now supplied me with data covering a period from July 1997 to the close of the account in November 2001, data which is significantly over six years old and some of which is over 9 years old.


This is my final request for all of my data or a formal statement to be lodged with the court as to why my data cannot be provided.


I have tried to be reasonable with my request to the court for a stay pending the Defendant’s investigations, however, I find the behaviour of the Defendant distasteful in the extreme.


If the opportunity arises I will urge the Court to lift the stay and proceed with the case and let the court decide whether the response of the Co-operative Bank is reasonable and lawful.

Yours sincerely,







Mr Glenn Horton



Cc Basildon County Court

Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well its moved on a bit since then, I wrote to the court telling them about the basty Co-op and today got a stay isntructing us to settle the argument so will be sending this tomorrow



19th Floor


Miller Street


M60 0AL



9th November 2006



Dear Mr. Kerns


Re : Mr. Glenn Lewis Horton – v – The Co-operative Bank p.l.c

Claim Number : 6BQ04992

Basildon County Court


I have today received an Order from the Court for a stay pending the resolution of this claim until the 6th December 2006 (Copy attached).


I would ask that the Defendant provides a sworn statement as to the position with regards to my data.


It would be useful to confirm the following in the sworn statement


i) When the account was opened; and

ii) If they hold data but I am not entitled to it and if so by what reason, or

iii) If they do not hold data and it has been destroyed, when and why it was destroyed.


Upon receipt of the statement confirming the status of the data, I will consider the matter closed and will inform the court accordingly.


May I respectfully suggest that the Defendant provides the sworn statement before the 6th December 2006 to avoid further inconvenience and expense of the Court


Yours sincerely,





Mr Glenn Horton



Cc Basildon County Court


Lets hope the Co-op sees the lgiht and either coughs up or provides the sworn statement.



Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all


Well my claim for non-complaince against the Co-op has now been finalised after a bit of tooing and fro'ing.


As you will know I had submitted a claim for non-complaince and asked for the data or a statemtn setting out why they couldnt supply that data.


After telling me they did not have to hold data for more than six years and that if they did it had been supplied, they provided further data which was over 9 years old after i submitted the claim.


Then the wrangling started, i didnt believe they had provided the data and asked for a statment to be lodged in court. They basically refused and insisted they had provided the data.


Today i had a hearing to determine the outcome. I received this morning a letter from the defendant with a witness statement they had submitted to the court stating they had provided all of my data.


They had sent the letter on the 15th and the court received their copy yesterday. in truth i wasnt entirely happy with the wording, but the judge suggested that they had complied and essentially said that unless i had any evidence to the contrary he felt that the claim had been satisfied.


I was cacking it to be honest, its the first time i have had to go to court to debate anything of this nature, even though i have spoken in court as an epxert on many occiasions, its kinda different when you have to set out arguments and such like, or at least to be prepared to do so.


The judge was pretty cool, he was polite, not condescending at all and recognised that the claim was valid and that i had done some research.


He did point out that the ICO could and perhaps should deal with such claims through their complaints procedure, and i did discuss the back log of complaints i knew they had at the moment.


I have set out a revised POC which if others are going to go the same route i would recommend assuming that ypu take the responsibligty for tghier use but it might make your claims easier and less drawn out than mine.


1. The Claimant had a credit card/bank account xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ("the Account") with the

Defendant which was open for a number of years and was closed on or around month year.


2. The Claimant wrote to the Defendant and made a Subject Access Request under Section 7 of the Data protection Act 1988 on the xx/xx/xx requesting a complete list of transactions and charges relating to my banking history with the Defendant. The maximum statutory fee of £10.00 was enclosed in the form of a cheque drawn in favour of the Defendant


3. The Defendant supplied partial account data for the period xx/xx/xx- xx/xx/xx. However, the initial statement indicates an opening balance. Amend as necessary


4. Despite supplementary written requests to the Defendant requesting confirmation of the transactions and charges on the whole of the Account history, the defendant has alleged it does not hold data for more than 6 years and refuses to supply the data it holds on the Claimant.


5. In the data the defendant supplied to the Claimant, there are notes relating to account activity prior to the transaction and charges activity.


The Claimant contends that :


a. The Defendant holds data relevant to the Claimant which it has failed to provide under Section 7 of the Data protection Act 1988.


b. The defendant has tried to mislead the Claimant by referring to statutory obligations to store data which are minimum periods and do not preclude the Defendant holding such Data for periods beyond the minimum.


Accordingly the Claimant requests that:


i. The court orders that all data held by the Defendant on a relevant filing system is supplied to the Claimant forthwith; or

ii) provide a statment setting out the following information:

ii. ) When the account was opened; and

ii) If they hold data but I am not entitled to it and if so by what reason, or

iii) If they do not hold data and it has been destroyed, when and why it was destroyed.

ii. The claimant is awarded his costs for bringing this matter before the courts

Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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Hi all


Well my claim for non-compliance against the Co-op has now been finalised after a bit of tooing and fro'ing.


As you will know I had submitted a claim for non-compliance and asked for the data or a statement setting out why they couldn't supply that data.


After telling me they did not have to hold data for more than six years and that if they did it had been supplied, they provided further data which was over 9 years old after i submitted the claim.


Then the wrangling started, i didn't believe they had provided the data and asked for a statement to be lodged in court. They basically refused and insisted they had provided the data.


Today i had a hearing to determine the outcome. I received this morning a letter from the defendant with a witness statement they had submitted to the court stating they had provided all of my data.


They had sent the letter on the 15th and the court received their copy yesterday. in truth i wasn't entirely happy with the wording, but the judge suggested that they had complied and essentially said that unless i had any evidence to the contrary he felt that the claim had been satisfied.


I was cacking it to be honest, its the first time i have had to go to court to debate anything of this nature, even though i have spoken in court as an expert on many occasions, its kinda different when you have to set out arguments and such like, or at least to be prepared to do so.


The judge was pretty cool, he was polite, not condescending at all and recognised that the claim was valid and that i had done some research.


He did point out that the Information Commissioners Office could and perhaps should deal with such claims through their complaints procedure, and i did discuss the back log of complaints i knew they had at the moment.


I have set out a revised POC which if others are going to go the same route i would recommend assuming that you take the responsibility for its use but it might make your claims easier and less drawn out than mine.


1. The Claimant had a credit card/bank account xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ("the Account") with the

Defendant which was open for a number of years and was closed on or around month year.


2. The Claimant wrote to the Defendant and made a Subject Access Request under Section 7 of the Data protection Act 1988 on the xx/xx/xx requesting a complete list of transactions and charges relating to my banking history with the Defendant. The maximum statutory fee of £10.00 was enclosed in the form of a cheque drawn in favour of the Defendant


3. The Defendant supplied partial account data for the period xx/xx/xx- xx/xx/xx. However, the initial statement indicates an opening balance. Amend as necessary


4. Despite supplementary written requests to the Defendant requesting confirmation of the transactions and charges on the whole of the Account history, the defendant has alleged it does not hold data for more than 6 years and refuses to supply the data it holds on the Claimant.


5. In the data the defendant supplied to the Claimant, there are notes relating to account activity prior to the transaction and charges activity.


The Claimant contends that :


a. The Defendant holds data relevant to the Claimant which it has failed to provide under Section 7 of the Data protection Act 1988.


b. The defendant has tried to mislead the Claimant by referring to statutory obligations to store data which are minimum periods and do not preclude the Defendant holding such Data for periods beyond the minimum.


Accordingly the Claimant requests that:


i. The court orders that all data held by the Defendant on a relevant filing system is supplied to the Claimant forthwith; or

ii. Provide a statement setting out the following information:

a)When the account was opened; and

b) If they hold data but I am not entitled to it and if so by what reason, or

c) If they do not hold data and it has been destroyed, when and why it was


iii. The claimant is awarded his costs for bringing this matter before the courts







Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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Hi Glenn,


have you a post detailing your succes with Co-Op as this post seems to just detail your complaint with them regards non-compliance.


I've received Co_op statements today and now need to consider claiming C.I. and charges beyond 6 years against Co-Op.


You post would be SOOO helpful as a guide.


Many thanks,



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sorry if its not clear as yet i have claimed my charges back, the non-compliance hearing was only recent and they provided the statement that they had complied a day or so before the hearing.


Now i will issue an N1 to reclaim the charges, which should be fun as there aren't many of them and they're older than six years.


If you have any questions you think i can help you with give me a link to your thread and ill help if i can.


I do have two other claims on the go, one with abbey ongoing, and one with b/card I'm waiting for the money and there is all my details for claiming in there.





Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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I see - sorry Glenn I misunderstood your thread.


I've received Co-Op Credit card statements today for the last 6 years and have written back to them requesting ALL statements which go back 8 years so I'll see how I get on in obtaining these.


This is my first claim against a credit card and need to research the best approach but am I correct in thinking we can claim C.I against them??? ( I know that you successfully claimed with C.I from MBNA).


I'm bewildered by the info I've got so far on the statements as whilst charges are clear I haven't got a clue about interest that we can claim back as we do for bank accounts.


Any advices at this early stage.


Your help as ever v.much appreciated.



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1st off yes you can claim the CI, second interest can be a bit confusing.


If you use one of the spreadsheets for calcualting CI interest though i think this is the best way to deal with it.


As long as you use the right spreadsheet and input the data all will be well, i know i used Mindzais spreadsheet for my claims but Vampiresses are fine to.


there is support for both options so please have a look at the spreadsheets and see how you get on.





Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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Thanks Glenn - I'll have a go at using Mindzais spreadsheet this evening and no doubt shout for your help once I get stuck!!


Just out of interest are you aware of any cases where Co-Op have settled with C.I. or is this still uncharted territory??



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Nope i am not aware, but then again i havent spent hardly any time on the co-op threads because my time has been takenup by my abbey and b'card claims.


ill know soon enough though.



Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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Hi Glenn,


Could you advise whether your claiming for Co-op bank account or credit card??


I'm struggling to find many threads regarding Co-Op credit card and I need some advice so if you were claiming for credit card maybe we could help each other for our forthcoming claims??



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credit card, whats your problem?




Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Glenn,


Firstly, i understand you've become a father - congratulations mate and no doubt you'll be spending less time on here now or posting threads at 4.00am in the morning between bottle feeds!!


I therefore feel a little guilty in again asking for your advice but having started numerous claims against my current accounts I'm now proceeding against credit cards.


I know you had 100% success against MBNA in claiming back all charges plus Contractual Interest thus my reason for asking you for advice before anyone else.


My question is, I've got all of my statements from Co-Op (who I know you are claiming against also) but really am unsure as to what spreadsheet I should be using. Could you possibly advise which spreadsheet you have used to calculate your CI for Credit Cards aginst MBNA and for your Co-Op claim.


I'm happy filling the spreadsheets out but am just unsure as to which I should be using. Without take the p also would you have a link to the spready you've used??


I understand if you may be tied up with other matters of your own but if you could reply to this post I'd be most appreciative.


Many thanks in advance,



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No problems re the spreasheet i used the one prepared by mindzai for current accounts!! :D


I think in credit card terms it probably under estimates.


So im not the best person to ask, try Bill-K in the contractual interest he knows vamps sheet almost as well as vamps i think.





Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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