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Found 6 results

  1. Good Afternoon All I have been trying to reach the pitmantrainingaudio.com website to practice my shorthand and have been unable to. I was advised that this would be open to me as it did not require login credentials. I was discouraged by my centre manager at Holborn from buying the shorthand extensions and was told to do the reinforced audio from Pitmantrainingaudio.com Pitmantrainingaudio.com has not been working since 30.11.2016 and I was advised that it had gone on to pitman campus the same platform I was discouraged by the centre from using. I was informed I would have to pay £50 for 2 weeks of service double what they charge their other students! So it’s like I’m being forced to make payments I can’t afford! Other issues I have had with them recently are listed below: • Writing me emails to confirm I had a distinction only to confirm "they made a mistake" it was just a pass • Writing sarcastic educational reference letters in hope to deter potential employers from offering me employment • Trying to charge me more money per month than they do their other students. For the same distance learning although I only have ONE module left to complete! I asked if I could purchase one week for £25 as I had worked hard and did not really need anymore than a week anyway. I was then told "although we appreciate your circumstances we are not prepared to accommodate you on this occasion". Im surprised that for a student that study two qualifications with Pitman they would try to discourage me in my goal of achieving a better education. especially being so close to getting them all completed once and for all. I have spoken to the Skills Funding Agency, Department for Education and the Educational Ombudsmen all were very sympathetic but have assured me to raise the complaint Via Pitman Headquarters which I have done. Unfortunately I dont have much faith that they will come to any form of a sensible agreement with me so I am getting all my paperwork ready for the next steps of action has anyone any suggestions where I can practice some shorthand outline audios without the aid of pitman I need to set the Exam by the 10.12.2016?
  2. I was a vodafone customer in 2009-2010. After my 24 months contract had come to the end I terminated it immediately a few weeks later I received a confirmation of EXTENDING my contract for another 24 months. When I logged in to my online account I realised that another phone number was added to my account and there was an outstanding payment to be made on that number. I notified vodafone customer service the same day about unauthorised access to my account and was assured a relevant team would deal with it. Because my contract was terminated I forgot about the case. A few days ago I applied for finance and was rejected due to an unpaid bill to vodafone of £200. What can I do about it? I am trying to deal with CS but apparently they cannot help me because I cannot remember my account details. What I cannot understand is that a mobile provider is above the law, they can accuse me of owing them money, affect my life very badly and remain unpunnished? Do I have to pay a silicitor to deal with it to be treatet seriously and have my case resolved? Has anyone been in athe same position and could give me any advise? Thank you in advance
  3. Good evening all, a friend of mine refered me to this site as he uses you guys to resolve issues and has great success. I am looking for advice as to where I stand with regards to being denied the chance to interview for promotion, despite meeting the qualifying criteria. This is compounded by the fact the job was posted whilst I was on leave, and upon return the link to the application failed (even though thejob was only open for a week, and company policy is for two weeks). When the HR manager finally placed a manual application in for me the interviews had been held (still with in the two week period), I was contacted today by my area manager to state that I wouldn't be getting an interview (even though I am above the promotional criteria in the matrix they use). He infered that they already had a successful applicant and reserve, this is despite the job still being open in the two weeks. I am looking for advice and direction as to my options, this experience has made me want to leave my company as this is my area managers decision, I qualify for promotion and joined the company to porgress. I fell let down, angry, upset and frustrated, all I wanted was to build a career and now within the space of a 30 minute conversation I want any new job that is available. Thanks in advance.
  4. I went to Thorpe Park yesterday but on my journey to the train station I was late and as soon as I arrived at the station I literally had to jump on the train as it was about to leave. (I even lost my scarf which one of the staff on the platform kindly ran to the train and handed it over to the conductor for me.) On the train I approached the conductor and asked for a return ticket to Staines. After notifying me it was £15.90 for the fare I started to collect the correct amount from my purse. Halfway doing so he then tells me that a Travelcard is cheaper and would also take me to Staines as well. (We had a little chat about travelcards, offer wise, so he should actually remember me...) Surprised about this new knowledge I went ahead and bought a Day travelcard for the cost of £15.70 (Not much difference I'd say but to a student a little goes a long way.) Upon arriving at Staines, I wasn't able to get out of the barrier and the staff at the ticket barrier tells me that my ticket isn't valid here and just sends me to her colleague without explaining why. It was there and then I was issued a penalty fine for travelling beyond validity. Even when I explained the situation to the member of staff he just kept asking for details ignoring a word I was saying and wanted me to cough up £20 on the spot. I asked about appealing and got the answer, "what appeal?" I was so annoyed. Anyway, I ended up giving details and not paying. This was when I was told after being repeatedly asked the same questions that I was to pay the money at xxx location or appeal at the Ircas website. (So what was all the, "oh you can't appeal" from before?) I was also notified to buy a Single ticket from Staines to Feltham on the way home else I will be fined again. I'm writing here to ask the community on how I should write the appeal letter and actually be able to claim back my Single train ticket fare of £2.80 and also to not pay the penalty fare due to their staff misleading me that a travelcard covered the area to Staines. If I had knew it wasn't in the catchment area I would have paid the extra 20-30 pence for a return ticket (It was £16 when I checked online), instead of paying an absurd amount of £22.80 extra for a day out to Thorpe Park. I have taken photos of my train tickets and also the ends of the tickets where it shows the difference between one bought from a conductor (ripped edges) and another from a machine (straight clean cut). Thank You. Amy
  5. It's quite a long story, bare with me. In 2009, I was interviewed for a position with a company which is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. I did not get the job, however, the employer was so impressed with my work that when I offered to volunteer I was welcomed with open arms and then they were so impressed with my work that they decided to pay me on a freelance basis and I was offered 2 hours per week for a term. I was then given a different full time job with a separate company and had to turn down those 2 hours - which I did in very good time before I was due to start. Recently, the same position I had initially applied for became vacant again. I reapplied, hopeful that I would be given an interview as the job spec and form were exactly the same, in addition to my current job giving me more experience in several of the desired fields. I was not offered an interview and when I asked for feedback I was ignored. It feels unfair... If I'm just being silly then I'm happy to accept that, but is what the company have done ok? Any advice anyone could offer would be fantastic. Thank you!
  6. Hi Everyone i am in need of help...got a letter of a court hearing for respossesion by halifax. I do have arrears from an arrangemnet that had failed due to jobloss.the last agreement i missed 2 months and then in june my fixed interest rate came to an end bring my mortgage to considerable lower monthly payment ....halifax asked me to do a budget which i did offering to pay £100 on top of the now lower mortgage ..which i can afford easily. they accepted the offer via writting from their solicitors and asked me to make the first payment on 28th june which i have paid promptly...but they are still taking the matter to court to reposses the property....in the letter from the solicitors after agreeing to the arrangement..they stated ......"that they would ask the court to grant an Order for Possesion suspended upon the above agreed terms at the forthcoming hearing.Provided the agreed payments are maintained in the future, our client will be unable to obtain an eviction date by enforcing the order for possesion'' Please what should i do? .....i have always been in contact with them since the issues started....please what should i do....I am married but no children yet....i have the copies of all the letters. Can they still go to court to reposses despite having agreed to the agreed and I having paid.Is there something i can do to stop them I also noted that there has been several £35 charges throughout the start of the mortgage...i dont know the sum but with all times i have been seeing those charges letters it might be more than hyalf of the arears...if not all.Can i use this charges in my favour as i think it isquite unfair thanks for all your help...the hearing is on 28th July 2010
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