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Found 2 results

  1. Hi please can someone help me. I was awarded a suspended eviction order on 9th November 2009. Whereby the judge ordered if I had to go again I had to go before him and He would basically chuck us out (due to me being there previously) That was dated until November 2010 - Will this be relevent now. Mortgage is with Santander. I have fell behind a few times since just before xmas, but ALWAYS made it up. I am up to date with my payments. And dont owe anything til end of September. My arrears currently stand at £856.71 I have been away on holiday, and come back to a Warrent for the possession of property. Eviction will take place at 28th August at 10.20am. Santander, phoned me in on 20th July - My payments where up to date. Requested I went through a income expenditure with them - right there and then on the phone. I was at work and requested they put the forms in the post. I promptly filled them in and posted them back. Santander say today that because they didnt get them & I defaulted on court agreement they either want the Full £856.71 or the House. Please help me Please help 1 small child and a pretend teenager. Reading through some of the other threads, people have been evicted for being up to date. Really starting to panic Forgot to say I do work, and can pay the mortgage. Just messed my money up a few times this year. But It was payed as soon as, And I am up to date
  2. My son disabilities etc - I am concerned about things in relation to the 'appeal papers' prepared submitted to the FtT; iin their extent and possible impliication's? plus a few errors (dates). Section 2 - Schedule of Evidence:- doc nos: 1 - 3 original appeal letter 19/03/2007 4-57 new claim for dla 05/09/2006 58-61 medical report gp 03/10/2006 62-63 new claim decision 22/11/2006 64-69 request to look again 13/12/2006 70-75 advice medical services 16/01/2007 76-79 record of reconsideration 24/01/2007 80-84 evidence from represent 08/08/2007 85 notice of appeal decision 06/08/2007 86-93 request leave to appeal 15/10/2007 to commissioners 94 decision of tribunal 03/01/2008 95 computer record of issue 17/04/2011 of renewal claim pack. 96 record of telephone call 12/10/2011 97-134 new claim for dla 01/11/2011 135-141 med report psychiatrist 14/12/2011 142-147 " " GP 23/12/2011 148-150 computer decision 09/01/2012 151-154 notification of decision 09/01/2012 155 Appeal Letter 08/02/2012 156 record of reconsideration 20/03/2012 (informal) Section 3 - The Decision (now this is a little confusing?) It states he is not entitled to either the mobility component or the care component from 01/11/2012 - does not satisfy conditions etc. ok? The last paragraph states: The Tribunal may wish to note that prior to this new claim Mr X had an award of DLA as given by a Tribunal on 03/01/2008. The award of LRM AND MRC expired 04/09/2011. As the renewal claim was not received prior to 04/09/2011 the subsequent claim pack was treated as a new claim. In order to give a full back ground to the case, the papers relating to the previous claim (as submitted to the Tribunal of 04/09/11), have been included in date order. Section 2 - this seems to be pretty much EVERYTHING on file regarding a previous claim ? Section 3 - seems to contradict itself in stating 'As the renewal claim ......prior to 04/09/2011 .......treated as a new claim. Then goes on to state "in order to give a full back ground to the case .,......... well which is it ??????? also "as submitted to the Tribunal of 04/09/2011 ?" WHAT TRIBUNAL ON 04/09/2011?". This doesnt make sense. Also it could make any decisionss of the Tribunal bias toward the applicant, in delving into all his previous information. Plus most of which irrelevant now as he was a child then and adult now. (age 22 ). The facts of the case are even more confusing and misleading, as they are listed in order from 2006 (really not relevant to now!) 5.1 - 5.20 ! How can he best approach this matter ? thanks ???????
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