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Found 3 results

  1. I have been to the Pandora shop in the Trafford Centre in Manchester tonight to purchase a bracelet, safety chain and cleaning kit. Tried to use a gift card I got last year for my birthday. Lady scanned the card and it showed the card was valid till 23.09.2021. Balance on the card was 50.00. Available balance was NIL. Lady said they are only valid for 12 months and showed me the date written on the reverse saying 23.09.2017 and where it clearly says on the card 'Valid for 12 months from date of purchase'. She said it obviously isn't down to them, it is the card issuer, but she couldn't accept it as part payment for my purchase. Suggested I ring them but only got a recorded message saying it was 12 months. No more info. If the balance wasn't what I thought then it could be down to card fees processed by the issuer. To say I am fuming is an understatement. Does anyone have any idea if this is legal? That gift card was purchased in good faith. The person who purchased it wasn't advised it only lasted 12 months. It has happily sat inside the card it came in so it didn't get lost. Do I now accept that Pandora have 50.00 of my money that I cannot spend with them and apparently not get back? Or is there some way I can take this further? Apologies if I have listed this in the wrong thread, but any help would be gratefully received.
  2. @PANDORA_UK Hi there, I would like some advice please. Last week I purchased a 'Abundance Of Love' ring from Pandora UK on their online store for my daughters 16th birthday which is this coming Thursday. The cost in the sale was £19 plus £5 delivery. Today I received a parcel from Pandora. In the parcel is my invoice for the ring at £19 and delivery £5. However in the parcel there were two jewellery boxes. One had a necklace and pendant in. The other had 5 x Pandora charms in. After looking on the website I estimate the cost of this order around £300-£350. I like to think I am an honest person and although my dispatch note only said the ring I thought its only fair I ring and tell them about their error. I called and explained I ordered a £19 ring and have received over £300 of jewellery. They said once I send the jewellery back to them they will dispatch my ring. I said is there anyway around this as I would like the ring for my daughters birthday on Thursday. (ok its only £19 but should have been £45 - money is tight at the moment and this was going to be a special present for her) He put me on hold and said he spoke to his manager and no they couldnt do anything until I sent the parcel back. I said ok is a courier coming to collect it. He then said no you need to take it to the post office tomorrow and send it back to us recorded delivery! I kept very polite and said I rang you and was 100% honest when I could have just kept quiet and kept all this jewellery and now you are telling me that I have to take time out of work tomorrow to go into town to the postoffice and I have to pay to return it. He said yes or we cannot send out your original ring order. I asked to speak to management but suddenly no one was available. He said someone would call me right back but no one has. Am I right in being extremely angry that this is their mistake yet I have to pay for it? Can they make me? Am I within my rights to refuse to post it back at my expense? I am more then happy to have a courier come and collect it but I work from home and cannot easily get out to town for the postoffice during the week. I am so upset that I did the honest decent thing and now I am going to be out of pocket and my daughter will not have her birthday present. Any advice is appreciated. thank you
  3. I have a Pandora bracelet and over the last 18 months have collected loads of charms, having them as birthday and Christmas presents. I've probably got about £800 worth of them . The bracelet is out of the standard one year warranty (by 7 months), but recently despite only being worn for special occasions, it broke and fell off my wrist. Luckily I was at home so didn't lose anything. The bracelet itself is in excellent condition, in fact only days prior to this I had it professionally cleaned in a Pandora store. I've taken it to two jewellers and both say its clearly a manufacturing fault in the clasp. Pandora are not interested and refuse to help, although they did say I should take it to a store to see if it can be repaired and that I'd have to pay. I thought that every product has to be fit for purpose, clearly this one isn't. Do I have any legal rights? Any help greatly appreciated !
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