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Found 2 results

  1. Hi Group Earlier this year in January while claiming JSA my Mortgage Interest help ran out as I had claimed MI help for the maximum 2 years. I then returned to work in February but unfortunately became unemployed again in September and started claiming JSA again. Will the 52 week linking rule mean that I am not entitled to MI help. As the new claim will be "linked" to my old claim which I had already received the maximum 2 years of MI help? Thank you for your replies in advance iain
  2. both letters are are dated 11-8-11. the income support letter says... "i'm writing to tell you that your recent change in circumstances does not effect the amount of incom support we pay you, however there may br future changes to your entitlement. this may be because of future changes you have told us about, the uprating of benefit or changes in deductions from your benefit." the mortgage interest payment letter says... "because there has been a change in your circumstances we have had to change the mone we take off your benefit to pay the interest on yor mortgage." thier payments have gone down by 74p per week from the 25th of August. my circumstances haven't changed and i haven't told them they've changed, so what's this about? has anyone else got letters like this?
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