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Found 3 results

  1. hi all I have been fortunate enough to find work a year ago. Upon finding work I signed off JSA and that was that. However Ingues have been persistent to ask me for employer details etc. After missing calls,not replying to emails they sent me a letter telling me if I don't phone them back, they will visit my home to ask for a employment update. There is still a year left on my '2 year programme' that I signed. Should I just avoid the hassle and tell them or if they come tell them to p*ss off.
  2. Writing this on behalf of someone else(same as last thread) who is sat with me but says I may aswell post it instead of him making an account for one query Basically, my friend has been on the dole for nearly 2 years now after being made redundant. Being dyslexic, he has found it harder than most to secure employment. However he has managed to get a 0 hour contract recently which he has now started. About 2 days before he signed his contract, the jobcentre referred him to igneus. He has not yet had his initial appointment with igneus. Today, he signed off the dole, was told his final payment will be there on monday and that everything is sorted with the claim being closed down and that. About an hour or so later he received a text from igneus saying he had to attend an appointment with them tomorrow at 11.40. He rang them to say he had signed off and doesnt need their 'help'...was passed around FIVE people to try and cancel this appointment, then was finally answered by a lady who told him that in order to cancel the appointment he had to tell them all of the details of his new job. He refused to, as he didnt see what business it was of theirs, especially as hes not actually even on their course yet. They then tried to tell him that he would have to make another appointment to come in and let them know employer details if he would not tell them over the phone...as the jobcentre have nothing to do with him now and everything should be through them. Is this right? Surely if the jobcentre are satisfied and have signed him off and have his new employers details and such, he does NOT have to tell igneus anything? Hes a bit worried now, but I told him not to be. As far as I am aware, they can sanction but if hes not actually on jobseekers anymore, theres nothing they can do to him? I suspect from reading around a bit, that igneus are trying to claim credit for my friend getting the job, despite it having absolutely nothing to do with them, in order to claim their bonus
  3. just wondering as im about to start the work program and need to know if it'll effect my christmas plans.
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